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Can anyone tell me what this is please?
3 replies
11 Apr, 2011 Sparklysocks
I have a Dickensonia Antarctica tree fern which has been planted in the ground for...
11 Apr, 2011 Kevo
1 reply
11 Apr, 2011 Philgoldswo..
does this plant need to be cut back if so when
I have an aeonium zwartkop
11 Apr, 2011 Pinkiegolf
Wisley Magic Runner Beans
11 Apr, 2011 Funguy
I used to be very proud of all the beautiful daffodils in my garden each Spring but...
4 replies
11 Apr, 2011 Mariansowter
Hi. My strelizia has finished flowering
11 Apr, 2011 Yvonne1978
i've got a south facing bank under trees
11 Apr, 2011 Lincogreen
Hi I used roundup tree and stump weedkiller last year
11 Apr, 2011 Lucylou
Can beetroot be transplanted successfully
11 Apr, 2011 3499george
Rodgersia question
6 replies
11 Apr, 2011 Youngdaisydee
is there a species of slug thats got spots like leopard
11 Apr, 2011 Ropes
Why has my 7 year old Peony never flowered?
11 Apr, 2011 Lostock
is it ok to use water retaining crystals in containers that your using to grow runner...
2 replies
Hi! I have 2 Honey Berry Plants
11 Apr, 2011 Grasshopper
my dog has been urinating on my lawn
5 replies
11 Apr, 2011 Michaelbrooke
HELP !! we think we have mares tail ?
11 Apr, 2011 Lissaanddar..
I have an Acer about 4ft x 3ft
11 Apr, 2011 Helenium
what do i do for toadstools growing through my lawn
11 Apr, 2011 9cambuslang
I have vinca growing very vigorously
11 Apr, 2011 Tulips
we recently planted a laurel hedge and some of the leaves have turned yellow and...
11 Apr, 2011 Latranche
11 Apr, 2011 Woody2436
I have a really large pittisporum
11 Apr, 2011 Sallyburr
Hi I planted a passion flower last year which did really well but it doesnt seem...
11 Apr, 2011 Nana_d
thinned out seedlings into trays
11 Apr, 2011 Bridgend
Does anyone answer the phone ?
11 Apr, 2011 Joan_west
hi everyone
11 Apr, 2011 Murdoch
Hi everyone
11 Apr, 2011 Peteg
We cut down a 22yrold holly tree in out garden it was starting to splitso hard...
11 Apr, 2011 Scotkat
Hi, I am looking for two smallish shrubs to grow in containers
11 Apr, 2011 Dreeny8
I've just bought a Salix caprea pendula
10 Apr, 2011 Canalhopper
I have a Forsytheia Tree growing out of my stone wall
10 Apr, 2011 Sandrapollard
10 Apr, 2011 Suemorris
I have two palm trees growing in my back garden
10 Apr, 2011 Toshie
My Portuguese Laurel looks completely dead - should I hang on a bit and see if any...
10 Apr, 2011 Lyndyburg
.....and another plant ID please
10 Apr, 2011 Scubasteve
Plant ID please
8 replies
I have just bought a sollya heterophlla and when I read the advice re plant it says...
10 Apr, 2011 Rosejeffrey
Does anyone know what this rather scary grub is?
7 replies
10 Apr, 2011 Mariansowter
How can I tell if my Eucalyptus tree is dead?
10 Apr, 2011 Jca
What is damaging my false castor oil plants?
10 Apr, 2011 Suzannahh
Is it too late to move
10 Apr, 2011 Helenium
I planted a tree hydrangea last fall-about 5 feet tall
10 Apr, 2011 Nannygoat
my back garden needs a revamp
10 Apr, 2011 Spellt
what is this plant?
10 Apr, 2011 Tilly3006
All 4 of my hebe plants have gone brown
10 Apr, 2011 Rohima
I've tried loads of times to take cuttings from a Camelia in my garden without...
10 Apr, 2011 Nannap
We have a garden yucca which is looking very sad the leaves have mostly fallen off...
10 Apr, 2011 Mcmullen
This is not really a gardening question but is about houseplants
10 Apr, 2011 Verne