By terratoonie
Way back in springtime, with lots of valuable help and advice from the ‘Team Terra’ pets and wildlife, I started to re-shape a corner of my back lawn, ready for planting.
But before work could be completed, the clouds gathered, and rain stopped play.
That tale is in my blog of 9th April :
… A Task for the ‘Specialists’.
I promised a follow-up blog.
But nobody could have predicted the weird weather of April, May and June, when little progress could be made.
All around the UK, the unseasonable rains, winds and storms have made gardening very difficult for everyone.
GoYers with their gardens and allotments have been mercilessly drenched, frozen, wind-blown, and hit by hailstones !
However, 3 months later, here’s the final part of the story
Gromit was in charge of recruitment.
Some applicants were characters from the earlier blog …
… signed on again …
… the ‘seed-specialist’ sparrows …
… and the ‘soil-expert’ blackbirds …
Other applicants were new recruits …
… beautiful Collared Doves …
… young and enthusiastic … they like to work as a team …
… and Gromit was grateful to sign up the perky robin …
… very valuable for insect identification …
My dogs chose the most useful tools they could find …
Truffle brought along his favourite bucket~with~a~hole …
and Conker arrived ready for the heavy tasks …
The planting settled in nicely …
Heuchera Crème Brûlée nestling next to the Euonymus.
However, things don’t always go according to plan …
From near the sedums came a familiar croaking …
“Thirty all” he announced. “Foot Fault” “Second Service” …
No doubt about it …
Federer the Frog had been coerced into umpiring duties …
Someone has been watching too much Wimbledon !
Truffle ! No more tennis today !
Game, set and match to Conker.
Back to work …
… but where should we plant the dianthus ?
Truffle thought the ideal place would be on Centre Court ;o)
But eventually, we chose a space near the raised bed.
The re-vamped ‘heirloom’ wishing well was settled in …
… carefully …
Conker gave the lawns a thorough mowing …
… and, to aerate the grass …
… Truffle arrived with his worm~on~wheels …
A final sweep with the long-handled broom …
… and the Wishing Garden is complete …
Under the wishing well roof is Heuchera Lime Marmalade.
When that heuchera grows too large, it will be easy to swap it over, and put a smaller plant in the wishing well.
The white decorative stones will soon lose some of their brightness and blend in nicely.
Conker collected up the empty flower pots …
… and then it was time for a quick shower …
With thanks to all my helpers …
The new view from the back windows …
2 Jul, 2012
Another great, fun blog, TT. That area is looking good! This has cheered me up on a miserable, cold, rainy day! So thankyou.
2 Jul, 2012
Thanks, Cinders, Homebird and Ojib ...
I'm glad I found a good place for the wishing well :o)
2 Jul, 2012
Lovely funny blog :-))
2 Jul, 2012
Another great Toonie Production Terra!
Great pics as usual and another fantastic job by your crew :)
2 Jul, 2012
Magic !
You have such a talent for lovely funny blogs, so enjoyable, thank you.
2 Jul, 2012
Hi TT love Gromits interview room :-)
Glad all recruits, Old & New, work well together to produce another wonderful corner of a magical garden.
Off to Peterborough Thursday to spend a few days with doggie friends at the Champ show. This year they are having the Agricultual show at the same time, so should be lots of fun :-)
2 Jul, 2012
Thankyou, Sharnford, Lil, Val and Willi ...
I was lucky that Gromit hired such a helpful crew.
Willi .. have a great time at Peterborough Champ. Show ..
... I'm sure you'll quickly find the Affenpinscher ring ;o)
2 Jul, 2012
Brilliant! Love the way Gromit oversees the bathing and selection process of the new recruits....and its good when workmen get a wash before dinner! :D
2 Jul, 2012
btw, I 'wish' my Lime Marmalade looked like that! :D
2 Jul, 2012
Another brilliant blog Terra and I was just going to ask the same thing as Meadowland! They are obviously well trained! And thats just for cutting the grass! lol.
2 Jul, 2012
love this! keep it coming......;-)
2 Jul, 2012
Thanks everyone for the encouragement.
I really appreciate that.
Meadowland and Rose ... Lol. .. there are some areas of clover in the lawns, but the small bees like those, so I leave them. If Truffle has a sudden hectic rush-around, he usually chooses to do that indoors, so it is my rugs and not my lawns which suffer !
Karen .. I bought that Heuchera from a different GC I'd not visited before... and it was inexpensive ... so I'll be going there again !
Thank you Susan, and welcome again to GoY ..
looks like you have a lovely doggie garden helper ;o)
2 Jul, 2012
You've both reminded me about the dogs and the loo. I have a substantial area of bark chippings in front of my shed where Molly is allowed to 'go'. She is very good and most often goes there, even sometimes when I am not looking! However, on Saturday, I was outside and openened up her crate to let her come out in her own time. When she eventually caught up with me (I was gardening of course) she looked really unwell, ears down, moving slow and just off I gave her lots of cuddles and all that and she still didn't seem right, so I started to get worried....then....five or ten minutes later, I found it!! A poo laid right on my lawn!! Little Miss....she 'knew' fine she had been naughty and was just being sheepish, and of course it was far too late to tell her off! JR Terriers...clever little b*****s let me tell you!! :D
2 Jul, 2012
What a wonderful blog! Thank you, it made me smile lots on this wet, grey day! Some lovely photos too and your garden looks wonderful. xx
2 Jul, 2012
Oh, Karen ... poor Molly .. who could tell her off when she was feeling so guilty .. Lol.
... my dogs automatically use the gravel areas of the dog run.
2 Jul, 2012
Hi Pita .. Thanks ...
Today is certainly rather grey outdoors ! xx
2 Jul, 2012
Wonderful :o)))
2 Jul, 2012
Hi G.Gem ... Thank you :o)))
2 Jul, 2012
The rain may be pouring, the umbrella may be dripping, the flowers are looking so sad but are we down hearted? No, not now that we have seen your wonderful blog, it has brought smiles to all our faces! Thank you.
2 Jul, 2012
Thank you Wildrose for such a lovely comment, which has brought a smile to my face. :o)
2 Jul, 2012
lovely blog Terra - brilliant wildlife photos and a very well presented garden !!! love how you have done your pebbles
2 Jul, 2012
Wow Terra you have certainly got the A Team keeping your garden so beautiful, they are amazing garden designers too, Three Cheers for the A Team [do you hire them out;0)]
2 Jul, 2012
Thanks, Paul ...
It's fun working with stones and pebbles, isn't it.
I love how you've used concrete and cobbles etc. in your garden.:o)
Hi Carole ...
Team Terra is available for hire, especially if you have sunny weather up there ! ;o)
2 Jul, 2012
Brill blog and photos think your wishing garden looks lovely, love to the boys.
2 Jul, 2012
Terrific Team Terra \0/. \0/. \0/.
your photographs are wonderful Terra xxx
2 Jul, 2012
Thanks Carol. Glad you like this.
Hi Pam !
Thank you.
My team worked hard on this project ;o) xxx
2 Jul, 2012
Team Terra does it again!!!
Super blog everybody - and TT for uploading it for you all :)
That wishing well area looks spectacular TT - I love it. So neat and tidy too.
What a great bunch you all are :))
2 Jul, 2012
Thank you Scottish for such kind words ...
The heuchera in the well is growing fast, so I might have to find a different plant to go in there soon.
... and I realise I should pay you royalties for use of the term "Team Terra" ... lol. ;o)
2 Jul, 2012
great blog, great photos, great wishing garden and what a great team! :-)))))
2 Jul, 2012
Hi Lijemc ...
Thanks for your lovely comments :o)))
2 Jul, 2012
Lovely blog , Tt , thank you .
2 Jul, 2012
Hi Driad ... thanks ...
I'm pleased you enjoyed the blog.
2 Jul, 2012
I really think I need Team Terra here to educate Brynner, he spends his time removing my shells from the beach area and has this year decided to widdle on the flowers instead of in the dog run, grrrrrrr.
A lovely blog Terra, very amusing and the pics are smashing as always, your garden looks lovely, thats a nice view from the windows, its a right miserable, drizzly day here but at least my battered lawn will recover quicker after getting a drink so not all bad....
2 Jul, 2012
Hi Sue ...
Brynner rearranging the shells ? Sounds like he is trying to make something new in the garden, to go on GoYpedia 'Design Ideas' ? ;o)
I'm pleased you like the new view from my windows. Yes, everyone's lawns are much greener this year, than in previous dry summers ...
2 Jul, 2012
Excellent and so funny!!
2 Jul, 2012
Hello Sheila ... thank you :o)
2 Jul, 2012
You have a way with making up blogs that puts the rest of us in the shade! LOL! I loved this blog & all the things your "boys" do for you! The Wishing Well garden looks fabulous & the view from your bedroom window is just wonderful - how I'd love to be able to look out of the bedroom window & see something like that!
2 Jul, 2012
Thank you, Balcony ...
The Wishing Well view is visible from all the back windows of my house. I'm pleased the design has worked out nicely. :o)
2 Jul, 2012
Another great blog and another lovely look round your garden. I love Federer Frog, took me a while to get there as I'm not into tennis but then the penny dropped! I really think Truffle was right, a nice flowerbed in the middle of centre court would be perfect. Now why didn't they think of that at Wimbledon? :)
2 Jul, 2012
Hello TT
You're very fortunate to have all those helpers. That patch of your garden is now looking very nice :o)
They've all worked very hard ...
2 Jul, 2012
Everything always looks so beautifully well kept in your garden Terra and there always seems to be a bit of sunshine. :))
2 Jul, 2012
Your blogs are so well narrated with lovely pictures. I love your addition “wishing garden” has done beautifully:))
2 Jul, 2012
Brilliant blog terra the new garden is looking lovely. Must say you have a fantastic team there excellent job. How much do they charge??? :-)
2 Jul, 2012
Brilliant blog Terratoonie! :)))))))))))))))))))))))))
2 Jul, 2012
Really Brilliant !!!!
Terra can I ask what kind of camera you use, and do you buy your heuchera's from garden centres .
2 Jul, 2012
Another great production :o))))))))
2 Jul, 2012
TT you and your team have acheived a beautiful garden area, we all wish we had one just like that!! loved your fabulous blog and pictures, the shower one is stunning,
had a chuckle at federer frog and your boys on centre court a topical touch to raise a smile on this wet old day
thank you for such a cheery treat :o)
2 Jul, 2012
HWat a lovely happy blog..really cheered me up ::) Thos dogs are jsut ace helpers! love the birdbath pics! wonderful! :))))))
2 Jul, 2012
Thoroughly enjoyed that :) kudos all round! Great pics and great narration. X
2 Jul, 2012
No need for Royalties. Just keep those blogs coming :) we all enjoy them!
3 Jul, 2012
wow great blog as always TT ,all looks really good,glad to see conker and truffle helping :))))
3 Jul, 2012
LOL my doggie helper is a bit naughty,shes helps by digging behind the conifer and burying my shoes/slippers! love your blog.
3 Jul, 2012
What a wonderful team and garden your have
3 Jul, 2012
Thank you for your wonderful comments ...
Gee, Hywel, Pim, Shahida, Sam, Michaella, Kidsgran, Stroller, Neena, Pixi, Magna, Mark J&J, Susan, and Parakeet ...
Kidsgran .. yes the heucheras are from garden centres.
So far, with the help of Federer the Frog, I'm managing to steer Truffle clear of planting my shrubs on Centre Court ;o)
and answering Mark ...
... a very reasonable rate of Bonios per hour ;o)
3 Jul, 2012
Sorry.. that last bit should say "answering Samjp" ..
She asked about the rate per hour.. Lol.
3 Jul, 2012
Alas Terra no sun, just rain, will let you know when the weather improves;0))
3 Jul, 2012
Sunshine soon, we hope :o)))
3 Jul, 2012
Just how come I am way down the list of comments...again ? I don't know how I keep missing things....I'm never off here ! I only found it after commenting on your pic,Terra..and now I KNOW it's a Heuchera in the wishing well.duh ! A lovely blog,and love your new design..the boys have excelled themselves as usual..with so much the birdie pics too..:o)
3 Jul, 2012
Hi Sandra ...
When lots of blogs are being published at the same time, they disappear off the main GoY page very quickly !
Glad you like this one :o)))
3 Jul, 2012
Fab Blog Terra. Gorgeous garden. Your two put mine to shame they are so lazy :o))
3 Jul, 2012
TT your garden is so so beautiful and of course thanks to all your helpers.
Just perfect:)
4 Jul, 2012
Thanks N3 and Scotkat for your lovely comments :o)
4 Jul, 2012
Such an entertaining read, TT. It reminded me of Disney's Snow White, where all the woodland creatures assist with the housework. You have a lovely team of helpers there; good job with the recruitment process, Gromit. You have a wonderful view from the window now, always enhanced by the ever-present and ever-gorgeous Truffle and Conker.
4 Jul, 2012
Thank you, Tuesdaybear for such wonderful comments.
Yes, I like to think of all the garden creatures helping in my tasks.
Quite a lot of my blogs are along those lines .. Lol.
One blog is centred around gnomes ...
... called "The Queue for the Loo". ;o)
Truffle and Conker send hugs to you :o)
4 Jul, 2012
Just wonderful TT. Love this blog and your birdie photos are fab. so well caught too. I really like blackbird splashing about there. As for your 'helpers', priceless!
4 Jul, 2012
Thanks Grandmage ...
I'm lucky to have so many helpers ;o)
I hope you're adjusting nicely to your new weekly routine !
4 Jul, 2012
I love reading your blogs...such fun and great pictures! Your garden looks beautiful as always. :-)
4 Jul, 2012
Hi Red aly ..
Thanks so much. I somehow managed to complete this project between the storms ! Lol. :o)
4 Jul, 2012
Thanks TT. I am
4 Jul, 2012
Relax a while, Grandmage ... to recover ;o)
4 Jul, 2012
Will do TT many thanks. x
4 Jul, 2012
Thank you Bilbo. I'm pleased you like this blog :o)
5 Jul, 2012
it is so WONDERFUL Terra:-)) especially the intelligent dogs WOW!!! I love them:-))))))))))
5 Jul, 2012
Hi Junna.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
I'm lucky to have my doggie helpers ;o)
5 Jul, 2012
great blog Terra and lots of helpfull staff to help you, i love the new shape and the wishing well area, looks so summery even in bad weather, bet you all slept well! that night hhaa :o))) x
5 Jul, 2012
Thanks Sandra. Nice to see you safely home :o)
We all slept well... even Federer the Frog. Lol. xxx
5 Jul, 2012
Oh TT your blogs really lift me thank you so much:)
5 Jul, 2012
Haha love it t.t. great blog and amazing work! got to give some credit to your help though obviously lol. i was a little apprehensive about doing curvy edges but youve just 'edged' me on! thank you. :o))
6 Jul, 2012
Thanks Debbie .. glad this gave you a smile. :o))
Thank you Leigh .. I wonder if your boys could spot all the Gromits in the photos. Lol.
Yes, have a go at curvy edges. They are fun ! :o)))
6 Jul, 2012
yes safely home Terra and slept in today i was bushed with so much walking and driving while away lol
lazy day today except the weekly shop.
glad froggy slep haha :o)) x
6 Jul, 2012
I dont think theyve ever seen it t.t, its usually on at xmas isnt it, i think alfie will like it tho, ill have to look out for some videor for them :o)
6 Jul, 2012
you never fail to impress with your beautiful photos of your (immaculate garden) and your wonderful dogs terratoonie
6 Jul, 2012
Hi John... Many thanks :o)))
6 Jul, 2012
hahaha love this TT your lawn is like a carpet and the edges are immaculate, Loving the Wishing garden but most of all I love your dogs, there happiness shines through, they are a credit to you, Dee x
6 Jul, 2012
Bit belated, but thank you for the hugs, Truffle and Conker.
6 Jul, 2012
I wish I had all the helping hands/paws/claws that you have Terra, then maybe my garden would be as lovely and as neat as yours. Great blog:-)
7 Jul, 2012
Lol. Tuesdaybear ... a definite bear-hug. ;o)
Thank you, Bornagain.
I'm pleased you like this blog.
I couldn't manage my gardening without my wonderful helpers :o)
7 Jul, 2012
Brilliant Terra, gave me a nice smile on my face for early morn...
Hope you're watching the Final today, what a brilliant Wimbledon this year...and we'll be back for the Tennis Olympics too, woopee...
8 Jul, 2012
Hi Sue ..
Thanks. We all love the tennis, especially Crocus the budgie, who gets very excited watching the TV matches, rushing around bashing all his bells and toys. And, yes, Tennis Olympics coming up. Does MopTop like the TV ?
8 Jul, 2012
Wonderful blog Terra. The boys are such hard workers. They could help at Wimbledon preparing the courts for The Olympics tennis. Those 4 ladies last night, played awesome tennis. Wonder if Conker and Truffle could give them a game or two? Pouring down here in Essex. Looks like a pond in the road opposite.
8 Jul, 2012
Thanks Dorjac ...
I'm glad you like this ...
If the Wimbledon Centre Court groundsmen need extra help getting the grass prepared, Conker and Truffle are ready with their mowers and brushes ;o)
8 Jul, 2012
No Terra, Moptop just sings, most of the time, and spends a lot of time looking out at the garden, and answering the Garden Birds...
Sad about Andy yesterday, wet eyes all round, still there is no shame in losing to a 7 times Wimbledon Grand Slam Champion...At least we got the Doubles Mens Championship...
Tho the brits crashed out in Formula 1...also, ah well, keep on trying...
9 Jul, 2012
that's lovely Terra, you've done a fantastic job there and nice to see your helpers pitching in :-))
12 Jul, 2012
Hi Sue ..
Tell Moptop to get in tune, ready for the Olympics ;o)
Thank you, Surreylad ...
I'm more than pleased with the Wishing Garden because it is such a central feature from my back windows... and, yes, I was lucky to have so much help ;o)
12 Jul, 2012
Fantastic blog Tt.....and the Lime Marmalade Heuchera is stunning, love the colour....think I may have to get one or two or three.....:o)) Lovely pics, and doggies all helping, you do train them so well! Really enjoyed it!
14 Jul, 2012
Thanks Janey.
I'm pleased you enjoyed this blog. The colour of Lime Marmalade certainly is very eye-catching. Brightens up the garden.
Yes, I'm lucky to have such good garden helpers !
15 Jul, 2012
Loved the blog and loved the wishing garden even more! You are so talented!!
12 Aug, 2012
Thank you Wannabe ..
Very kind comments ..
I hope you're enjoying a lovely sunny day in Kent :o)))
12 Aug, 2012
lovely blog! and such satisfying results. hope it survived the recent storms
28 Mar, 2014
Thanks Fran ..
My home is on high ground, so no trouble with the rainy season ! Very nice to see someone commenting on my past blogs, so thank you for visiting :o)
28 Mar, 2014
was going thorugh "feature ideas" on GoYpedia, can't think how I missed this before!
I'm on fairly high ground too, or at least higher ground than the nearby brook! but, swings and roundabouts, also get more wind
28 Mar, 2014
Less baked beans is often a quick cure ;o)
28 Mar, 2014
Terra !!!
28 Mar, 2014
lol TT, or else get a kite!
I did leave myself open for that, didn't I ...
28 Mar, 2014
Lol. :o)))
28 Mar, 2014
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Brilliant. You are so clever with your blogs TT, and love the new garden. And of course Truffle and Conker with all their helpers.
2 Jul, 2012