planted sweet William last year they survived the winter but this is the flower on...
3 replies
7 Jun, 2013 Guitarfingers
This lace-cap hydrangea was flourishing
7 replies
7 Jun, 2013 Celiamaud
An apple tree
1 reply
7 Jun, 2013 Qgardens
I have 2 rows of potatoes which I planted as OH has a few health problems
6 replies
7 Jun, 2013 Lizziebee
Can anyone tell me which cotoneaster this is?
10 replies
when I bought my rhododendron I was advised to pinch out the new buds when it had...
7 Jun, 2013 Gillymilly
Hi. can anyone identify this tree for me please
5 replies
7 Jun, 2013 Treeb0909
My potato tops in bags are about 2 feet tall from the compost
2 replies
7 Jun, 2013 Johnk
I moved a clematis plant from pot to ground
7 Jun, 2013 Basher
My mums grass is turning almost black and dying
7 Jun, 2013 Pab
My 30+ year old potted geranium has all its leaves turning red and yellow
I have been gifted six sweet pepper plants
7 Jun, 2013 Monjardinlra
My raspberries are not well Since transferring my newly bought lush green raspberry...
6 Jun, 2013 Jvt
is there a plant or rose with louie in the name?
6 Jun, 2013 Gudsue
Some little "nasties" are chewing longitudinal holes all the way up my...
6 Jun, 2013 J_smith38
I have three Mulberry tree in my yard
6 Jun, 2013 Donsummerton
Cats! Can anyone offer any tried and tested tips for stopping the local cat population...
16 replies
6 Jun, 2013 Dirtyred
I have recently brought some small Azalea's
4 replies
6 Jun, 2013 Haian
I have 2 well-established Leylandi in my smallish back garden
6 Jun, 2013 Pmulvenn
Hi everybody
6 Jun, 2013 Colemansilky2
Hi. Can anyone recommend a dog urine resistant tree?
6 Jun, 2013 Mrs_biggles
i have just moved to a flat with a public footpath running along the side of the...
6 Jun, 2013 Hazelgm
is the fuchsia ellebel standard or bush please?
6 Jun, 2013 Mmartindale
hi,are watering globes any good
6 Jun, 2013 Sunshines
More than 1 question
6 Jun, 2013 Sonotgreenf..
Can anyone recommend a gardening glove that doesn't let the dirt through
9 replies
6 Jun, 2013 Flintstone
How to take care of a " Mandevilla creeper" with white flowers?
6 Jun, 2013 Lepenseur
Why does our flowering cherry not blossom?
6 Jun, 2013 Harco
hi there i try to grow runner beans and as soon as i put the plants out they get...
6 Jun, 2013 Raine
Not a question more a tip
6 Jun, 2013 Dungy
Is pyrethrine a fully comprehensive insecticide?
6 Jun, 2013 Jonah13
Found this grub in a pot of compost
5 Jun, 2013 Thrift
Two questions for answers please
5 Jun, 2013 Chino
Can anyone please identify the plant I bought today the grower didn't know it's...
5 Jun, 2013 Neellan
hi all my sister would like to know of some low maintenance plants that don't...
5 Jun, 2013 Catty4667
Hi, can someone tell me what variety this flax plant is
8 replies
5 Jun, 2013 Dian89
I have a large Acer with a sticky shiny substance on two branches & leaves
5 Jun, 2013 Annettemaggie
I have a large Acer two of the branches have a sticky shiny substance and the leaves...
which rockery plants will grow best in the shade
5 Jun, 2013 Carolchesh
5 Jun, 2013 Kgaul
Since I planted my Runner beans out in the garden about one week ago
5 Jun, 2013 Sirwolf
I am not very computer literate and I cannot fathom out how to view all the 306 gravel...
5 Jun, 2013 Sonotgreenf..
Can anyone identify this plant please?
5 Jun, 2013 Roseberry
I have grown a pinus pinea
5 Jun, 2013 Kal
Does any 1 know
5 Jun, 2013 Leo121
Practically all of the flowering buds on my apple tree have turned brown and are...
5 Jun, 2013 Richardcox
I know absolutely nothing
19 replies
5 Jun, 2013 Hank
Hi Everyone
5 Jun, 2013 Pugugly
Where can I buy Rosa damascena plants?
5 Jun, 2013 Tammyrima