What tomatoe and at what time of year to sow seeds
8 replies
4 Oct, 2009 Mistymornin..
My Sarracenia Plava is all sticky like glue.
2 replies
4 Oct, 2009 Windmill
Does the plant die back in Autumn/Winter?
1 reply
4 Oct, 2009 Juneb
small green house what to plant
4 Oct, 2009 Rkalyan
Added names in brackets??
41 replies
4 Oct, 2009 Spritzhenry
I have white fly on my vegetables
3 replies
3 Oct, 2009 Ronsmith
A slope like the north face of the Eiger
14 replies
3 Oct, 2009 Titchy
When to Plant Peanuts
3 Oct, 2009 Tom3109
What can I do about a burnt conifer?
7 replies
3 Oct, 2009 Steve_faulk..
Trying to take streptacarpus cuttings from my fil plants
3 Oct, 2009 Scotkat
why no flowers?
3 Oct, 2009 Digby
Ideas for a bottom of the garden patio which is North EE facing please?
4 replies
3 Oct, 2009 Deesong
How can I divide a violet pot plant.
3 Oct, 2009 Pennypollyr..
my helmond pillar is not a pillar can I prune it !! how !!
6 replies
3 Oct, 2009 Crackerjack
Had quote to cut trees £1800
36 replies
What to grow
5 replies
Help identifying a tree
3 Oct, 2009 Edeveuk
Saw fly on gooseberry bushes
3 Oct, 2009 Paulinekent..
I plan to plant a few copper beeches to form an attractive hedge, but my husband...
3 Oct, 2009 Buzzbub
how should i plant my pansies???
13 replies
2 Oct, 2009 Brenda01
Please identify
16 replies
2 Oct, 2009 Chudmuskett
Where in the UK is Verbena bonariensis hardy?
21 replies
2 Oct, 2009 Spritzhenry
Please help identify this plant.
2 Oct, 2009 Smilerflo
What colour will my hollyhocks be?
2 Oct, 2009 Barbarella
Stranvaesia Pallette or Photinia
2 Oct, 2009 Heron
olive tree
2 Oct, 2009 Kornos
Rosa "Red Carpet"
9 replies
2 Oct, 2009 Glenp
Soil and Sand
2 Oct, 2009 Showeryday
Hi all and Happy Smile Day. :-)))
2 Oct, 2009 Blah13
Pot-bound plants!
40 replies
Withdrawal of the universal pansy
2 Oct, 2009 Drc726
Hello, help needed.
2 Oct, 2009 Mangetout59
my new patio is good 6 inches higher than my lawn. Is there anyway I can build up...
1 Oct, 2009 Lawn_raker
10 replies
1 Oct, 2009 Mobee
Alstroemeria bare root plants
1 Oct, 2009 Muddywellie..
1 Oct, 2009 Daisyboots
why are my plums splitting?
1 Oct, 2009 Alif
Thank you!
1 Oct, 2009 Pennyfarthing
1 Oct, 2009 Titchy
Another ID please
1 Oct, 2009 Merlinbabydog
ID yellow fruit?
Protecting bulbs
1 Oct, 2009 Swcash
1 Oct, 2009 Usernut
1 Oct, 2009 Virgininter..
storing begonias
1 Oct, 2009 Yorkshire
I am looking at planting this in my garden in memory of my cat 'alice', but...
11 replies
1 Oct, 2009 Kalin
Please identify this blue flower. Thanks.
12 replies
1 Oct, 2009 Terratoonie
what depth to plant bulbs?
1 Oct, 2009 Ahmac
Can I move my Passion Flower?
1 Oct, 2009 Mduffy
gunera manitica
1 Oct, 2009 Blinkh_c