When should I cut back my fern?
4 replies
18 Oct, 2009 Afban
i wishuse of wood ash in the soil
13 replies
18 Oct, 2009 Warman
How big will a betula utilis (jacq) grow and should we move it away from the house
8 replies
18 Oct, 2009 Maria_archer
is it too late in the year to plant in the ground my acer?
84 replies
18 Oct, 2009 Gena
5 replies
18 Oct, 2009 Dwarf
last one please id
16 replies
18 Oct, 2009 Mookins
id this in my basket
9 replies
can you prune paeonies?
7 replies
18 Oct, 2009 Tipsey
I would like to overwinter lots of non frost hardy fuschias.
18 Oct, 2009 Millstream
Plant Identify Please
11 replies
18 Oct, 2009 Dawnsaunt
Does anyone know if Moses in the Cradle is a toxic plant? I brought it inside yesterday,...
3 replies
18 Oct, 2009 Poetgardener
What variety of euonymus is this? If it is.
18 Oct, 2009 Pma
Eremurus stenophyllus
2 replies
17 Oct, 2009 Weedpatch
17 Oct, 2009 Pennyfarthing
17 Oct, 2009 Future_gree..
17 Oct, 2009 Heron
Sweetpeas and Seed Viability
17 Oct, 2009 Muddywellie..
any cactus people...
17 Oct, 2009 Usernut
What's this?
6 replies
Tree Fern
17 Oct, 2009 Sadie
mildew on violas
12 replies
17 Oct, 2009 Pamg
shade shrubs
17 Oct, 2009 Lorraine707
Any ideas for small (20cm?) pretty tulips?
14 replies
17 Oct, 2009 Rozz12
What is this plant and how do i take care of it ? Can I put it outside and how do...
17 Oct, 2009 Jsnook
What is the sooty stuff on the stems of my viburnum?
17 Oct, 2009 Marymillett
When should I plant these bulbs?
17 Oct, 2009 Up4kickinit
What do GOY members think of the new Gardeners World format?
112 replies
17 Oct, 2009 Andrearichter
i have a plant grown from a bulb i call it a pineapple plant it does not fruit what...
17 Oct, 2009 Jan2
killing trees
17 Oct, 2009 Abby_jean
17 Oct, 2009 Shellayla
Wintering plants, Help??
23 replies
16 Oct, 2009 Madperth
16 Oct, 2009 Future_gree..
Climbing Fuchsia 'Lady Boothby'
20 replies
16 Oct, 2009 Izzy123gym
Any ideas what the problem is?
Buddleia pruning
16 Oct, 2009 Mavisc52
growing veg at home
16 Oct, 2009 Hotsey
CORDYLINE: Autumn. Am I being premature fleecing them now, just before frosts?
16 Oct, 2009 Oddbillie
Mystery seeds
16 Oct, 2009 Mad
how do i get rid of this masive elephant grass
16 Oct, 2009 Jazza
bridal-white spirea shrub
16 Oct, 2009 Lorraine707
1 reply
16 Oct, 2009 Blah13
Fuschia.....Take cuttings??
Growing chillis on a window sill
16 Oct, 2009 Cornishsally
Gardeners World tonight BBC2
15 replies
16 Oct, 2009 Hijuju
anyone got skimmia reevesiana?
10 replies
16 Oct, 2009 Bornagain
moving camellias
16 Oct, 2009 Flyn
Red Pom Pom Flowers!
16 Oct, 2009 Muddywellie..
15 Oct, 2009 Muddywellie..
helenium seeds plants
15 Oct, 2009 Brenski