Second try
7 replies
12 Apr, 2011 Bernard
how often should i water my Peris forest Flame
2 replies
12 Apr, 2011 Montydog
How do you take cuttings from camelia's
12 Apr, 2011 Theadventurer
By the River Tweed in Scottish Borders
4 replies
12 Apr, 2011 Murphyandkit
hi i just moved in to a new house the lawn is terrible it is covered in weeds and...
12 Apr, 2011 Cudsbell
how do i treat fungus on leaves for garrya silver tassle
3 replies
12 Apr, 2011 Lorettaf
My sister has garria
12 Apr, 2011 Sharonm
various flowering plants
12 Apr, 2011 Hollyberry
12 Apr, 2011 Johndc49
I have a camellia which was in the garden when we moved in 3 years ago
12 Apr, 2011 Chrisabe
our back garden is a builders site
12 Apr, 2011 Mcvey101
I have been told to buy perennial plants
9 replies
12 Apr, 2011 Newbe
virginia creeperwhat should i feed it with
12 Apr, 2011 Keithwright99
I have grass growing with my Bee Balm and it is impossible to pull or dig out
12 Apr, 2011 Cynthia
I have grass growing with my Bee Balm and it is almost impossible to get rid of
1 reply
would it harm my apple trees if i were to raise the soil level above the base of...
5 replies
12 Apr, 2011 Harrywilson
I have two lots of honey bees in my garden busy going in the wall and under a flagstone...
8 replies
12 Apr, 2011 Lottiedotty1
advice on Garryas please
12 Apr, 2011 Freeasabird
How do I ghet rid of alstroemeria plants?
10 replies
12 Apr, 2011 Megsweeds
I want to plant Surfinias to hang on a wall
12 Apr, 2011 Saintleau
Should i untangle the vines a of a kiwi climber plant?
12 Apr, 2011 Bootlui
Could anyone recommend a tree for me?
12 Apr, 2011 Loobylou
I bought this plant a while back
12 Apr, 2011 Motinot
This winter the snow fell off the roof on to my up-till-now thriving camellia
12 Apr, 2011 Creeper
So smitten by the Lathyrus Alboroseus
12 Apr, 2011 Bindweed
While I was weeding in the woodland garden
When the flower dies should it be cut
12 Apr, 2011 Whippetquick
I'm very,very behind in the garden
12 Apr, 2011 Great
i planted runner beans a while ago only one came up but looks pretty sick is it too...
12 Apr, 2011 Piplyn
Cutting Allium leavesWhen I bought an Allium ambassador at a nursery last June
12 Apr, 2011 Paulr999
Spent Mushroom Compost I have obtained some spent mushroom compost and I was wondering...
12 Apr, 2011 Flamingolegs
How do you prune camelias and is there a remedy for black soot on leaves?
12 Apr, 2011 Thefirs
What can I plant in a small shady wooded area to cover the previous tenants gardening...
12 Apr, 2011 Lobbystart
i have a standard Wisteria which is well established in the garden
12 Apr, 2011 Juliainthes..
anybody got any ideas for 4 steep concrete steps leading down from my conservatory...
12 Apr, 2011 Georgelouwill
Does anyone know how to care for bare root laurel plants
12 Apr, 2011 Katylouise12
Being new to the use of tillers
12 Apr, 2011 Nib
My special vegetable patch has been ruined by constant cat mess which although I...
12 Apr, 2011 Angelathomas
Is planting a pyracantha close to the house likely to cause subsidence
12 Apr, 2011 Guess
potted on begonia plug plants which were worse for wear when received how can I revive...
12 Apr, 2011 Nen17co
Need easy to grow plants to not grow more than 2 foot and will be in the shade from...
12 Apr, 2011 Catwoman
I have a small island
12 Apr, 2011 Lyngardening
I have bought three buddlias
12 Apr, 2011 Silverlady
what feed would you give to a copper beach edge
12 Apr, 2011 Rogercouch
Oh dear me
i have just moved to a new house and i think i have a grapevine growing but it looks...
12 Apr, 2011 Mjarvie
Plant ID Please
12 Apr, 2011 Weatherwise
Can anyone advise what position is best to plant a honeysuckle?
11 Apr, 2011 Sparklysocks
There is a spring running throu my back garden
11 Apr, 2011 Laney
hi does anyone know an organic way of dealing with flea beetle ?
11 Apr, 2011 Pauchy