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I have two large Hebe bushes at the front of the house that have become too large...
2 replies
13 Jun, 2011 Trevorallen
where can I buy a Rose called "Maureen"
8 replies
13 Jun, 2011 Lisaspr
1 reply
13 Jun, 2011 Frankberelson
Hallo all. I want a plant ID please
4 replies
13 Jun, 2011 Rogi
How do I improve a lawn?
5 replies
13 Jun, 2011 Martinbrennan
im looking for a battery powered knapsack sprayer as i do alot of spraying does anyone...
13 Jun, 2011 Ricky
Hi I am trying to help someone out
13 Jun, 2011 Sg_maintena..
What time of the year can you move and cut back a Rhododendron?
13 Jun, 2011 Wilfred
Hi everyone - i planted 5 small 'ACORUS GRAMINEUS 'OGON' JAPANESE SWEET...
13 Jun, 2011 Howee74
Hi guys, As a complete novice to gardening I have a couple of questions regarding...
13 Jun, 2011 Cmoss
I am looking for seeds or propagation material of a plant called "gandana"...
13 Jun, 2011 Mandykan
plant name, please?
9 replies
13 Jun, 2011 Franl155
does anybody use a solar powered pump?
12 Jun, 2011 Debbieliby
Ground Sheeting?
6 replies
12 Jun, 2011 Misscupcake
Plants for pergolas Hi everyone
3 replies
12 Jun, 2011 Fuchsia_fan
I have a small grassed area in my rear garden
12 Jun, 2011 Moe1950
i have a line of whitebeam trees along my wall
12 Jun, 2011 Mickh
Can anyone identify this Tree Paeony
16 replies
12 Jun, 2011 Scotsgran
can anyone tell me how to distin'guish whether my cotinus is a royal purple or...
12 Jun, 2011 Desiray
Turning leaves yesterday I suddendly noticed a few wasps emerging
7 replies
12 Jun, 2011 Ginellie
are earth worms a pest of mushroom mycelium
12 Jun, 2011 Emerge_100
I have cut down four stems of my frost damaged yucca and I would like to keep one...
12 Jun, 2011 Wendyhb
have a yellowy green sambucus its 5 or 6 ft tall there is growth at top but not much...
12 Jun, 2011 Cazcat
I have an apple tree in my garden - approx 10 years old
12 Jun, 2011 Petalpumpkin
please can some kind soul tell me what to do with my foxgloves never grown them before
12 Jun, 2011 Millie
My Arum lily had white flowers last year but this year they are comming up green
12 Jun, 2011 Kevets
Im on the lookout for a purple rose climber the ones iv seen on the net are either...
12 Jun, 2011 Whdebor
is montbritia poisonous to my dogs
12 Jun, 2011 Ukfootsie
we have bamboo coming through our lawn
12 Jun, 2011 Dch
i have a very big and very tall plant with very big leave the flower is yellow similar...
12 Jun, 2011 Romagnoli
Giant calla lily do I cut just the dead flower off or the whole stem at the base...
12 Jun, 2011 Steveg1966
I recently bought a dicksonia sellownia tree and re-potted it in a larger pot on...
12 Jun, 2011 Georgecaslin
we have a arum lily which is five years old and it is not producing flowers
12 Jun, 2011 Richardhayl..
I have a large box topiary bird growing in a terracotta pot
12 Jun, 2011 Debrah
Hi all, Have any of you got a solar fountain?
12 replies
12 Jun, 2011 Sewingkilla
Hi, everyone
12 Jun, 2011 Taz
I have a Peace rose climber
12 Jun, 2011 Pixi25
Hi, This year l have bought some Petunia Surfinia Classic
12 Jun, 2011 Kapper5502
is there an orange gypsophia
12 Jun, 2011 Maypotter
slug pellets around veg plants?
12 Jun, 2011 Nwhizzy
How do I treat thread worm in my soil
12 Jun, 2011 Jeancruttte..
I have planted some merry gold plants and lilly
12 Jun, 2011 Hhallen
Blackcurrant bush planted two
12 Jun, 2011 Bmorris
I have a shaded area where I want to put a pond and possibly a rock garden around...
12 Jun, 2011 Sueandoog
Rowen Tree
12 Jun, 2011 Tapestry
Hi, Just started to grow chilli plants and I just would to know do I pick out the...
12 Jun, 2011 Galer
I have 5 x 200 litre water butts - 4 are fine with minimal leave and insect debris...
12 Jun, 2011 Watersaver
I have a very small garden
12 Jun, 2011 Great
I have a red robin that has long new branches growing from the base
12 Jun, 2011 Garyinwoodh..