Having had fruit every year from my greengage tree
3 replies
14 Aug, 2016 Ivorlewis
Bare Pyracantha branches
14 Aug, 2016 Amsterdam
I have had turf laid and followed the landscapers instructions to water two to three...
6 replies
14 Aug, 2016 Angela7
When should you stop using rhubarb
4 replies
14 Aug, 2016 Holmer
Mainly for shirley - this is my "spherical" bush
7 replies
14 Aug, 2016 Hank
Back in December 2015
2 replies
14 Aug, 2016 Mariajp
ref acanthus question
1 reply
14 Aug, 2016 Alunparfitt
what do I do with nasturtian seeds after Ive picked them
14 Aug, 2016 Christine571
How was your garden this year?
14 Aug, 2016 Somhairle
Why have my tomatoes started to drop off
14 Aug, 2016 Joewilson
What should I do with this azalea?
hi can anyone id this grass its evergreen i think or almost
14 Aug, 2016 Youngalistair
My cabbage palm is growing really strongly but most of the leaves are covered in...
14 Aug, 2016 Trebor001
hello, i have two very old
5 replies
14 Aug, 2016 Lynnef
when&how do you prune broom?in the uk/the lake district
14 Aug, 2016 Kkell
I quite liked the lok of this at first
I've had a honeysuckle for years and it's never flowered
14 Aug, 2016 Pdb
I notice several sycamore trees of mine and my neighbours are suffering from branches...
14 Aug, 2016 Duskhunterc..
Lavender. Does this flower say I'm finished flowering or is it just not happy?
13 Aug, 2016 Amsterdam
Can somebody tell me please a broom do you need to cut it back
13 Aug, 2016 Smonks12345
How can I grow oriental Lillie's in winter
13 Aug, 2016 Zebedee
Did I do the best I could with my comfrey A friend recently brought me a huge...
13 Aug, 2016 Hank
My cucumbers have done really well this year
13 Aug, 2016 Taid49
when can I divide a cordyline electra?
13 Aug, 2016 Taurus2704
Choosing the right hedge problem
13 Aug, 2016 Slimdil
Grew some new potatoes
13 Aug, 2016 Taurman
Whats this plant?
12 Aug, 2016 Dong
Why are these lupins seedlings not doing to well?
12 Aug, 2016 Trixie
Why haven't my runner beans flowered this year
12 Aug, 2016 Taid49
I have a gorgeous Christmas Rose in a pot in the garden that has been so beautiful...
12 Aug, 2016 Sonvico
What is a rainbow?
24 replies
12 Aug, 2016 Bathgate
Found this sprouting from one of my shrub pots
12 Aug, 2016 Motinot
i have a "" kimo tree"" its an old one--never has bloomed
11 Aug, 2016 Tpacheco
I have a hawthorn that is diseased
11 Aug, 2016 Robsharpe5
R.egarding the question i posted earlier about the bleeding heart
11 Aug, 2016 Nellie61
I seem to have a problem with a garden pest feeding on various plants
11 Aug, 2016 Openside
bleeding heart
acanthus (bears breeches
11 Aug, 2016 Alunparfitt
I've inherited a lovely rambling rose but its growing wild
11 Aug, 2016 Bfieldpolly
When is the best time to put broom seeds in the ground or do I bring them on in a...
11 Aug, 2016 Biredale
I have little yellow balls in the soil of 2 of my plant pots can you tell me what...
11 Aug, 2016 Pmarion17
What's taken over my rockery it's a tiny leaved plant it does a good cover...
11 Aug, 2016 Kidsgran
I have an oak stump in my garden on which I am growing ferns
11 Aug, 2016 Lindahelen
My 3 yr old dwarf Victoria plum tree which I planted about 6 month ago straight from...
11 Aug, 2016 Tintin
A friend has got a very tall tree called cedar atlantica glauca
10 Aug, 2016 Hank
Can't remember common name of this plant?
10 Aug, 2016 Adam2112
A couple of months ago there was a post about red spots on the port sunlight rose...
10 Aug, 2016 Barbarak
Something sat in my plant pot
10 Aug, 2016 Joshu_rawr
how to dead head roses
10 Aug, 2016 Tracyerskin..
My question concerns the soil on patches in my lawn
10 Aug, 2016 Kurz16