Weed query 5
10 replies
16 Apr, 2011 Bernard
can i plant begonias and busy lizzies now
3 replies
16 Apr, 2011 Teaern1
I have two Camellias
1 reply
16 Apr, 2011 Bonnybabe
I have just bought a camelia and put it into a larger pot with ericaceous compost...
16 Apr, 2011 Bridgettehunt
My 2 Camellias are beginning to look very poorly
I gonna put my runner beans straight into the ground rather than starting them off...
16 Apr, 2011 Cookygirl41
can i prune my castor oil plant or do i start again with new seeds ?
2 replies
16 Apr, 2011 Auntydoodah
Hi everybody
5 replies
16 Apr, 2011 Windy64
I planted a donut peach tree in November 2010 and cared for it as advised on information...
4 replies
16 Apr, 2011 Bezandy
If I cut my wallflowers down after flowering
16 Apr, 2011 Pansyp
I have just purchased a Japanese Acer palmatum
16 Apr, 2011 Suebarker
I have a mystery geranium in a pot
16 Apr, 2011 Wagger
is clematis oberon and clematis pixie the same plant
16 Apr, 2011 Jenniepennie
Im thinking of ordering 5 sweetcorn plants
my soil is so hard my spade want go in
16 Apr, 2011 Hopwood
When is the best time to plant runner beans directly in the ground not greenhouse
16 Apr, 2011 Soocarter
will lonicera japinica grow if planted in a hedge
16 Apr, 2011 Potts1
i planted my crocosmia corms some six weeks ago and don't see any signs of them
16 Apr, 2011 Complete_be..
My five year old Dicksonia Antarctica does not seem to be recovering from the winter
16 Apr, 2011 Stephenpalmer
hi re: clematis triternata rubromarginata
16 Apr, 2011 Shadydappler
what plant food do you give to an Anthedesia plant
16 Apr, 2011 Canada
hi again peeps
What can I use to get rid of Moss and Dandilions without damaging the grass
16 Apr, 2011 Rosielee
I have a camealia which is about 4or 5 years old
16 Apr, 2011 J79m80
hi i have just started growing kelvedon wonder peas in a pea and bean bag outside
16 Apr, 2011 Teabaglil
hi i have just started growing kelvedon wonder peas and they are in a pea and bean...
What plants would grow well in shade and next to a neighbours large leylandii hedge?
16 Apr, 2011 Annandrew
I have four Gunnera plants in my garden which I planted two years ago
16 Apr, 2011 Meggie04
Hi there, could somebody ID this picture for me please
16 Apr, 2011 Alicecoutts
I have a box hedge which was bought as small plants last year
16 Apr, 2011 0207amo
Runner Beans Blue Lake I have planted some runner beans
16 Apr, 2011 Useless
My lovely Phormium tenax is looking a bit careworn
Once daffodils fail to flower in the second and
16 Apr, 2011 Rmulshaw
Does Binny plants stock Rhodendrums ?
16 Apr, 2011 Scotkat
Is there any plants out there to help keep away those pesty cats?
16 Apr, 2011 Kelp
how to improve growth in a privet hedge
16 Apr, 2011 Tomv
help Why has my 3year old cherry tree only have a few blossoms on it when all others...
15 Apr, 2011 Ivanruss
how can i get rid of a buttercup type weed that spreads like mad
15 Apr, 2011 Jackie44
Im looking for suggestions on the best plants to grow around a metal arch that we...
15 Apr, 2011 Km101km
how do I know if my pyracantha has got fire blight
15 Apr, 2011 Rose1949
Can anyone help
Does anyone know what this plant is please?
8 replies
15 Apr, 2011 Dreeny8
Hallo all you gardeners
13 replies
can i move my agapanthus they were planted last year sorry not sure how to spell...
15 Apr, 2011 Chloe27
can new turf be laid over existing lawn
12 replies
15 Apr, 2011 Davr
Hi can anyone tell me the name of this cutting and the best way to make sure it takes...
15 Apr, 2011 Oldcrock
My camellia has a black sootie looking residue on the leaves could you tell me what...
15 Apr, 2011 Linda_worrall
How many plants should I put in a 14"hanging basket
15 Apr, 2011 Janedelamare
I bought a abies fraseri fir tree
15 Apr, 2011 Markjane10
is my cabbage palm dead after the winter
15 Apr, 2011 Ferrit