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How do I get rid of unwanted bamboo?
4 replies
14 Jun, 2011 Angela_allen
would it be ok to move my azalea now?
1 reply
14 Jun, 2011 Cookygirl41
how does ph affect sex determination in cucumi sativus
5 replies
14 Jun, 2011 Onyeanu
Magnesium feed
17 replies
14 Jun, 2011 Bernard
My geraniums which I planted about 6 weeks ago from fairly small plants are very...
2 replies
14 Jun, 2011 Judithleo
I have a pot of Curly Leaf Parsley bought from a supermarket which is still growing...
14 Jun, 2011 Darrenk
Can anyone tell me if dwarf anthirinums need to be pinched out the same as the standard...
3 replies
14 Jun, 2011 Susie1948
I am growing herbs in my garden
14 Jun, 2011 Alextorkoniak
Hi, I have had 2 courgette plants given
why is the small fruit on my pear tree turning black and splitting open ?
14 Jun, 2011 Janet289
why are the small fruits on my conferrence pear tree turning black and splitting...
I have a large clump of day lilies which should be out by now
14 Jun, 2011 Startinggar..
how do i get rid of the catipilla's eating my rose bush?
14 Jun, 2011 Clairej2506
We live in the north east of England and have a sheltered south facing garden
14 Jun, 2011 Liz2011
i have grown secind early potatoes
14 Jun, 2011 Miriamjohn
When and how to plant phlomis seeds?
14 Jun, 2011 Crockybarb
I have recived some seeds a while ago
14 Jun, 2011 Spjs
My Lupin's are up and I have just potted them into 9cm pots
14 Jun, 2011 Kate40club
Fatsia - I have recently bought a fatsia
14 Jun, 2011 Deb12
Please could anyone come up with an answer to the VARIETY if the Hypericum pictured...
9 replies
14 Jun, 2011 Dorjac
Last year I was walking past a garden when I had a chat with a local
14 Jun, 2011 Cliveanne
Was wondering if anyone has any good and cheap ideas on how to stop decking water...
14 Jun, 2011 Melspeller
Cyclamin in pots
14 Jun, 2011 Middleton
the strawberries in my garden look great
13 Jun, 2011 Awoodend
my snow in summer gets too tall
13 Jun, 2011 Cherihaymon
this is a photo of our sad looking bay leaf plant
7 replies
13 Jun, 2011 Jackie66
What has happened to the dahlia in the top picture?
13 Jun, 2011 Alextb
For noseypotter Thanks for your reply
13 Jun, 2011 Fuchsia_fan
Ihave a red dwarf acer
13 Jun, 2011 Stewarthw
hi I have sunflowers and they are growing out of their pots
13 Jun, 2011 Claireashmore
Euonymus japonicus 'Microphyllus Albovariegata'
13 Jun, 2011 Izzy123gym
why are some of my leaves on my clematis brown?
13 Jun, 2011 Maggyrose
why are the leaves at the bottom white
can I prune my plant now
13 Jun, 2011 Bigrab
Please could you advise me which trees are best for planting in shaded areas?
13 Jun, 2011 Mozart
I have just bought a Hebe Heartbreaker plant and now want to plant it in a ceramic...
13 Jun, 2011 Rjph
I have just planted my new rhododendron
13 Jun, 2011 Poppyhans
Hi everybody a quick question
13 Jun, 2011 Jewells
can you please tell me if you can still buy a old fashion violet
13 Jun, 2011 21lakesclose
has any one taken cuttings from a magnolia?
13 Jun, 2011 Jennyh
13 replies
13 Jun, 2011 Jude50
A well established date palm seems to have died
13 Jun, 2011 Francisr
help is this a geranium?
13 Jun, 2011 Clairej2506
different clearance and miner levelling methods for green-field
13 Jun, 2011 Mewsmore
my cordyline has died from winter frost it has young soots coming from the bottom...
13 Jun, 2011 Brenthom
I have 5 Acers in pots in my garden 3 have came great the other 2 are just branches...
6 replies
13 Jun, 2011 Bigeen
when should i feed my new lawn it is 2weeks old and when to cut this thankyou christopher
13 Jun, 2011 Grumps
I have three beautiful Ismene zwanenberg plants in full bloom just now
13 Jun, 2011 Jungleoutth..
What kind of soil does a prunus need?
13 Jun, 2011 Susanmargaret
I have 3 beautiful Ismene