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Why do some of my early beefsteak tomatoes have holes in the bottoms of the fruit?
4 replies
17 Aug, 2013 Janpled
do my red peppers turn red the longer I leave them out in the garden or do I bring...
17 Aug, 2013 Cranford
I have just started growing red peppers my peppers are large green ones on the plant...
1 reply
Never before had this happen
6 replies
17 Aug, 2013 Lincslass
My garden has been in pots for a number of years as I have moved house a lot
17 Aug, 2013 Maryh
hi, does anyone know the name of this plant?
17 Aug, 2013 Ad44downey
can i plant lupin seeds from plant when dried out if so please advise
3 replies
17 Aug, 2013 Johnfarrell
poenia wont come intobud
17 Aug, 2013 Patwheeler
Stocks- This is the first time I have grown Stocks
2 replies
17 Aug, 2013 Annabella
Testing photo resize apps for ipad
13 replies
17 Aug, 2013 Urbanite
Hi everybody
17 Aug, 2013 Haian
How do I say thank you for all the helpful info about feeding blackcurrants
17 Aug, 2013 Daddysgirl
How do I store the seeds I have collected from delphiniums
5 replies
17 Aug, 2013 Rosedaisy
I have two sambucca bushes planted side by side in my shade garden for 6 years plus
17 Aug, 2013 Booksmcgovern
Hi everyone I don't
17 Aug, 2013 Lynda123
dwarf beans are pale green instead of dark
17 Aug, 2013 Gannie
What is the best way to prune Apple trees Discovery & James Grieve?
17 Aug, 2013 Jbardet
why are my tiger liilys geting very tall
17 Aug, 2013 Nicholapearce
Hi I tried to grow Echinacea purpurea from seed in trays without success last spring
17 Aug, 2013 Squirrelhall
If I gather seed from foxgloves
9 replies
17 Aug, 2013 Jayneharvey
Thank-you to every-body that replied with advice about our Son's Rose - I will...
17 Aug, 2013 Aneliese65
Lovely afternoon at Coton Manor Gardens
17 Aug, 2013 Poppylinda
I posted a Question yesterday and now I can
17 Aug, 2013 Mrsjeanpike
Please can anyone identify this plant for me
11 replies
17 Aug, 2013 Celyn
Another label id please
17 Aug, 2013 Annlivingst..
I may have found a way to send photos the right way up from an ipad
15 replies
17 Aug, 2013 Hank
how do you make concrete "mushrooms"
17 Aug, 2013 Sandybeckman
Why have my Day Lilies not flowered this year?
16 Aug, 2013 Daddysgirl
When is the best time to add fertilizer to berry producing plants like raspberries
Dendodrium Orchid I got a beauitiful healthy one today
16 Aug, 2013 Scotkat
Would it be possible to grow a climbing rose up an old and somewhat bare sitka spruce?
16 Aug, 2013 Panda13
About photos
12 replies
16 Aug, 2013 Urbanite
Are my damsons ripe I have discovered that the tree on my allotment which I tried...
16 Aug, 2013 Jvt
We live by the Thames and the 100ft front bed regularly flood in winter and sit with...
16 Aug, 2013 Kelvine
I have recently started cutting my cotoneaster down as it was looking rather sad
16 Aug, 2013 Mrsjeanpike
I think we have "red thread" on our back lawn
16 Aug, 2013 Gardeners_c..
16 Aug, 2013 Lilyrose7
Is this a giant?
16 Aug, 2013 Steragram
My miniature plum tree was very poor this year It only had eleven plums on the tree...
16 Aug, 2013 Dave9i46
I'm about to start a major revamp of my back garden and wondered if you could...
16 Aug, 2013 Waddy
Hi all - I would like to ask another question
7 replies
16 Aug, 2013 Junelalani
My miniature plum tree has so much fruit on it two branches are practically snapped...
16 Aug, 2013 Susanpotter
Hello again Steragram
16 Aug, 2013 Homegirl
I have a pieris and euonymus next to each other
16 Aug, 2013 Jka
hi this may seem strange
15 Aug, 2013 Brigidathom..
I have just planted an actinidia kolomikta where I previously had one which had died
15 Aug, 2013 Deborahlyne
Rasp ,Blackberry and gooseberry have not beared fruit
15 Aug, 2013 Scotkat
I have a crinodendron growing in a pot which does produce quite a lot of flowers
15 Aug, 2013 Asmith
Hi there :
10 replies
15 Aug, 2013 Tico
I would like to purchase some ferns for a south coast garden
15 Aug, 2013 Tcc