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Hi all, I am trying to locate some nine star perennial broccoli seeds without success
2 replies
25 Jun, 2012 Naturelle
My poor camellia
1 reply
25 Jun, 2012 Benpcoleman
What is the best fertilizer to hurry up onions
5 replies
24 Jun, 2012 Doug01
Hi all, got a quick query about turf stacks
11 replies
24 Jun, 2012 Samjp
I have Clematis alpina "Brunette" planted in a large pot
24 Jun, 2012 Meadowland
Wisteria As A Tree
8 replies
24 Jun, 2012 Marion1
I bought a bunch of white chrysanthemums in Tesco's four weeks ago
24 Jun, 2012 Westexe
Name the Hedge
9 replies
24 Jun, 2012 Magnadoodle
Part 2 - Powdered Mildew on Lonicera
4 replies
24 Jun, 2012 Annelise
Anyone know why my Madam Lemoine has not flowered this year
24 Jun, 2012 Numbty
thanks Sheilar and Booboosmur
24 Jun, 2012 Lentonlad
My questions are coming thick and fast today
24 Jun, 2012 Melaniesmart
Hi goy fans
3 replies
24 Jun, 2012 Dragons
24 Jun, 2012 Chris43uk
Sorry, its me again
Does anyone know what the tall pink
16 replies
24 Jun, 2012 Pdb
I have just purchased a mexican fortune tree
24 Jun, 2012 Sueduck
I'm looking for the best garden shredder to deal with tree pruning
24 Jun, 2012 Froglet
I wrote a blog and saved it to drafts and now I cant find it
I have some daffodil bulbs which I didn't plant last autumn
i found a lily bulb -asiatic lilies is all it said on the bag
6 replies
24 Jun, 2012 Leighleigh
My aced tree has White marks on the bark can you help please
24 Jun, 2012 Brianthevest
Can i remove caterpillars from white currants without using a pesticide
24 Jun, 2012 Jmmiller
10 replies
24 Jun, 2012 Ninap
Is wild elder wood and trimmings ok to woodchip for mulch?
i have a cherry tree with black fly i have used soapy water and a pest spray the...
24 Jun, 2012 Lisa_steel
My Euonymus jap
Pittosporum problems?
24 Jun, 2012 Bertiefox
How do i care for my mexican fortune tree
i have climbing fusias which i have grown from plugs they are growing lovely but...
24 Jun, 2012 Whirl
how do i plant shoots of tropaelium speciosum ?
24 Jun, 2012 Odonghuecla..
how to plant roots of tropaelium speciosum
7 replies
Hi, There is a jelly oozing from one of my rhubarb stems and I've noticed a couple...
24 Jun, 2012 Janeahmad
Deadheading vebena
I have 2 apple trees and for all the 12 years we have lived here
24 Jun, 2012 Sylvie14448
24 Jun, 2012 Philmac
Thanks for your reply regarding Conifer 'die-back'
24 Jun, 2012 Undermate
My laburnum tree was planted 3 years ago and has splendid luxurious upper growth
24 Jun, 2012 Sueharrop
I have a mold growing on the bark of my cherry trees
24 Jun, 2012 Karenkemp1071
my lawn has been good for the last ten years or so
24 Jun, 2012 Alanbarwick
Can anyone please tell me about Almonds
24 Jun, 2012 Jcee
Help! I bought 2 "Suttons apricot" foxglove plants recently which are growing...
24 Jun, 2012 Daisiesbyth..
Clematis Bicolor
Can anyne please confirm for me if the attached photos are Helenium Moerheim Beauty
As you suppose to dead head Monarda Grand Parade or more blooms?
24 Jun, 2012 Dmenacho
I have a monrada pick lace and it says it will get 16-18" wide
Does anyone know why Denise
23 Jun, 2012 Sheilar
When my Kalmia flowers open they are hidden by the new leaves
23 Jun, 2012 Mmoa
Square foot gardening newbie
23 Jun, 2012 Great