not a gardening question i'm afraid
3 replies
20 Jun, 2016 Gralew
Hi all can't remember what this is
4 replies
20 Jun, 2016 Charnwood
Our garden has been laid bare in places by our neighbour applying glycophosphates...
6 replies
20 Jun, 2016 Wendyp
I have had a lot of health issues lately so have got to change my Lawn Mower
20 Jun, 2016 Rozz12
Can anyone tell me whats going on with my poppy
20 Jun, 2016 Csarina
got this out of a bin when in france
5 replies
20 Jun, 2016 Ladybug47
hello all,I was given some apple mint and choc mint sun
What is the difference between bone meal and fish blood and bone meal
20 Jun, 2016 Kathron
I can't remember what this plant is called
7 replies
20 Jun, 2016 Homebird
My umbrella tree has very sticky leaves
20 Jun, 2016 Sheenag
Please, please can you identify this rose
1 reply
19 Jun, 2016 Sister53
flowers on my tomato plant keep falling off why
19 Jun, 2016 Brattlemo
why do the flowers on my tomato plants keep falling off
2 replies
I just purchaced a 4 foot monkey puzzle tree and want to plant it in the middle of...
19 Jun, 2016 Lija
Why might my Exochorda Serratifolia be dying?
19 Jun, 2016 Daphneevans
Does anyone know the name of this Hosta?
8 replies
19 Jun, 2016 Vjd
Drat! Earwigs
14 replies
19 Jun, 2016 Arbuthnot
I have a plum tree sapling in a pot about 4foot tall which has been grown from a...
19 Jun, 2016 Sugarhargre..
I forgot what I planted in these starter pots?
19 Jun, 2016 Taoncale
Regarding the question i posted on the 18th about the 'forsythia' some of...
19 Jun, 2016 Nellie61
Mina Lobata
19 Jun, 2016 Lubeelu
I planted some early and main crop potatoes in tubs
19 Jun, 2016 Brighousejim
Tropaeolum tuberosum 'Ken Aslet' Hi All It never flowered last year...
19 Jun, 2016 Gnarly_gnome
will removing some of the foliage from my cauli and broccoli help with the growing...
19 Jun, 2016 Pn59ebf
sorry this is the good plant from my last question
10 replies
18 Jun, 2016 Nellie61
I D this please
I D this for me please thanks
Can anyone tell me what this plant is
Good evening
18 Jun, 2016 Charnwood
Asked last year about cutting back a 'forsythia' was told to do it after...
why don't the blossom set on my runner beans?
18 Jun, 2016 Donaldstevens
Is anyone experiencing my Hugh problem
18 Jun, 2016 Pancy
Cucumbers - my know all neighbour insists I should only grow cucs on the main...
18 Jun, 2016 Hank
Is it safe to use slug pellets beside cucumber plants
18 Jun, 2016 Homebase
How can I get my 5 year old oleander to flower in a pot?
18 Jun, 2016 Sharonmerton
I am growing tomato plants in 10" pots and have them standing in long trays
18 Jun, 2016 Gardeningbryn
My Monarda
18 Jun, 2016 Loosestrife2
My wife is a bird feeder nut
18 Jun, 2016 Tintin
Could I please have some advice
9 replies
18 Jun, 2016 Jade3
Do you deadhead irises once they have bloomed and will they flower again in one season
18 Jun, 2016 Lewisehart
why do the blossom no set on my runner beans?
Dear Sirs, please can you tell us how can we deter animals such as squirrels
18 Jun, 2016 Jbeam9999
Advice please
17 Jun, 2016 Lincslass
I have a tree fern which I noticed last year the fronds were not as big as previous...
17 Jun, 2016 Boltardy
I hope that you can help?
17 Jun, 2016 Leprechaun
My husband has put quite a large pond in are garden for our stream
30 replies
17 Jun, 2016 Jan2003
has anyone had experience growing potatoes?
39 replies
17 Jun, 2016 Vjd
Can anybody help A couple of years ago I grew a plant which I really loved But...
17 Jun, 2016 Kaiglen
I have a foxglove in my garden which is 7 feet 4 inches tall and still growing
17 Jun, 2016 Meaburn
Hi . my sprout and broccoli young plants have had their leaves eaten to leave not...
17 Jun, 2016 Alancarteruk