why has my hydrangea leaves turned yellow
3 replies
17 Dec, 2009 Caretaker1900
This is My Bluespruce that had Red Spider Mites last year
15 replies
17 Dec, 2009 Jacque
what zone are you in and what types of plants do you have in this area?
2 replies
17 Dec, 2009 Guest
can a evergren be moved in dec or is that to late
Buddlea Alternifolia I got a B
8 replies
16 Dec, 2009 Micky45
I'm trying to identify this plant for a friend
5 replies
16 Dec, 2009 Tecolote
how do i get rid of ellworm in my veg garden
1 reply
16 Dec, 2009 Guest
man thanks joan i work with autistic students on an allotment as i'm sure you...
Suddenly it's cold and snowing and the birds are lining up for water and food
18 replies
16 Dec, 2009 Ginellie
sa xifraga when do you prune
I was quite upset today to find that something has been digging up my tulips from...
16 Dec, 2009 Spritzhenry
can i grow one in a tub
I have two cone shaped box and they have been fine for the two years but now they...
16 Dec, 2009 Bidget
I have two of the cone shaped box which I have had for two years but they have started...
will a standered rose do well in a container
How do I know which "Kruidjie-roer-my-nie" plant do I have and how to care...
16 Dec, 2009 Janetkendall
why do folidge go yellow on ends
care tips for pittosporum silver magic
15 Dec, 2009 Guest
where can i find christmass holly in ireland
Should gaura me cut back in the autumn?
Unidentified House Plant
10 replies
15 Dec, 2009 Curvyblonde
My clematis plants are showing energetic spring growth in December - one is in bud
when is the best time to plant christmas hyacinth
When do gooseberry bushes usually fruit ?
4 replies
15 Dec, 2009 Denbo
My gladioli that I planted in the spring in my front garden which flowered in july...
15 Dec, 2009 Gailsam
how do you stop weeds returning
14 replies
14 Dec, 2009 Wesso
Christmas trees hi all
14 Dec, 2009 Stevebuk
Can you Plant Bulbs
12 replies
14 Dec, 2009 Jacque
what apple tree variety would you reccomend for a clay soil fairly open aspect there...
14 Dec, 2009 Pamg
I would like to arrang delivery of a christmas rose arrangement
14 Dec, 2009 Guest
when should fronds be cut off - lower than 3-9 o'clock ?
How do I move a pampas grass to a new location?
14 Dec, 2009 Stuartnthom..
I have a grape vine vitis vinifera which is planted outdoors at my house in spain
14 Dec, 2009 Laroda
My small Japanese Maple has developed wood which is dead looking
14 Dec, 2009 Mad
is the salvia hot lips hardy in winter in the south east?
I have lots of small patches of soil on my lawn it appears like small circles of...
14 Dec, 2009 Reduced
just recieved my mammoth onion seeds and leeks from robinsons has anyone ever tried...
14 Dec, 2009 Ricky
how much do you water ponsettas
14 Dec, 2009 Wildsugar98
how do i get my orchid to re flower after prunning?
13 Dec, 2009 Guest
how to plant a fig tree
Thanks for tip on bird seed now can you give me some ideas of some plants to put...
13 Dec, 2009 Lujean
Pine Tree Identity Please
21 replies
13 Dec, 2009 Dawnsaunt
on one of my evergreen plants
13 Dec, 2009 Joseph
wgat to do when nasturtiums die off
is erythronium dens-canis
When should we plant seeds of Rhodchiton
i would like a small holly bush with spiky leaves and red berries
my vine is now coming into its fifth year
13 Dec, 2009 Grasshopper..
the Stem of my Canariensis is about 1m high and has all these woody rotting leafends...
what 3 plants like acid soils
9 replies