Does anyone know what the white is on these leafs?
5 replies
16 Aug, 2017 Cynthia
Does anyone know the name of these two flowers?
3 replies
Can I plant hollyhock seeds now?
8 replies
My garden is being smothered by this perennial geranium
16 Aug, 2017 Moorhey
Should I cut back my bottle brush plant which is a bit leggy in places
2 replies
16 Aug, 2017 Rhodaann
ID. I have these Blackberries growing in my garden but the leaves are so different...
1 reply
15 Aug, 2017 Ladyessex1
for the first time I have grown Wall Flowers from seed
15 Aug, 2017 Myouse
what is the best potatoes to grow outside for xmas and how late can i be to grow...
15 Aug, 2017 Taldridge39
I love my Dwarf Robinia pseudoacacia
15 Aug, 2017 Sheilabub
I'd like to transplant this rhodie to the back wall of my garden - facing north
11 replies
15 Aug, 2017 Bathgate
Can anyone ID this please?
15 Aug, 2017 Greenfingers
Which is the best hawthorn for the garden
4 replies
15 Aug, 2017 Alanroyle
Can anyone please tell me what is wrong with my Rhododendron?
7 replies
15 Aug, 2017 Macartist
Hello - I have an indoor palm - kentia I believe - that is growing too large for...
15 Aug, 2017 Jangletom
Help me keep this plant alive!
15 Aug, 2017 Oidara
do i cut back iris after flowering or allow the seed pod to grow?
15 Aug, 2017 Cbee
Our neighbours May Tree (Hawthorn) has Red Berries on it already
Can you name this plant please
15 Aug, 2017 Homebird
Can you tell me what these daisy like plants are
Azalea plants
14 Aug, 2017 Tilly3181
Can someone help me identify this plant please
14 Aug, 2017 Wint
Hello, I am a sculptor and I am planing on making a temporary piece the in end of...
14 replies
14 Aug, 2017 Puddingo
Is this a weed
12 replies
14 Aug, 2017 Canalhopper
I was recently given this plant as a "Euphorbia"
14 Aug, 2017 Gralew
Something, so far invisible
14 Aug, 2017 Bjm
Multiple Choice Quiz
13 replies
14 Aug, 2017 Bathgate
I have a Campsis Indian Summer planted against a south east facing fence it grows...
14 Aug, 2017 Animalsdad
Has anyone used Strulch?
We have a new garden
14 Aug, 2017 Naomipat
I bought some tomato seeds early in the year from B&Q on the packet they are...
9 replies
14 Aug, 2017 Dave_p
Why have my potatoes got scab
13 Aug, 2017 Patricialever
I have been clearing an old border
25 replies
13 Aug, 2017 Jackrussell
Hello . I have this tree in my garden
13 Aug, 2017 Jergrav
My water lily hasn't flowered this year
13 Aug, 2017 Rebscooter
I have a self pollinating cherry tree and a new spur has grown up away from the tree
13 Aug, 2017 Donnyperks
I am a complete beginner at water gardening
13 Aug, 2017 Johnmac
Is anyone able to tell me what variety of acer this is please?
13 Aug, 2017 Woofygalore
why do we not get any flowers on our Wisteria or our campsis?
13 Aug, 2017 Valenphil
What plants are these ?
13 Aug, 2017 Tmeekss
What should I do to save this shrub
13 Aug, 2017 Roseberry
What is this plant
My chrysanthemums have all come up blind
13 Aug, 2017 Westyp
what is this started with pink flower
13 Aug, 2017 Gill123
Monarda Pink Lace query
13 Aug, 2017 Slimdil
Hi all, Does any one know what this flower is called?
13 Aug, 2017 Kristen
I was told that Spinach in my salads was better for me than lettuce so since I couldn't...
10 replies
13 Aug, 2017 Hank
13 Aug, 2017 Walthamstow
I have a fuchsia I planted to far forward in the border when can I move it to the...
13 Aug, 2017 Shrubland
is it possible to keep the verve Abelia grandiflora to a reasonable size ?
13 Aug, 2017 Deborahforde
Tulip bulbs
12 Aug, 2017 Merlinbabydog