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For the last 2 years our cherry tomatoes have produced a burgundy colour fruit
5 replies
28 Aug, 2016 Carol_a_young
Hi, This bush is growing really well in our new build garden
2 replies
28 Aug, 2016 Terryjoan78
Hi. I was very pleased when my Agapanthus growing in a pot had eight flowers
27 Aug, 2016 Wim02
Hi me again
27 Aug, 2016 Nellie61
I have a sarcococca confuse plant and the leaves have brown and dry I have recently...
27 Aug, 2016 Rjb
My sarcococca confuse I have put in a larger pot but the leaves have gone brown and...
1 reply
Hi again. Thank you to everyone for replying to my question of what to do with my...
27 Aug, 2016 Lubylou1
I watched Gardeners world this week 3 times trying to understand the name of the...
4 replies
27 Aug, 2016 Bkm
Nine years ago I planted a Mop Head Hydrangea and from the second year it always...
27 Aug, 2016 Peejay2102
What has happened to my Cordyline?
3 replies
27 Aug, 2016 Vix1107
do garlic pips need to be planted as soon as garlic is harvested
27 Aug, 2016 Graces1girl
Bird set Holly Tree I have a young...
27 Aug, 2016 Kev_rowley
I have just bought some wallflower plug plants
27 Aug, 2016 Joanairey
What has happened to my tomatoes?
27 Aug, 2016 Canalhopper
Overwinter Gladiolus and Dahlias
7 replies
Found this ?
6 replies
27 Aug, 2016 Ladyessex1
Do conifers need anything other than water?
27 Aug, 2016 Annb3
I bought 4 Acers in the spring about 12 inches high and planted them in containers
27 Aug, 2016 Moatrat
Hi all you gardeners
27 Aug, 2016 Buster8872
When planting mint amongst rows of onions
26 Aug, 2016 Painter49
The head on one of my sunflowers is drooping down
26 Aug, 2016 Nellie61
Michaelmas Daisys are now coming into flower
I am collecting seeds from my "pearl lupin" blue javelin
26 Aug, 2016 Delwen
Can anyone help here
8 replies
26 Aug, 2016 Zathras
Can anyone tell me what this is it is growing between the bricks on my back step
26 Aug, 2016 Sharonm1010
Hello I have a self sown fig tree growing at the side of the house on a north facing...
26 Aug, 2016 Susantwe2
Non stop begonias not flowering
0 replies
26 Aug, 2016 Bramhallbill
Dierama pulcherrimum angel's fishing rod Do these come as bulbs?
What can I grow through a leylandii hedge that can be cut back when hedge is trimmed
26 Aug, 2016 Jacquetta
I have a green plastic criss-cross council fence
26 Aug, 2016 Joybush
hallo all. a friend of mine was given this plant
26 Aug, 2016 Rogi
I have chopped my berberis Darwini down to a stump
25 Aug, 2016 Berberisrui..
'Crying' Damson Tree
25 Aug, 2016 Jannyfreeman
Does anyone know the names of this plant please?
will tea leaves kill weeds
25 Aug, 2016 Farlan
Shredding your garden waste for your compost bin
22 replies
25 Aug, 2016 Amsterdam
Can you please tell me the name of my plant
25 Aug, 2016 Christinemo..
I have a parlour palm that I have had for many years from a young plant that now...
25 Aug, 2016 Cazzalinegr..
hello my name is Robin and I have 2 Questions first my cucumbers the skins are...
25 Aug, 2016 Nibor
hallo all. has anybody tried using honey instead of rooting powder
25 Aug, 2016 Rogi
I've had bad luck with clematis this year
25 Aug, 2016 Cammomile
What do I graft greengages onto please?
24 Aug, 2016 Panda
I have a new Victoria plum tree only planted in garden at the end of May
24 Aug, 2016 Gillt
My wife is intrigued by this flower
24 Aug, 2016 Eddienorris
Someone just sent me 15
24 Aug, 2016 Hank
I have been given clematis and intend to grow it in a container should I spread the...
24 Aug, 2016 Moatrat
Garden clogs
24 Aug, 2016 Amsterdam
Can I cut my lemon balm plant back and if so
24 Aug, 2016 Eclifton
I have a beautiful Hibiscus and this year the amount of blooms has amazed me but...
24 Aug, 2016 Petal16
why does my 3ft healthy looking standard photinia rapidly loose colour from tips...
24 Aug, 2016 Swift