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All the pears on my tree have
1 reply
28 Aug, 2010 Blortwick
Hi everyone I am looking at putting my new 6X6 greenhouse up this weekend weather...
2 replies
28 Aug, 2010 Steveg1966
perennial plant pref
28 Aug, 2010 Guest
I am unable to identifie this plant growing in my garden
3 replies
I planted a gooseberry bush early on this year
28 Aug, 2010 Rouillon
Dry elevated bank shade from trees and wall
4 replies
what veg can i grow in september
One of my fatsia plants has started drooping all over all of a sudden
5 replies
27 Aug, 2010 Sgbshirley
My fatsia is all droopy
When Is the best time to repot Acer tree
27 Aug, 2010 Guest
Could someone please advise me on Winter Flowering Pansy Seeds
27 Aug, 2010 Petertoone
Please help me identify the disease which kills my plants
27 Aug, 2010 2008agnes
Does this Fuchsia look as though it's been attacked by Capsid Bug?
8 replies
27 Aug, 2010 Balcony
i I am new here and very new to gardening
Can anybody identify this weed?
Do you cut off the long stem after flowering
how much root space does it need
Does anyone know what this is please?
11 replies
27 Aug, 2010 Anchorman
can anyone give me advise on how to get rid of clover in my lawn
can anyone identify this plant its about 7ft tall
27 Aug, 2010 Troyjoal
fuchsias are they poisonous my dog keeps eating the flowers
6 replies
There is a very small caterpiller on my grapes
27 Aug, 2010 Kilcock
hi not exactly gardening question but about the site can anyone understand why there...
27 Aug, 2010 Kev
We have grown several small proteas
27 Aug, 2010 Dessmale
has anybody got any advice on collecting and storing tomato seeds
7 replies
27 Aug, 2010 Sandra
20 headed
just repotted my picea pungens hoopsii from a10inch pot to a12 inch pot i the am...
27 Aug, 2010 Mickyt
Are there any ornamental
how can i get rid of a fairy ring on my lawn
please advise me when to plant seeds of Sollya Heterophylla
should soil be improved when planting box plants
are the berries edible for humans
13 replies
I'd love to buy a garden shed not only to house tools but to help protect some...
27 Aug, 2010 Missyrolph
I am building an eco house where the following situation will exist
My mature pear tree
27 Aug, 2010 Barbarap
I have had a victoria plum tree for many years and it has produced an abundance of...
27 Aug, 2010 Walkeb
what plants should i use for a shady areas
when is it best to move a grape vine
I have bought an aubergine plant in a pot and have kept in the pot watering and feeding...
27 Aug, 2010 Nazanin
I have a pear tree in my garden but when I pick them to ripen they don't soften...
27 Aug, 2010 Poopsanddee
I have a fern like weed taking over my lawn
How do you over-winter begonias
how do i grow a maple tree
ref gravel grive after heavy rainfall very dark jelly like fungus has appeared
I have two 8ft high corderlines
27 Aug, 2010 Actrosme
I have two Campsis Madame Galen grown from cuttings about four years ago
Potato shaws I read somewhere recently that it is okay to compost your tattie...
14 replies
27 Aug, 2010 Moon_grower
do i remove leaves to allow my grapes more light to ripen?
how do I get rid of raspberry canes which are coming up all over my lawn from a patch...
27 Aug, 2010 Katekohling