I have a pot grown Braeburn apple tree
1 reply
29 Apr, 2011 Lmw
Iris ID please?
10 replies
29 Apr, 2011 Beattie
Clematis - bugs on stalk
4 replies
29 Apr, 2011 Paulr999
I live in south-east France can I grow a bougainvillia outside in a sheltered spot
29 Apr, 2011 Jennifersan..
Hi I have a
2 replies
29 Apr, 2011 Corgiman
Hi everybody
5 replies
29 Apr, 2011 Bren
I am moving
29 Apr, 2011 Vikki1
Shrub suggestions please for poor dry soil
3 replies
29 Apr, 2011 Donmar
I believe I have Morchella conica growing in my front garden
29 Apr, 2011 Geoffc
can i rejuvenate my australian green cabbage palm tree?
29 Apr, 2011 Dwyndh10
Why do my peonies buds seem stuck closed with a sticky substance
29 Apr, 2011 Barryeileen
what do you recommend for daffs after flowering
12 replies
29 Apr, 2011 Judet
my peach tree has leaf curl
29 Apr, 2011 Drough
I planted 20 runner beans in small pots and they have been in the greenhouse for...
29 Apr, 2011 Cookygirl41
do i pinch out romano peppers
29 Apr, 2011 Victorlong
Broken Clematis
29 Apr, 2011 Kassi
My Wisteria has progress quite well over a 4
29 Apr, 2011 Carmich
brown spots on Hollyhock
29 Apr, 2011 Suetrow
how do i maintain my new red valentine tree
29 Apr, 2011 Philliplees..
leaves going brown
29 Apr, 2011 Carolt01
Victoria Plum Tree is bearing only white plastic type pods?
29 Apr, 2011 Johncorcoran
my canary island palms seemed ok after the winter but now seem to be dying
29 Apr, 2011 Stevenstorey
What is the best way to stop brambles reappearing as quick as they are cut done...
29 Apr, 2011 Selfsuffice..
my rose bush has strong long stems with beautiful buds but they don't open
29 Apr, 2011 Snowangel2979
Hi. I planted a Clematis Montana in a large pot last year
7 replies
29 Apr, 2011 Dioritt
We would like to buy a cherry tree that can be grown in a tub on the patio
28 Apr, 2011 Linsuffolk
Hi. I have an Acer negundo "Flamingo" that's really spindly
8 replies
28 Apr, 2011 Dioritt
Sticky Oxalis
28 Apr, 2011 Tmotto
Could anyone please tell me of some hardy plants that do not need much watering
28 Apr, 2011 Mark61
Sorry looking bushes
28 Apr, 2011 Scubasteve
I have a mature laburnum which flowered profusely last year but this year only has...
28 Apr, 2011 Markbrookes
I've read conflicting advice on
28 Apr, 2011 Helenium
Plant ID Number Two please
Plant ID Number One
Can any one tell me what this plant is?
28 Apr, 2011 Sueb
Please could someone identify the three plants shown below?
28 Apr, 2011 Jan65
One of my roses did not flower last year
28 Apr, 2011 Alextb
Can anyone identify this Lavender grown as a standard
28 Apr, 2011 Giraffe9
Have I done everything right?
28 Apr, 2011 Boardergard..
I have tried to grow herbs indoors without much success in the past and recently...
6 replies
28 Apr, 2011 Ninja
ROSE PESTSCould you please tell me what is snipping off my rose buds before they...
28 Apr, 2011 Susanbaxter
Is moss surrounding a plant in a plant pot good or bad?
28 Apr, 2011 Ebbnflow
Can anyone tell me why my Bergenia leaves look all tatty and like large cabbages...
28 Apr, 2011 674059pfb
Help about Eucalyptus...
28 Apr, 2011 Ewalde
I have a plant that is the same height
28 Apr, 2011 Grryrbb
Does anyone know of a proprietory fungicide that's OK for edible plants - in...
28 Apr, 2011 Katya
Do I need to pinch the side shoots on Gardeners Delight tomatoes
28 Apr, 2011 Eirionevans
I recently bought 6 tomato plants
28 Apr, 2011 Dorsetgirl
Hi everybody--we have 3 pyracanthas going very nicely along a fence --our problem...
28 Apr, 2011 Arthurgill
I have a mock orange bush - about 10 years old
28 Apr, 2011 Rochellesch..