I have an area at the side of my turf in which to plant some things
2 replies
24 Apr, 2011 Janehouldsw..
I have just a small area in which to plant some plants at the side of my turf
1 reply
Im having a new garden path made with bricks
3 replies
24 Apr, 2011 Cookygirl41
I live in the middle of italy and last year i grew strawberries
24 Apr, 2011 Margarethea..
I bought a huge pot
15 replies
24 Apr, 2011 Adoons
How to eradicate Hogweed
6 replies
24 Apr, 2011 Dawnsaunt
Is Dicentra another pic
4 replies
24 Apr, 2011 Lindameadle
I have a potted Bay tree that is frost damage is there any hope for it?
Another pic of Dicentra?
How do you get the fur on a cacti?
24 Apr, 2011 Beckie123x
Is this Dicentra?
8 replies
How can I get rid of looks like wild rhubarb that grows really tall and all over...
24 Apr, 2011 Gardenmoe
My 22yr Mahonia starting to look poorly
24 Apr, 2011 Scotkat
I want to sterilise the soil in my greenhouse
24 Apr, 2011 Jpettitt
when planting mirabillis jalapa tubers do you lay them down or upright?
24 Apr, 2011 Asylem
I suspect crows are digging up my lawn
24 Apr, 2011 Cedgreen
how can i get rid of bambo in the garden
24 Apr, 2011 Aephillips
why doesn't my lilac bush flower?
24 Apr, 2011 Barbken
I have a tree
24 Apr, 2011 Kathrynhughes
i have a cordyline australis after the frost this year all the leaves turned brown...
24 Apr, 2011 P14trish
i have a cordyline australis all the leaves have turned brown and i have taken them...
my rhubarb has flowers first time in 2 years is this a bad sign help
24 Apr, 2011 Piplyn
Last year I had a good lawn but despite using an Autumn weed and feed
24 Apr, 2011 Gardenerbubs
hi my camellia flowered for the first time this year do i deadhead or not never grown...
5 replies
24 Apr, 2011 Kev
my bay tree got frost bite and is does not seem to be recovering
24 Apr, 2011 Allen44
Hello we have 3 acer trees that we have for some years now
24 Apr, 2011 Emsandpaul
My lilac tree is full of leaves but it has not produced any flowers since we had...
24 Apr, 2011 Jackroberts
Exotic flower protea neriflora
24 Apr, 2011 Ianplant
Can I split and re-plant a Hosta now?
24 Apr, 2011 Thewasp
I have two Hosta plants in the garden
I've got two huge yew round bushes in the tiny front garden of a house I've...
24 Apr, 2011 Newpat
I've noticed that the new leaves on some of my plants are affected by what appears...
24 Apr, 2011 Bendipa
Yucca Gloriosa - the leaves have started to go yellow
24 Apr, 2011 Tilly3006
free plant?
9 replies
what is this plant
10 replies
24 Apr, 2011 Hookie
I have found a packet of seeds in my shed from last year
24 Apr, 2011 Bizzeebee
thank you for my answer but mine is like a stickey sap and when touch it looks like...
24 Apr, 2011 Adie
what is the best position to put an acer in a large pot
24 Apr, 2011 Timhill
Is it safe to burn common ivy?
7 replies
24 Apr, 2011 Goddessrana
I have a lot of stickey buds on my fruit trees how do i get rid of it
24 Apr, 2011 Gardensinam..
My daughter in law has a serious problem of how to remove a very large eucalyptus...
24 Apr, 2011 Rose1949
When sowing beetroot seeds do you have to soak them in warm water to break their...
24 Apr, 2011 Lolmc
my neighbour has a large well established rhododendron that has now developed a black
24 Apr, 2011 Sgoody
I have a red robinia tree which is looking very sad
24 Apr, 2011 Catgirl
Tempted to plant out now - I lived on the south east coast and the weather forecasts...
24 Apr, 2011 Bren1049
I am having problems with aubritia
24 Apr, 2011 Raygray
Hi what is the best way to take Laurel cuttings of an existing plant
23 Apr, 2011 Oldcrock
Anyone heard from Ptarotuos?
23 Apr, 2011 Tugbrethil
Does anyone know which Doronicum this is please?
23 Apr, 2011 Spritzhenry
I have a hedge of well established viburnum tinus
23 Apr, 2011 Majella