By terratoonie
Where’s our summer ~ hot and hazy ?
June has gone all mad and crazy !
Plants are lush and huge and greener,
Perfect for Rose Ballerina.
Garden beds a muddled bungle.
Wild and dense, just like a jungle.
Daren’t sit on the wooden bench.
Gales might blow. Hail might drench.
But though this weather is a pain,
Plants are perky from the rain.
So don’t let storms get up your noses.
Here’s blue sky with iceberg roses.
Don’t feel dismal. Don’t get low.
We won ribbons at the show :o)
P.S. …
The dog show raised ยฃ400 for the Hounds for Heroes charity … helping disabled people in the British Forces. :o)))
22 Jun, 2012
Cheered me right up TT...I'm fed up with this miserable so called summer!!!
I've forgotten what a blue sky is!
22 Jun, 2012
Yep, very cheering - those dogs look like they're just about to speak, specially the one on the left - is that pride I see in his face, lol!
22 Jun, 2012
Lol. Bamboo. You guessed correctly ...
Truffle won his Rosette for Waggiest Tail !
Hi Scottish ... Yes we need more blue sky ... lots more blue !
Thanks Magna ... Conker and Truffle send hugs. :o)
By the way, I've just added a PS on the blog about the Hounds for Heroes charity.
22 Jun, 2012
Smashing blog again TT. The boys are still parading their medals I see . :)))
22 Jun, 2012
Thanks Pim ... Lol.
Conker won the most rosettes ...
... for Best Pedigree Veteran, Best Tricks (gardening theme) and Best in Show, but Truffle is proud of his Waggiest Tail first place.
22 Jun, 2012
I know you're very good at teaching dogs..
....Truffle and Conker will I am sure agree
But please how do you train your plants
To behave and grow so beautifully........
22 Jun, 2012
Lol. Pam ... :o)))
22 Jun, 2012
Wonderful TT and Conker & Truffle, congrats on the prizes and love your 'storm up your noses'!!
22 Jun, 2012
Thanks Grandmage ... Let's hope for sunny weather soon !
22 Jun, 2012
Oh Terra! Happy Days!! :)))
22 Jun, 2012
Thanks Karen ...
Challenging rhymes ... noses and roses ;o)
22 Jun, 2012
and...dare I say it...hoses!!! :))) x
22 Jun, 2012
It's summer in your garden TT. It's all looking lush and colourful :o)
Congratulations to Conker and Truffle on winning those medals.
22 Jun, 2012
Can't have hoses, Karen...
still a hosepipe ban in some areas ;o)
Hello Hywel ... Thanks ...
my garden doesn't usually look this green in June !
Conker and Truffle are well pleased with their winnings :o)
22 Jun, 2012
Well done Conker and truffles, lovely blog Terra the weather has been crazy....
22 Jun, 2012
Great Blog , Great Pictures, Great Dogs and Great to see you again Terra the only thing not Great is the Weather;0)
22 Jun, 2012
Thanks Surreylad ...
Yes, crazy weather !
22 Jun, 2012
The rain might pour and the sun won't shine,
In spite of the weather, your garden looks fine!
A real picture!
22 Jun, 2012
Your garden looks great Terra and well done to Conker and Truffles for winning their rosettes and supporting such a good cause.
22 Jun, 2012
Amazing poetry from Wildrose...
How she does it, no-one knows ;o) xx
22 Jun, 2012
Thank you Jaykaty ...
We enjoyed the dog show very much ... and the sun shone all afternoon. I'm glad lots of money was raised for the charity.
22 Jun, 2012
I love that there's a rosette for Waggiest Tail :o)))
22 Jun, 2012
Your blog really cheered me up Terra....Congratulations to Conker & Truffle...:>)
22 Jun, 2012
Hi Geranium gem..
The "Waggiest Tail" class is Truffle's speciality .. Lol.
He practises a LOT :o)
Thanks Moti ... Conker and Truffle send hugs to Charley. :o)
22 Jun, 2012
Archie says Woofily well done to Conker and Truffle :o))
top marks to you TT the garden look wonderful and well done to the Dog Show for the fantastic fundraising :o))
22 Jun, 2012
Thanks, Niverdeen...
Conker and Truffle send genial woofs back to lovely Archie :o)
Everything in my gardens is growing at an alarming rate !
The dog show was such a success that the organiser is planning to run another one next year :o))
22 Jun, 2012
I can just imagine the tail lol, reminds me of my dog Jasper, he's no longer with us sadly but he used to get sooooo excited ;o))) I hope Truffle goes on to win lots more Waggiest Tail rosettes, especially for good causes...I hadn't heard of Hounds for Heroes before.
22 Jun, 2012
Hi again Geranium Gem ..
I didn't know much about Hounds for Heroes, but google gave me quite a lot of information.
I can imagine your Jasper getting really lively and excited.Lol.
Not surprising you miss him...
Truffle does his daily tail-wag practise..lots and lots .. so that he is all rehearsed and ready for the next charity dog show ;o)
22 Jun, 2012
Brilliant,Terra..I'm glad your boys did so well,and a great charity to help...I'm sure 'poses' or posers' would have fitted in nicely somewhere in your poetry ! Lol.
22 Jun, 2012
Your little rhymes are as inspired as your garden!
Well done Conker and Truffle - you certainly deserve it.
Wag wag...
22 Jun, 2012
Thanks, Sandra ...
Poses would be good... or even posies ... Lol..
Hi Steragram ..
Glad you like the rhyming ...
... and the wagging :o)
22 Jun, 2012
A lovely blog as per usual, well done The Boys.....
22 Jun, 2012
Thanks Dotty :o)))
22 Jun, 2012
That was fantastic blog, TT. Conker and Co made me smile :))) You have really garden worth to be shown in garden magazines.
22 Jun, 2012
Great blog TT made me smile, well done boys :-))
22 Jun, 2012
Thanks Kat ..
My gardens are certainly much greener than usual for this time of year !
Conker and Truffle send hugs to Slovakia :o)
22 Jun, 2012
Thanks Kathy...
Glad this made you smile :o)))
22 Jun, 2012
That lifted my spirits, TT. Love the rhyming, love those gorgeous doggies. The garden looks fantastic too. Well done.
22 Jun, 2012
What a happy blog despite all the storms.
I love Iceberg and blue sky.
Clever Conker and Truffles. :0))
22 Jun, 2012
You can rely on TT to produce something uplifting and gentle after all the hullabullo Valadel... what a relief, its like getting into a warm bath, lol
22 Jun, 2012
Perfectly put, Bamboo!
22 Jun, 2012
Great pics and poetry TT and I love your doggies! :))
22 Jun, 2012
Aw what a great blog TT! Your garden looks wonderful and the two dogs..well done! They are jsut lovely. Like your poetry too :)
22 Jun, 2012
Brilliant blog terra. Love the bungle and jungle garden :-)). Congratulations to your dogs, good job on the rosettes guys and as for truffle who else could possibly get the waggiest tail award :-)
22 Jun, 2012
What a wonderful blog! You've certainly got a talent for poetry. Well done to the dogs, they look very proud of themselves and rightly so.
Loved the pics. :)
22 Jun, 2012
Just Wow
22 Jun, 2012
Guaranteed to cheer on a wet and windy day
your poems are great your blogs are too
TT Conker and Truffle I just have to say
what a team - winners through and through :o)
Loved your blog TT how do you do it?
Well done Conker and Truffle you lovely boys
P.S. Your garden is as beautiful as ever :o)
22 Jun, 2012
Love the blog and pics Terra, Conker looking his usual serene self, always such a joy to know he is so healthy and still performing his tricks and Truffle so proud to have his own rosette, I swear I can see that tail wagging lol, I hope they both had a few goodies.
I do like the poem Terra, the muddled bungle, jungle bit certainly is an apt description as thats how mine looks, all things going crazy in the rain and not only in the garden, lol.....
23 Jun, 2012
Very lovely garden :-))), and how great the dogs are! , congratulations for their bravery and being charitable:-))))
23 Jun, 2012
Great blog as usual Terra and nice to see you back on here in top form. I missed you. Well done Conker and Truffles.
Your garden looks so lush, so the rain has done some good.
I sowed some grass seed for my paths on my allotment garden and within a week, they are growing away like mad.
23 Jun, 2012
Thanks for your lovely comments, Tuesdaybear, Valadel, Bamboo, Booboosmum, Pixi, Samjp, Waddy, Shahida, Neena, Sue, Junna and Rose.
I'm sure the sun will come out soon, and I can start to tame my jungle bungle. Lol.
Meanwhile, Truffle is "rehearsing" lots more tail-wagging ;o)))
23 Jun, 2012
Every bit of your clever rhyming couplets is so spot on TT. Brilliant blog. My Hemerocolissss' hardly bloomed last year, now they are set for a jolly good display. Veronicastrum, that hardly flowered last year, is gigantic with loads of buds ready for go. We are rain soaked but triumphant. The doggies, as usual, are looking at their dapperest.
23 Jun, 2012
Hi Dorjac ..
Thanks. :o)
"Rain-soaked but triumphant" ... love that phrase !
Yes, I have plants three times the anticipated size, and three times as many flowers... amazing weather !
23 Jun, 2012
great blog TT,Well done conker and truffle.That is a great amount what was raised.Hope your all well:))))
23 Jun, 2012
Thanks for the poetic walk around your garden TT I really enjoyed it :o)))
23 Jun, 2012
Oh, TT, what to say that's not alraedy been said??? your laurels are still intact, lovely blog
23 Jun, 2012
Hi Fran... How are you ? Thanks for lovely comments :o)
Thanks Mark, J and J ... all well here :o)))
Thank you, Tracey .. windy walk today.. Lol. ;o)))
23 Jun, 2012
lol I've divided my time between rearranging the garden space yet again, and getting mildy depressed at how wonderful everyone else's gardens are! But it's a case of "do what you can with what you've got", so I'm gettting stuck in with renewed vigour - or I will when I get out of this chair!
23 Jun, 2012
Yes, it's easy to get overwhelmed by the stunning vistas and views from other people's gardens, or wonder at the way they grow beautiful plants, but each gardener makes their own contribution and you have some amazing innovations and ideas in your garden...
The weather doesn't inspire though, does it... but... as someone wrote very recently... "Don't let the storms get up your noses" .. who was that ? Lol. xxx
23 Jun, 2012
lolol and as if I'd be able to handle a garden the size of some on GoY! what I've got is tiring enough.
very wise words, whoever said them, ca'nt remember who, slipped my mind! xx
23 Jun, 2012
I'm rubbish at poetry, so not even going to attempt a rhyme, but gosh, I did enjoy that TT...and well done for raising that money for such a deserving cause! :D x
23 Jun, 2012
Lol. Fran... If I recall who that was, I'll let you know...;o) x
Thanks Karen ... Lots of pet dogs and owners at the show, all having great fun raising funds. There was also a stall for Greyhound Rescue and I bought some nice items there. A wonderful day... and the sun really did shine :o))) x
23 Jun, 2012
"Moses supposes his toeses are roses"
Now here did that come from?
23 Jun, 2012
Hi Pam "HERE did that come from ???"
.. you using that tricky tablet again ? ;o)
23 Jun, 2012
really cheered me up here Terra with you brilliant blog, congratulations for raising all that money for a good cause,
23 Jun, 2012
Thanks Yorks... and it's great news that the charity dog show is to be held again next year .... I hope even more money will be raised. :o)))
23 Jun, 2012
I donated all my christmas money to help for heroes, I asked the family and friends to donate whatever they spend on me and they all did,
23 Jun, 2012
Great idea, Yorks... every penny counts :o)
23 Jun, 2012
terra it gets out of hand and makes things up.....honest!
23 Jun, 2012
.... excuses ... excuses ...
"The strong summer gales blew a twig onto my keyboard and caused me to type the wrong spelling" ;o)
23 Jun, 2012
Tut tut wrong type of twit
23 Jun, 2012
Lovley blog garden and dogs:)
23 Jun, 2012
Well done Conker & Truffle, the garden certainly looking very lush and that rare sight, blue sky.
23 Jun, 2012
"moses supposes" is from Singing in the Rain
24 Jun, 2012
Is it?. Ilike that film.....dancing in the rain.........very British really....especially this year!
24 Jun, 2012
Thanks Debbie and Bob ...
I hope everyone coped okay with the heavy rains last night. I feel so sorry for all those deluged with floods ...
24 Jun, 2012
Lovely pictures of your garden lifts the heart on this windy chilly June day. I have more petals on the lawn than on the roses.
24 Jun, 2012
Hi Jen ...
Thanks ... yes the weather is still blowy !
24 Jun, 2012
Don't know how I missed this. Lovely blog TT. Your garden is looking fab. Love the ballerina rose.
24 Jun, 2012
Hi Cinders ..
Thank you ... I wrote this to hopefully cheer up everyone during the storms ! :o)
24 Jun, 2012
my garden the same Terra so over grown with all the rain but just about keeping it together, lovely pics and well done lads on the ribbons and great the show raised a good amount Terra :o))) x
24 Jun, 2012
Loved your blog as i always do, pleased to see the boys doing well, and so pleased so much money was raised for the heros, like everyone else my garden the plants are growing for fun, mind you the slugs and snails like this weather aswell :))
24 Jun, 2012
Hi Carol. Thanks ...
Really like your comments .. "Plants growing for fun"... yes .. that sums it up well... and ideal weather for slugs and snails !
Thank you Sandra ...
Yes ... the rain has resulted in lots of overgrown gardens.
It was great to raise so much money for the heroes. I've noticed that this year a lot of the fun dog shows are choosing Hounds for Heroes as their good cause. :o)))
24 Jun, 2012
"Hounds for Heroes" sounds like a very worthy charity! glad they were able to raise that money.
Your "Hounds" are "Heroes" for taking part in the dog show & for winning those prizes! They look so proud!
Lovely to see your garden looking so great! With such a wet June we don't need to do any watering! At least it saves me a great deal of time on the allotment. Last year I had to spend 2 hours at a time carting two 10lt watering cans back & forth! Getting a respite at the moment.
25 Jun, 2012
Thanks Balcony ...
Yes, this year there are lots of charity dog shows for Help for Heroes. Some dog shows have had to be postponed because of the waterlogged venues, but all are hoping to reschedule later in the year.
Yes, I remember the endless watering you were doing last year on your allotment .. You must have clocked up many miles with those watering cans. At least these rainy days have saved us from doing that !
25 Jun, 2012
Great blog,TT, well done and well done to the boys for their money making efforts - didn't they do well? :)
I enjoyed seeing all your photos but the last one is my favourite, I would pick those two little flowers any day!
26 Jun, 2012
Hi Gee ... Thank you.
Conker and Truffle send hugs to your special Millie flower :o)
26 Jun, 2012
beautiful Terra !!!!
28 Jun, 2012
Hi Paul...
Thanks. Everything has grown so fast !
I've spent so much gardening time lately, up ladders, cutting back climbers etc !
28 Jun, 2012
brill stuff Terra - I am just catching up now :))
28 Jun, 2012
I keep trying to catch up with blogs and pics !
Getting there ... :o)))
28 Jun, 2012
Don`t know how I missed this, your Ballerina and Iceberg are superb TT. I see Conker and Truffle are keeping standards high and its so good to see how much money was raised for such a good cause.
28 Jun, 2012
Storms!. Storms!! So black inside we needed lights, torrential rain the gutters couldn't cope with now thunder and lightning overhead with hailstones the size of marbles crashing down on the conservatory roof.....what next!!
28 Jun, 2012
Yes Pamg it was some storm in east Midlands - my Dad's work had a mini tornado and too be honest I thought our garden was in for one too - trees were swirling in circles and couldn't see after that
28 Jun, 2012
Newtown Linford had a tornado, some damage I hear and in Syston cars are pock marked with the size of the hailstones....couldn't believe what I was seeing with a friends car....flash flooding in Loughborough too.... scary...
28 Jun, 2012
Thanks Stroller... my roses have benefited from all the rain this summer .. putting on a great display.
The dog show was wonderful, and the organiser is hoping to hold another show next year. :o)
Paul/Pam ... yes... scary storms today in some areas !
28 Jun, 2012
My garden is going crazy too with all this rain, Terra, would just love it to be dry enough to get out there and smell the roses! Great poem, fantastic photos and so wonderful to see the boys again and know that they are still romping away with the rosettes..What stars you all are my friend..\0/x
29 Jun, 2012
Such a lovely comment, Flori. Thank you.
This summer, we've seen every type of weather ...
... sun, rain, wind, hail !
I hope you're soon out there, enjoying the perfume of the roses :o) xxx
29 Jun, 2012
I can only echo what the others have already said. Such a lovely summer garden. Well done to the boys thats a lot of money.
30 Jun, 2012
Thanks so much, Denise.
At this time of year the roses are flowering everywhere !
The charity dog shows are great fun for dogs and owners.
30 Jun, 2012
Thank you, Homebird ...
I reckon next year, even more dog shows will raise money for that charity .. Hounds for Heroes :o)
2 Jul, 2012
Yes, I agree very much ...
2 Jul, 2012
Only just seen this t.t, so glad i did that was brilliant! and well done for the show and fundraising-how lovely! :o))
6 Jul, 2012
Thanks Leigh ..
Not sure if you've caught up with my next blog, The Wishing Garden ...
If you get time to see that one, more doggies waiting for you there :o)))
6 Jul, 2012
Yet again the gentle rain droppeth from heaven this morning. Shame it didn't listen to the weather forecast!! Lovely day yesterday....sighs. Lovely for centre court...saved all that roof shifting. My Veronicastrum is about 7 foot tall TT. I think we will all have to downsize shrubs and trees in case of a stormy autumn.
6 Jul, 2012
Hi Dorjac ..
Yes, more rain today. I'm glad I mowed my lawns yesterday.
Wimbledon tennis will be so glad they have the roof !
6 Jul, 2012
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That brought a smile to my face :) your garden does look fab....... And I'm falling in love with your gorgeous dogs x
22 Jun, 2012