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My garden is gravel
1 reply
7 Apr, 2010 Guest
what perennials can I grow by a Russian Vine which takes all the nutrients from the...
2 replies
My vibernum tinus 'Eve Price' is giving off an appalling smell as if something...
I am using biodegradable peat pots for my seedlings and keep getting a mould on yhe...
5 replies
7 Apr, 2010 Handbagscot..
how to kill moss and feed lawn
should i plant salix in ericacia compost
I have a twisted hazel and it has sprouted more growth from the bottom but these...
Hello Everyone I have got a tub with 5 lily bulbs and I want to dig them up and...
7 Apr, 2010 Steveg1966
What is the best way to sow Viola seeds?
4 replies
7 Apr, 2010 Rohima
answer to Bamboon question is my drainpipe is north facing
which is the best weedkiller to use on twitch
7 Apr, 2010 Haidees
How do you know when to pick rhubarb for eating?
3 replies
7 Apr, 2010 Howee74
I wondered if there are any members who wanted to swap seeds
11 replies
7 Apr, 2010 Lemondog
How to I plant on seedlings
I have moss on my flat roof
7 Apr, 2010 Ladyessex1
Moss is back in the lawn but as I now have a young Puppy I need to know the best...
Last year i planted a painted fern in my front garden
7 Apr, 2010 Peedee65
I have a pyracantha hedge of mixed colour berries
7 Apr, 2010 Magooagain
Anyone knows what kind of tree is this?
7 Apr, 2010 Hadeel
I Have just aquired a new plot which is full of broken glass
7 Apr, 2010 Frank6
I bought 25 x 2ftapprox bare rooted Yew trees
7 Apr, 2010 Jasonbeckett
dietes vegeta
6 Apr, 2010 Guest
when does a tree fern get its new fronds?
6 Apr, 2010 Carrah
when does a tree fern grow new leaves?
Does anyone know of an effective deterrent for cats as my garden is covered withs...
6 Apr, 2010 Jules8
Could I plant phlox at a pond edge to cover up the liner?
6 replies
6 Apr, 2010 Jaxpercey
How do I go about making a herb garden?
How big does a thistle bush grow?
6 Apr, 2010 Great
I have a fig palm which was damaged during our frosty weather and I have taken off...
6 Apr, 2010 Hotshot57
what is the best method of Garlic growing
should I cut the flower heads from my lavendula stoechas
6 Apr, 2010 Glyntel
What is the best thing to weed and feed a lawn with?
6 Apr, 2010 Chrisdag
My thanks to Bamboo and Fractal I will just wait and see
0 replies
Is this an Astrantia?
6 Apr, 2010 Seaburngirl
can i cut top off cordyline as it appears to have died due to cold winter?
I want a quick growing climber to cover my drainpipe at the front of the house any...
6 Apr, 2010 Millicent
I have just bought a lovely Jasminum polyanthum and now realise it is not hardy
6 Apr, 2010 Rocker
Sollya heterophylla & red spider mite
6 Apr, 2010 Meanie
I have just bought a lovely Jasminum polyanthum which I now realise is not hardy
I have lichen on my hibiscis how do I treat it or live with it
I have three euphorbia mellifera that had come through the previous four winters...
6 Apr, 2010 Shaneoneill
I have an underground stream running through my back garden & the ground in certain...
Plaese can you help
7 replies
6 Apr, 2010 Pepperpot
i have wild fennel all over my garden can I dig it up and move it
Any suggestions for a flower or vine that does well in mostly shade?
6 Apr, 2010 Cynthia
I have three not to big rose bushes
I can never get my african violets to flower
how often should a poinsettia be watered
What insects eat ruhbarb plants?
my neighbour has erected a wobbly 6 foot 6 inch fence on her land against our wishes...