how much sun is needed for herb garden?
1 reply
10 Feb, 2013 16rivron
Lost label but what is it?
14 replies
10 Feb, 2013 Seaburngirl
Hi all, I wonder if anybody has any bright ideas for a feature shrub
13 replies
10 Feb, 2013 Littlenic999
2 replies
10 Feb, 2013 Littlelegs
I dug up a rose bush yesterday
5 replies
10 Feb, 2013 Tintin
have started sweet peas successfully but despite pinching out they havent produced...
10 Feb, 2013 Greenlantern
Has anybody used this garden planning software before it looks good?
10 Feb, 2013 Steveg1966
kiwi fruit I have just bought one from wilkos and the box do not give much info regarding...
Hello, I've got a mature wisteria that has grown around a wooden arch
10 Feb, 2013 Jellylegs
Hi, I am trying to learn about camellias
10 Feb, 2013 Kathleenruth
I bought some coloured arum lillies in pots the other day when can i plant the out...
9 Feb, 2013 Sardine
I have bought some coloured arum lillies in pots the other day when can i plant them...
When can i plant my coloured arum lillies in the garden just bought them the other...
3 replies
Cercis Avondale No other names on label
4 replies
9 Feb, 2013 Scottish
Classification of Iris
9 Feb, 2013 Seaburngirl
Dear David
9 Feb, 2013 Freeasabird
Here I go with my questions
9 Feb, 2013 Patriciacha..
hi everyone
9 Feb, 2013 Shadydappler
Does anyone know of a really reliable Moss killer which can be applied to tarmac
11 replies
9 Feb, 2013 Meadowland
Hello, is it OK to plant hebes near vegetables
9 Feb, 2013 Sunshine76
Can i still move a Cornus and an Acer please
7 replies
9 Feb, 2013 Teddygirlja..
when is the best time to cut leaves off hellibores
8 Feb, 2013 Janetatkins
when is the best time to cut hellibore leaves off?
What is the best way to grow peonies please?
24 replies
8 Feb, 2013 Stickitoffee
I have two plants that used to belong to my mother
8 Feb, 2013 Gk8454
Can the roots of Gunnera manicata be restricted without an adverse affect on the...
8 replies
8 Feb, 2013 Neillybhoy
What GOYmembers be using to mulch their garden this spring?
7 Feb, 2013 Andrea
We have a hedge at front of my property adjoining next door neighbours
7 Feb, 2013 Artikchill
Should I remove moss growing in the flower beds?
7 Feb, 2013 Kew
hello everyone again
7 Feb, 2013 Appleblosso..
Does anyone know anything about garden irrigation or where I can buy it?
7 Feb, 2013 Jgmcl74
Anyone have an aerogarden?
7 Feb, 2013 Sunflower76
I started my seeds in mid january and thankyou all for your advice regarding that
7 Feb, 2013 Newtoplants
What is the name of this bush please?
15 replies
6 Feb, 2013 Stickitoffee
Hello I received a tulip in a small container last week and Im not sure how to take...
6 Feb, 2013 Scaceres1
Can you plant in newly dug in compost
5 Feb, 2013 Dandl
Will frost harm the shallots i have just planted or are they frost hardy
5 Feb, 2013 Doug01
CorydalisA question for anyone who grows Corydalis
5 Feb, 2013 Scottish
Germinating Strawberries from Seed Does anyone have any experience of germinating...
5 Feb, 2013 Superscouse
I am trying to germinate aster nano from seeds but have failed so far
5 Feb, 2013 Carohit
The outer leaves on my Cordyline "Pink Passion" are browning
6 replies
5 Feb, 2013 Alextb
hi there, i am about to undertake on my own a massive garden project
5 Feb, 2013 Jojo64
Hi again, the photo of this bare tree isn't much to go on but can anyone identify...
9 replies
4 Feb, 2013 Jvt
Growing Purple potatoes My daughter in the USA recently grew Purple Majesty potatoes
4 Feb, 2013 Hank
chicory. i cant get belgian or wiltloof seeds anywhere in dublin
4 Feb, 2013 Eamonn_stan..
Who else has snow its a blizzard again?
4 Feb, 2013 Scotkat
I have a tray of French Marigolds in my propogater they have popped through how long...
4 Feb, 2013 Cox
Forcing rhubarb has anybody tried before I know that others on the allotment have...
3 Feb, 2013 Steveg1966
Asparagus I have never grown before and want to give it a go from what I have gathered...