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sorry i am such a novice but why is it when i reply to a comment it says edit comment
3 replies
9 Jun, 2013 Gerardine
i have just put on photos for the first time but i cant understand why it has me...
Anyone put a name to this shrub?
2 replies
9 Jun, 2013 Owdboggy
pics regarding amaryllis just a note to Hywel and Stera
9 Jun, 2013 Kev_rowley
Hello,i have recently planted a mimosa tree in my garden as i wanted a conopy tree...
9 Jun, 2013 Climber1
My golden bamboo has 4 or 5 new fat shoots growing
4 replies
9 Jun, 2013 Jaygee
Any idea what this might be ?
10 replies
9 Jun, 2013 Peanuts
I found a couple of these under my new rose plants
6 replies
Have inherited patio rose trying to look after them but find they have sort of moss...
1 reply
9 Jun, 2013 Brenda63
Can anyone enlighten me regarding Sedums?
9 Jun, 2013 Waddy
9 Jun, 2013 Ada
I have had a wisteria for about three years now in my garden
Hi we have a plant in the garden and we dont now what it is can any one help ill...
5 replies
9 Jun, 2013 Harryboy
Has anyone grown Felicia Blue?
9 Jun, 2013 Anujag
what can I sow under my apple trees?
9 Jun, 2013 Digger9
hi keen gardeners out there I have some Asiatic lilys they r coming on nicely but...
9 Jun, 2013 Maggiehughes
What's wrong with my Bougainvillea?
9 Jun, 2013 Chatbud
I have planted some Australian bush cherry trees in a garden above a retaining wall
9 Jun, 2013 Sanmer
Hello all I have just cut the Rowan tree down as a last resort tried all ideas
9 Jun, 2013 Isla
why are my courgettes and butternut squash leaves turning a very pale green colour?
9 Jun, 2013 Graidia
where can I buy angelica in or around Nottingham or Leicester please?
9 Jun, 2013 Eileenella
can anyone tell me where I can buy a tool that I think is called a garden claw
Can anyone recommend a " 12-4-8 " fertilizer for a blue hydrangea ?
9 Jun, 2013 Frederickaj
Tomato advice please
9 Jun, 2013 Julien
This garden was an empty canvas when we moved in 15 years ago
9 Jun, 2013 Rosiebeck
On behalf of my daughter I do hope you can help
9 Jun, 2013 Cazoo1
desperate times fellow gardeners
9 Jun, 2013 Boltardy
I bought these plug begonias a while ago now and put them in my hanging baskets in...
11 replies
9 Jun, 2013 Pdb
Bought a hardy kiwi plant
9 Jun, 2013 Rosecroft
what is the best evergreen climber to grow along trellis?
what is the best climber to grow along trellis with small flowers and evegreen
Please can anyone ID this plant?
9 Jun, 2013 Spritzhenry
We recently moved into a house that had a lawn full of moss
8 Jun, 2013 Peanuts
Hi many thanks i think it is a hawthorn
8 Jun, 2013 Treeb0909
8 Jun, 2013 Cardyl
I have an acer palmata
When is the best time to re-pot a Japanese maple?
8 Jun, 2013 Adele_lavery
When is the best time to re-pot a japanese maple?
why is it that my magnolia has nt budded this year
8 Jun, 2013 Pigstypete
why is it thatmy magnolia has not budded his year
i have recently planted pansies
8 Jun, 2013 Kraken76
I lifted my tulips last year after the foliage had all died down
8 Jun, 2013 Tuesdaybear
My Camellia dropped every opening flower after they had turned brown
7 replies
8 Jun, 2013 Rosiebeck
My phlox cuttings have rooted and I have pottedthem on
8 Jun, 2013 Huffmaling
A little orphan tree
13 replies
8 Jun, 2013 Hank
I I've got a very woody bush's that I no longer want I cannot dig it up it...
8 Jun, 2013 Chrisjbay
I planted four bare root rose bushes at the end of April having soaked their roots...
8 Jun, 2013 Junecruicks..
CALLA LILY I was given a beautiful calla lily yesterday in a smallish pot which...
8 Jun, 2013 Johnp58
fruit tree
8 Jun, 2013 Snoopdog
Are rhododendron fragrant?
7 Jun, 2013 Treetop