Please can you identify this plant?
8 replies
14 Mar, 2014 Jvt
Last year I had several pots of crocuses and daffodils
1 reply
14 Mar, 2014 Sjw
best time to take cuttings
2 replies
14 Mar, 2014 Jimmyb
Has anyone heard from Gattina recently?
7 replies
14 Mar, 2014 Cammomile
My husband has purchased a small garden trough
14 Mar, 2014 Chrisr
Hello everyone
3 replies
14 Mar, 2014 Cestina
Last year we moved house and the lawn in our new place was a bit of a mess and had...
14 Mar, 2014 Treg
I have crocuses, daffodils and tulips in pots
4 replies
14 Mar, 2014 Canalhopper
Can I grow a climbing honeysuckle and jasmine together to intertwine?
14 Mar, 2014 Lucytim
Hi, I don't know if this rose is a climber or a rambler
14 Mar, 2014 Charnwood
I bought this bird of paradise last winter at a garden center
6 replies
14 Mar, 2014 Rkwright
How and when do i prune a pussy willow?
14 Mar, 2014 Teddygirlja..
I've grown broccoli in my greenhouse over winter
13 Mar, 2014 Fatlad
What is the best irrigation mist spray u can get looking to put one in my polly tunnel
Could you tell me why some of the branches on my monkey puzzletree are going brown
13 Mar, 2014 Gdbrennan
I have a large bag of Miracle-Gro Multipurpose compost
13 Mar, 2014 Terrna
With the Roses just beginning to bud
13 Mar, 2014 Al5188
Antone going to the Cardiff spring flower show 12th April?
13 Mar, 2014 Dandlyon
Two Magnolia trees were planted at the same time side by side
13 Mar, 2014 Ceejay
A very weird tree I tried to ask a question a short while ago but think I failed
13 Mar, 2014 Hank
Rosa Caroline
12 Mar, 2014 Merlinbabydog
I've planted corbra beans in my heated potting shed they r just coming through...
12 Mar, 2014 Fatlad
I have a Damson tree that was planted in 2003
12 Mar, 2014 Simonsearle
I have my Spring Festival Camelia still growing in a pot
12 Mar, 2014 Scotkat
I have two fuchsias in a very sheltered spot in a trough with a camelia in the middle
12 Mar, 2014 Cammomile
I'm planting shallots in a newly dug bed and would like to use the space in between...
12 Mar, 2014 Love3garden
What is this shrub?
12 Mar, 2014 Casso
I would like to plant bare root beech hedging in our garden but have read beech doesn't...
5 replies
12 Mar, 2014 Jackaroo
Could someone tell me what this is please?
12 Mar, 2014 Kate40club
can digitalis kill off underlying ajuga
11 Mar, 2014 Tutso
Please for give me but my PH reading of 2 &
11 Mar, 2014 Dave9i46
Ive managed to secure a rather nice greenhouse 8' x 8'
11 Mar, 2014 Elfordo
Hi can you please help I need a fast growing tree to screen a house at back of my...
11 Mar, 2014 Traceyosheas
When can i plant livingstone daisy seede
11 Mar, 2014 Agi
Should I cut my lawn this early in the year
11 Mar, 2014 Pjf
I have a new green house and was going to start seeding bedding plants this year...
11 Mar, 2014 Happyman123uk
evergreen boarder hedging
10 Mar, 2014 Norwich
can anyone help Hi can anyone tell if I could grow a candelabra Primulas as margin...
10 Mar, 2014 Taz
I saw lovely snowdrop type flowers
10 Mar, 2014 Patriciayoung
what is this flower
10 Mar, 2014 Teresashill..
when shud I cut back my clematis its has new growth half way up ?
10 Mar, 2014 Babs1947
what is this flower please ?
How is it that council-planted narcissus bloom beautifully year after year although...
9 replies
10 Mar, 2014 Merlinbabydog
I would like to replace my small campanulas that have been completely smothered in...
10 Mar, 2014 Avrilcoutts
when do u take covers off your outdoor pot plants?
10 Mar, 2014 Fefe71
how to prevent maggotseating bagonia cones
10 Mar, 2014 Teresaharpe..
Find a member I've forgotten how to locate certain member in order to ask a...
10 Mar, 2014 Hank
Once a seed has germinated can it be removed from the heated incubator?
10 Mar, 2014 P_j_g
Is there a cure for patio lichen
10 Mar, 2014 Zeebrugger