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I have an very large Cordyline Sundance plant in a raised bed
1 reply
22 Apr, 2020 Aliceinwond..
Thank you very much
4 replies
22 Apr, 2020 Nixx2949
Hello ! I have some smallish pots with sweet peas just showing
8 replies
22 Apr, 2020 Seasidesal
I am having difficulty in loading my blogs or photos
5 replies
21 Apr, 2020 Telme8
Back in 2017 we bought a Spectabile Stardust White Sedum which has been fine up until...
14 replies
21 Apr, 2020 Sunnydais
I have a beautiful clump of burnt orange wallflowers from last year
2 replies
21 Apr, 2020 Arbuthnot
Hi my peiris forest flame has just dropped all of its leaves yet still has flowers
6 replies
21 Apr, 2020 Nixx2949
Hi, Anybody able to identify this please?
21 Apr, 2020 Scubasteve
I have a lot of Fuschias I saved from last year growing nicely in greenhouse
3 replies
21 Apr, 2020 Broadhaven
How long does stump killer remain effective in the soil after the stump has rotted...
21 Apr, 2020 Bigbumblebee
This Lilac tree was here when we came and is approx
21 Apr, 2020 Honeysuckle..
Hi my meyer lemon has been out all winter covered with glass
21 Apr, 2020 Jake47
Does anyone know how to train a tamarix tentranda into a single stem standard please...
20 Apr, 2020 Kay_knavegoby
Can a cotoneaster be moved?
20 Apr, 2020 Clarkj
I have an ugly breeze block wall between my garden and next door
20 Apr, 2020 Slimdil
I have a couple of blue flowered bulbs on the balcony but I don't know what they...
10 replies
20 Apr, 2020 Balcony
Is this a Blueberry tree?
20 Apr, 2020 Mary321
Hi, I have some Gazania plant
20 Apr, 2020 Johnjoe
This climber
20 Apr, 2020 Meadowland
I have a large Yew tree outside my house
20 Apr, 2020 Huntingdon
I hope I haven’t asked this before
7 replies
19 Apr, 2020 Hank
Plant ID please
19 Apr, 2020 Andrea
Making a string to lower itself from patio cover
19 Apr, 2020 Temcol
Having just cut back a lot of ivy overgrowing a fence in a neglected corner of the...
19 Apr, 2020 Magiliz
Would you say this hedge is in gods waiting room?
19 Apr, 2020 Youngalistair
Caterpillar i
19 Apr, 2020 Amsterdam
Do hydrangeas benefit from pruning?
19 Apr, 2020 Fancier
Help ID Plant Please
19 Apr, 2020 Alanb
Could someone tell me if these are pink bluebells thanks
19 Apr, 2020 Pip410
The fronds of my Dicksonia Antarctica seem to be trying to emerge all at the same...
19 Apr, 2020 Ljm
I have a pear tree planted by my great grandfather
18 Apr, 2020 Twoputtdoc
Help with plant ID please This is self sown and seems to grow really quickly about...
18 Apr, 2020 Sunbeam
ID for this 'twig' found growing in the back garden
18 Apr, 2020 Seaburngirl
Last year bought two Hydrangeas
18 Apr, 2020 Namtar
Saw this on Gardener's World last night
Can you grow cacti outdoors?
17 Apr, 2020 Gardener55
OK These are the big fat lazy tulips with no flowers
17 Apr, 2020 Bramhallbill
Friend or foe?
16 Apr, 2020 Amsterdam
My fatsia japonica is definitely dying
16 Apr, 2020 Jilloca
i have a rhododendron which has been nibbled at
16 Apr, 2020 Solada
I bought this plant about 4 years ago from a good garden centre
16 Apr, 2020 Jillstarling
Hi, can anyone identify this flower for me please?
16 Apr, 2020 Ad44downey
Could this be a self sown clematis?
15 Apr, 2020 Sunbeam
My daughter has taken delivery of some bare-root hawthorns for hedging
15 Apr, 2020 Pennyfarthing
Please can someone help to identify this plant which is growing in our hedge
15 Apr, 2020 Pam24
What soil for deutzia?
15 Apr, 2020 Gabinkernow
Can anyone identify this plant for me
15 Apr, 2020 13christine
Could anyone tell me what this is growing from my pitcher plant?
14 Apr, 2020 Huffmaling
Begonias, the big blousy ones
14 Apr, 2020 Pennyfarthing
Hi, I'm new here and in need of ideas on empty plant pot storage
14 Apr, 2020 Joanief