The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Xela's Calendar

Xela has added 382 plants.


Due almost 17 years ago:

Choosing ericas (heathers).

For soils with a pH greater than 6.5, the best advice is to restrict your choice to Erica carnea, Erica x darleyensis, Erica erigena, Erica manipuliflora, Erica vagans and any of the tree heaths with the exception of Erica arborea.
Plant heathers deeply with the lower foliage resting on the soil surface.

Due over 15 years ago:

Plant out Aquilegia Dwarf Fairyland mixed.

12" apart in moist well drained soil in sun or partial shade.

Due over 13 years ago:

Divide Windflower /anemone.

Divide mature clumps and replant at once.

Due about 13 years ago:

Sow French Marigold .

Sow Veg Sweet Pepper 'California Wonder'.

in pots or trays of seed compost
sow thinly, cover with fine layer of compost
firm gently and keep moist
cover with glass, polythene or propagator lid
keep at approx 15 - 20C

Due almost 13 years ago:

Transplant Geranium Scented ..... Pink Capitatum.

When all risk of frost has passed, gradually acclimatise them to outdoor conditions over 7 to 10 days. Transplant geranium plants into borders and containers in a sunny or semi shaded position.

Due over 12 years ago:

Harvest Tomato -cordon medium/salad.

When cropping slows in early autumn, gather green fruits and kept in a warm, dark place to ripen.
Dispose of plants.

Divide Primula 'Nectarine'.

Divide large clumps after the plant has flowered, preferably during a wet spell.

Due about 12 years ago:

Take cuttings Jasmine Winter [S+V].

Take hard-wood cuttings in winter.

Take cuttings Butterfly Bush [S].

Hardwood cuttings Dec - Feb

Prune Fruit: Apple -Cooker Bramley [V].

Dec – Feb: Remove damaged or crossing branches during the dormant season


.... barley straw bale to pond. leave old one in too.

Remove old barley straw bale from pond. . .

Sow Tomato - beefsteak.

Sow Jan - March. See packet

Sow indoors Begonia - fibrous rooted [S & V].

sow in the greenhouse with or without heat,from January to early April at 20-25 °C (68-77 °F)DO NOT cover,as seeds need light to germinate and will appreciate humid conditions.

Prune Chinese Wisteria [S].

Prune Jan - Feb ... see previous notes

Propagate Michaelmas Daisy.

January to March, the outer shoots can be used to make new stock. These should be planted in 7.5cm pots and stood in a cold frame or cold greenhouse until well rooted. Then stand them outside for a week or so before planting at the beginning of May

Sow indoors Veg: Cauliflower 'All Year Round' [B+V].

Sow in modules under glass. Seeds should be sown thinly, as this reduces the amount of future thinning necessary and potential risk from pests.

Move Amaryllis [V].

As soon as the flowers start to open, move the plant to a cooler place to prolong their life. As light a position as possible, 10-15C is fine. Each flower should last about three weeks before they brown, but a great big bulb should provide at least one or two more flowering stems.

Sow indoors Veg: Cauliflower 'All Year Round' [B+V].

See previous reminder.

Check Veg: Cauliflower 'All Year Round' [B+V].

Remove cover when seedlings appear. See previous reminders.

Move African Corn Lily [V].

Remove winter dressing/protection when new shoots appear in the Spring.
Bring into a cool greenhouse and place on a sunny shelf. They like a fresh, cool atmosphere and should be kept moist by regular watering thoroughly and ensure that the plant doesn’t dry out during the growing season.

Divide Elephant's Ears [S.V.B.].

Lift & divide large clumps in early Spring, February - March

Prick out Begonia - fibrous rooted [S & V].

Prick out into trays or cells when large enough to handle.

Sow indoors Veg: Tomato [Plum] .

Start making successive sowings

Sow indoors Veg: Tomato [Beefsteak].

germination takes 7 - 14 days

Sow indoors Veg: Tomato [Cherry].

Make successive sowings Feb - April

Sow indoors Busy Lizzie 'Rainbow mixed'.

Feed Rose ... Hybrid Tea 'Blessings' [S].

Apply top - dressing of granular rose food in late winter / early spring each year.

Feed Rose ... shrub - red semi-double [S].

Apply top - dressing of granular rose food in late winter / early spring each year.

Feed Rose ... Hybrid Tea 'Prima Ballerina' [S].

Apply top - dressing of granular rose food in late winter / early spring each year.

Feed Rose ... climber 'Paul's Scarlet' [S].

See previous notes

Prune Variegated [Chilean] Potato Vine.

See previous notes

Sow indoors Swan River Daisy [V].

Sow late winter to spring at 18-21C (65-70F) ... see previous notes

Prune Clematis 'Elsa Spath' (V).

Prune to remove weak and crossing shoots then thin down the plant to a structure of evenly spaced one and two year old stems.

Feed Red Currant.

red currants perform better with a potash feed each spring. Sprinkle the wood ash from housefire around the roots, or an organic potash

Sow under glass Veg: Cauliflower 'All Year Round' [B+V].

See previous reminder.

Sow Veg: Broad Bean.

Feb-May... see plant notes

Sow Veg: Lettuce 'Salad Bowl' mixed [Cut & come again].

Sow indoors in Feb

Renovate, mulch & feed Beech [V+S].

To renovate an overgrown beech hedge, cut it back hard in February while still dormant. If the height needs reducing by 50 percent or more, then stagger pruning over two seasons rather than doing it all at once. If the sides need drastic reduction, then do one side and the top in the first year, leaving the other side to the second year.
Mulch and feed after renovation, to encourage regrowth.

Prune Corkscrew Hazel.

in Feb or March, no routine pruning necessary. Remove diseased, damaged, congested or crossing shoots. Shoots that are growing in unwanted directions can also be pruned out.

Feed & mulch Corkscrew Hazel.

After pruning, mulch and feed.

Improve flowering Easter Cactus.

When the plant has buds it can be moved to a warmer place.

Tidy + mulch Garden Auricula [V].

Tidy up the plants removing all dead leaves previously missed.
Remove any loose compost on the top of the pot.
Top dress with John Innes No.2 potting compost.

Prune Mountain Ash.

Prune in late winter or early spring. Remove diseased, damaged, congested or crossing shoots. Shoots that are growing in unwanted directions can also be pruned out.

Sow Pansy Blackjack.


Sow indoors Pelargonium - zonal [V].

Sow in late winter

Sow Sweet Pea Everlasting [V].

Plant seeds Feb-Apr about 1/2 inch deep and 4 to 6 inches apart. Thin them so that the remaining plants are about 8 inches apart when they germinate, which takes 14 to 21 days.

Prune, feed & mulch Tamarisk.

late winter to early spring. Remove diseased, damaged, congested or crossing shoots. Shoots that are growing in unwanted directions can also be pruned out.

After pruning, mulch and feed.

Prune Willow twisted.

Feb - Mar: Remove diseased, damaged, congested or crossing shoots. Shoots that are growing in unwanted directions can also be pruned out.

After pruning, mulch and feed.

Sow indoors Canterbury Bells [biennial].

To grow for first year bloom, sow seeds 10 weeks prior to the last frost.
See previous notes

Check Veg: Tomato [Plum] .

germination takes 7 - 14 days

Check Veg: Tomato [Beefsteak].

germination takes 7 - 14 days

Check Veg: Tomato [Cherry].

germination takes 7 - 14 days

Sow under glass Veg: Cauliflower 'All Year Round' [B+V].

See previous reminder.

Plant Potato Early 'Pentland Javelin.

see previous note 21.02.12

Prick out Veg: Tomato [Plum] .

When two real leaves have formed prick out singly into 3" pot.Plant deep .... the small whitish nodules or hairs on a tomato shoot just above soil level will grow into roots if they contact the soil, enabling the plant to take on more nutrients and moisture

Check Busy Lizzie 'Rainbow mixed'.

Remove cover as soon as seedlings appear ( germination 21 - 28 days)

Due almost 12 years ago:

Propagate/rejuvenate Stag's Horn Sumach.

Consider propagating/rejuvenating ... see plant notes

Divide Double Peony [V].

Plants can be divided in early spring, just as growth is about to start.

Divide African Lily [V].

They may be propagated from offsets or by dividing the rootstock in early Spring (or autumn).

Pot on Tomato - beefsteak.

Seedlings should appear within two weeks and be large enough to move into (grow-bag) separate pots in about eight weeks.

Divide Cinquefoil 'Abbotswood' [V].

Potentillas can be propagated in spring by digging up the root ball and dividing it with a knife / spade.
See notes

Mulch Cinquefoil 'Abbotswood' [V].

Apply a generous 5cm - 7cm (2in - 3in) mulch of well-rotted compost or manure around the base of the plant in spring.

Divide Snowdrop [B,S,V].

Lift & divide large clumps while in 'the green' ( every 3 years or so), [some done '11]
replant about two bulb widths apart in light shade.

Prune Herb - Bay tree [V].

Prune into shape in spring/summer..... any necessary hard pruning in spring (and only light pruning in summer). Well suited to be clipped into topiary shapes such as Bay standards or Bay cones.

Mulch Herb - Bay tree [V].

Bay trees have a shallow root system and need protection from frost and heat by adding mulch.

Prune Mallow 'Barnsley'.

In spring after all risk of severe frosts has passed cut back hard to within 30cm (12in) of ground level.
To prevent it from becoming straggly prune the previous year's flowered stems hard, to within 5cm of old wood.

Mulch Mallow 'Barnsley'.

After pruning apply a generous 5cm - 7cm mulch of well-rotted garden compost or manure around the base of the plant.

Divide Geum 'Lady Stratheden'.

dig up in spring (or autumn) .... see previous reminder

Take cuttings Lupin -Russell hybrids.

Perennials can be propagated by taking basal cuttings or dividing in spring [March - April].

Divide Cranesbill G.'Wargrave Pink' [V].

Lift and divide large colonies in spring

Divide Feverfew.

Division in spring. See plant notes

Divide Gayfeather [B,S,V].

Lift and divide congested colonies in spring.

Divide Columbine [V,S].

Treasured specimens should be divided every third year, to sustain youthful vigour.

Divide Solidago / Golden Rod 'Goldenmosa[?]' [V,S].

Propagate by division in spring

Divide Knotweed [V+S].

Divide clumps in SPRING or autumn

Stake Hollyhocks [B,V,S].

A strong stake, six feet out of the ground, must be firmly fixed alongside of each plant before it is more than half-grown, and the stems securely tied to it with tar-string as they advance.

Prune Jasmine Winter [S+V].

Cut back the flowered shoots to within a few ( 3?)cm of the older branch. Also cut back some of the older branches to within a few cm of ground level in order to promote more basal growth.

Feed/fertilize Azalea 'Blue Moon' [V].

In spring top dress with Ericaceous compost plus a little slow release fertiliser

Feed/fertilize Azalea deciduous.

In spring top dress with Ericaceous compost plus a little slow release fertiliser

Feed/fertilize Azalea deciduous [V].

In spring top dress with Ericaceous compost plus a little slow release fertiliser

Mulch Christmas Rose [V + S].

Mulch in spring

Start Begonia - tuberous Pastel Cascade Mixed [V].

press tubers hollow side uppermost into box of damp peat(?). Keep at 60-70F.

Mulch Japanese Anemone [V].

Apply a generous 5cm - 7cm (2in - 3in) mulch of well-rotted garden compost or manure around the base of the plant in spring.

Divide Japanese Anemone [V].

If necessary divide congested colonies in early Spring, see previoud notes.

Pot on Rock Rose ...Helianthemum 'Ben Hope'.

Pot up rooted cuttings

Propagate by division Kingcup / Marsh Marigold 'Flore pleno'[V].

Propagate by division (at the end of the summer or) VERY EARLY in SPRING

Take cuttings Lupin Russell Strain.

take basal cuttings in March and April and these will root easily in a 50% mixture of sharp sand and compost.
* Plants can also be divided in the spring - but NEVER in the autumn. Autumn division will kill them.

Feed Hebe Emerald Gem (Vistabile|).

Top dress with general fertilizer in Spring

Feed Corydalis Purple Leaf.

Top dress in spring

Mulch Myrtle ... variegated [V].

Apply a 5-7cm (2-3in) mulch of well-rotted garden compost or manure around base of plant in early spring.

Protect Myrtle ... variegated [V].

Protect from cold, drying winds.

Plant Potato second early 'Nadine'.

Plant three potatoes to a 25cm(10") pot filled with potting compost in .... beg March in a cold greenhouse. the young potatoes should be ready for eating - during May/June for those in an unheated greenhouse.

Divide Hyssop [V].

dig up the plant and use a knife to cut down through the center of the hyssop's root system. Replant each section.

Prune Hyssop [V].

Major prune the stems back to any desired height, even ground level, using pruning shears.

Feed Hyssop [V].

Sprinkle a balanced, slow-release fertilizer over the soil under the hyssop & water to soak the fertilizer down to the plant roots

Prick out Veg: Tomato [Beefsteak].

When two real leaves have formed prick out singly into 3" pot.and keep at about 15C

Prick out Veg: Tomato [Cherry].

When two real leaves have formed prick out singly into 3" pot.Plant deep .... small whitish nodules or hairs on a tomato shoot just above soil level will grow into roots if they contact the soil, enabling the plant to take on more nutrients and moisture

Prick out Busy Lizzie 'Rainbow mixed'.

Prick out 2" apart into trays when large enough to handle and grow on in approx 15C.

Prune Rose ... Hybrid Tea 'Blessings' [S].

See previous notes

Prune Rose ... shrub - red semi-double [S].

See previous notes

Prune Rose ... Hybrid Tea 'Prima Ballerina' [S].

See previous notes

Prune Rose ... Patio pink 'The Fairy'? [V].

See plant notes

Prune Rose ... climber 'Paul's Scarlet' [S].

See previous notes

Prune Ivy - English [V+S+B].

Keep in check by pruning.

Divide Shasta Daisy 'Snow Lady'.

Divide in early SPRING or late atumn, recommended every 3 to 4 years.

Propagate Michaelmas Daisy.

lift established plants and take individual offsets from the outer edges. These can then be set out in groups in well prepared soil.

Divide Lavender Cotton [V+B].

Divide in spring [or autumn]. See previous reminders

Dvide Red Hot Poker [S+V].

See previous notes

Feed Christmas Cactus [V].

Feed with half strength liquid feed from spring to late summer.

Divide Crocosmia / Montbretia 'Lucifer' [V.B.].

Mar - May divide clumps that are no longer free flowering.
Replant small clumps in soil enriched with compost and give a sprinkling of general fertilizer.

Prune Sun Rose / Cistus 'Betty Taudevin?'.

In spring, see previous notes

Mulch Coral Flower [Heuchera][V].

In spring, see previous notes

Prune Potentilla [Cinquefoil] 'Abbotswood' [V].

Remove 1 stem in 3 , cutting back to base. Cut out oldest & weakest stems first

Prune Butterfly Bush [S].

Remove all of previous year's growth to two or three buds March - May

Feed Double Peony [V].

A handful of Sulphate of potash sprinkled around the plant in spring will encourage better flowering.

Prune Periwinkle [S+winter baskets].

Old or neglected plants can be pruned back to the ground in spring , new fresh shoots will appear.

Divide Cranesbill G.'Johnson's Blue' [B,S,V].

Lift and divide large colonies in spring.

Feed Cranesbill G.'Johnson's Blue' [B,S,V].

Lightly scatter general fertiliser round plants in spring

Feed Chinese Peony [S].

In early spring apply a balanced slow-release fertiliser around the base of the plant and mulch with well-rotted compost or manure.

Prune (to renovate) Honeysuckle [SV].

... renovate climbers by hard pruning to 60cm (2ft) from the ground in early spring. Thin out vigorous re-growth and tie in the new shots.

Prune Honeysuckle [SV].

Prune/renovate ... prune back unwanted stems in spring to avoid a tangle of shoots, otherwise allow it to grow into a large tree or into a native hedgerow and it can be left un-pruned.

Feed Honeysuckle [SV].

top dressing in spring with general fertiliser such as Growmore or fish blood and bone will promote growth and flowering.

Mulch Honeysuckle [SV].

Mulch around the base with organic matter, such as garden compost or well-rotted manure, to reduce water stress.

Take cuttings Moss Phlox - McDaniel's Cushion [V].

take cuttings March to May

Feed Moss Phlox - McDaniel's Cushion [V].

Top dress with general fertilizer in Spring

Repot Moth Orchid [V].

Re-pot occasionally in spring to early summer

Transplant Swan River Daisy [V].

When seedlings are large enough to handle, transplant and grow on in cooler conditions.
For summer flowering pot plants ... see previous notes

Divide Chives [V].

divide plants: March to April

Divide Lambs' Ears [V].

divide as soon as growth begins in spring

Take cuttings Helichrysum silver [baskets].

Take cuttings: March to May

Plant Gladioli.

Plant in clumps of five to seven corms, 10cm (4in) deep and 10cm (4in) apart, during March and April. Lighten heavy clay soils with well-rotted manure or compost. Plant each corm on a layer of sand to improve drainage.

Mulch Red Currant.

a mulch of compost will add some more nitrogenous feed, as well as suppress weeds.

Start war on slugs.

Feed Lily of the Valley Bush [S].

see previous notes

Propagate Lobelia 'Queen Victoria' [V].

sow seeds early springtime or dividing a clump of Lobelia again in early springtime.

Prune Mophead Hydrangea [S].

Remove any weak branches and the dead flower-heads

Divide Bugle [S+V].

To rejuvenate and minimise congestion lift and divide clumps in (late-autumn or) early spring every two years.

Feed Bleeding Heart [V & S].

A light fertilising in March will help enormously.

Take cuttings Bleeding Heart [V & S].

Take root cuttings in Spring

Divide Sea Holly [V+S].

Lift and divide large colonies in spring.

Plant additional Gladiolus - dwarf - 'Atom' [S].

see previous notes

Plant Vegetable Asparagus [V].

Plant ... see new main notes

Take root cuttings Bleeding Heart - white [S].

See previous notes

Fertilise Bleeding Heart - white [S].

See previous notes

Fertilise Herb - Bay tree [V].

See previous notes

Check for mildew Lungwort [V].

Cut back plants affected by mildew to the ground, water and feed - see previous reminder.

Divide Siberian [water] Iris [V].

Lift and divide old plants if flowering is beginning to be diminished. See previous notes

Deadhead daffs [v+s]. .

Take cuttings Pink 'Doris' [V].

Easily increased by taking cuttings in the spring and summer months. See previous notes

Water African Lily [V].

Keep well-watered during the growing season

Feed African Lily [V].

Apply a balanced liquid fertiliser each month from spring until the plant flowers.

Pinch out Fuchsia trailing 'Swingtime'.

See previous notes

Take cuttings Fuchsia trailing 'Swingtime'.

Mar - May ... see plant notes

Prune Fuchsia Trailing 'Blue Eyes'.

In early spring, cut back the previous year's flowering stums to two strong buds

Take cuttings Fuchsia Trailing 'Blue Eyes'.

Mar - May take Semi-hardwood cuttings, Softwood cuttings

Take cuttings Fuchsia Trailing 'La Campanella'.

Mar - July take soft/semi-hardwoood cuttings

Prune Fuchsia Trailing 'La Campanella'.

In early spring, cut back the previous year's flowering stems to two strong buds or near ground level to encourage stronger flowering growth.

Prune Fuchsia Trailing 'Southgate'.

In early spring, cut back the previous year's flowering stems to two strong buds or near ground level to encourage stronger flowering growth.

Take cuttings Fuchsia Trailing 'Southgate'.

Mar – May/July: Take Semi-hardwood cuttings, Softwood cuttings

Prune Fuchsia hardy 'Tom Thumb' .

In early spring, cut back the previous year's flowering stems to two strong buds or near ground level to encourage stronger flowering growth.

Take cuttings Fuchsia hardy 'Tom Thumb' .

Mar – May/July: Take Semi-hardwood cuttings, Softwood cuttings

Prune Fuchsia hardy 'Versicolor'.

Mar: In early spring, cut back the previous year's flowering stems to two strong buds or near ground level to encourage stronger flowering growth.

Take cuttings Fuchsia hardy 'Versicolor'.

Mar – May/July: Take Semi-hardwood cuttings, Softwood cuttings

Prune Fuchsia [V].

Mar: In early spring, cut back the previous year's flowering stems to two strong buds or near ground level to encourage stronger flowering growth.

Take cuttings Fuchsia [V].

[Mar – May/]May - Sept: Take Semi-hardwood cuttings, Softwood cuttings

Prune Fuchsia Upright 'Winston Churchill.

Mar: In early spring, cut back the previous year's flowering stems to two strong buds or near ground level to encourage stronger flowering growth.

Take cuttings Fuchsia Upright 'Winston Churchill.

Mar – May/July: Take Semi-hardwood cuttings, Softwood cuttings

Take cuttings Pinks .... 'Claret Joy'.

See previous notes

Fertilise Pinks .... 'Claret Joy'.

Feed with a balanced fertiliser in SPRING and again after flowering to encourage further blooms.

Take cuttings Pinks .... Baby Doll 'parfait Raspberry'.

Mar - Aug take cuttings ... see previous notes

Fertilise Pinks .... Baby Doll 'parfait Raspberry'.

Mar - May ... see previous notes

Sow under glass Veg: Cauliflower 'All Year Round' [B+V].

See previous reminders

Sow under glass Veg: Cauliflower 'All Year Round' [B+V].

5th sowing, see previous reminders

Replenish strawberry stock .

Mar - May replenish preferably with perpetuals

Mulch strawberrries.

spread a layer of well-rotted compost around the plants in early spring.

Mulch Worcesterberry 'Hinnonmaki Rod'[V].

Mar – May put a layer of organic material to act as a mulch around (but not touching) the main stem

Sow Veg: Lettuce 'Salad Bowl' mixed [Cut & come again].

Sow outdoors Mar-Aug

Thin Veg: Lettuce 'Salad Bowl' mixed [Cut & come again].

... to 2" apart for baby leaves.or 8" for mature plants

Feed Spiraea Japonica Shirobana.

Feed Shirobana annually in the spring, before new growth emerges. Use a general-purpose fertiliser to promote healthy foliage and flowering.

Sow Cineraria.

Plant seeds March - May

Divide Cranesbill 'Splish Splash'.

Time to divide plants: March to May

Take cuttings Creeping Jenny.

Propagate by stem cuttings in spring

Dead head Daffodil / Narcissus.

When Narcissus flower-heads have faded, it is best to remove them. Otherwise the plant will divert energy from building up the bulb, which is necessary for next year's display, and put it into seed production.

Prune Daphne.

Damaged, diseased or wayward growth can be removed in early spring or immediately after flowering

Mulch Daphne.

Mulch in spring with well-rotted organic matter to keep the roots cool,

Prune Decora pink Ivy Geranium [V].

Young plants of trailing ivy-leaved cultivars are best pruned back to promote branching.
If kept actively growing all year round, the majority of pelargoniums can be renovated by hard pruning in spring.

Sow Diascia [V].

in early spring

Divide Fern Hart's Tongue [V].

Divide in Spring. Peeled leaf bases can be taken off from where the stem joins with the root. Old leaf bases that are green at the base are incubated in a plastic bag of loam based media. Green swellings can be found and potted to raise new plants

Tidy + mulch Fern Hart's Tongue [V].

mulch and tidy in spring.

Fertilise Geranium Scented ... Richard Gibbs [V].

Fertilize monthly from March through October (and every other month during the fall and winter months).

Divide Goldnessel / Yellow Archangel.

Very easy, larger clumps can be replanted direct into their permanent positions, though it is best to pot up smaller clumps and grow them on in a cold frame until they are rooting well.

Sow Greater Knapweed.

September - November or March - May

Propagate Houseplant Dragon Tree [V].

propagate by air layering, tip or stem cuttings, or by the removal and rooting of basal shoots in spring or late summer.

Repot Houseplant: Zebra Haworthia [V].

In the spring and use a shallow pot.

Divide London Pride / Pyrennean Saxifrage.

Propagate by division in spring (or detach rosettes and root in late spring to early summer)

Sow Love in the Mist.

Sow early spring to early summer outdoors

Divide Mint variegated apple.

Division can be easily carried out at almost any time of the year, though it is probably best done in the spring or autumn to allow the plant to establish more quickly. Virtually any part of the root is capable of growing into a new plant. Larger divisions can be planted out direct into their permanent positions. However, for maximum increase it is possible to divide the roots up into sections no more than 3cm long and pot these up in light shade in a cold frame. They will quickly become established and can be planted out in the summer.

Sow Monkey Flower 'Highland Red' [Vistabile].

Propagate annuals and all species by seed in (autumn or) early spring.

Feed & mulch Rose ... 'Rambling Rector' [S].

Give pruned plants a boost in the following spring by spreading a granular rose fertiliser over the soil and mulch them with a 5cm (2in) layer of garden compost or well rotted manure

Plant Nerine.

Plant in spring in free-draining soil at the foot of a south-facing wall, where they can bake in the sun.

Protect Plantain lily.

spray the outside of the rim with a lubricant, such as WD40, once a season. Terracotta pots may need two doses as they're very porous.

Feed & mulch Plantain lily.

A regular nitrogen feed, such as pelleted chicken manure, and an annual mulch of manure helps to keep plants in top condition.

Move outdoors Primula Orchid Primrose.

replace basket in shallow water in the pond for the growing season

Feed Reflexed Stonecrop.

Feed with a general purpose fertilizer.

Propagate Serbian Bellflower [campanula].

divide in spring (or autumn)

Sow outdoors + plant out Sweet Pea [V].

Mar-Apr: Time to plant out. Be guided by local weather conditions and not the calendar. However, if the ground is cold and/or very wet it is best to wait. The plants will soon catch up.
You can plant seeds straight in the ground where you want them to grow now.

Prune Sweet Pea Everlasting [V].

Prune perennial sweet pea vines in early spring only to remove dead or diseased branches and to maintain the overall shape and appearance of the vine.

Pot up Dahlia [V].

Start tubers into growth in early spring indoors.

Propagate Wandering Jew.

from stem cuttings any time apart from winter.

Feed Wandering Jew.

once every 2 – 4 weeks during the spring and summer seasons.

Prune Viburnum ... Bodnant 'Dawn' [V].

immediately after flowering to maintain shape or rejuvenate

Mulch Veronica / Speedwell .... pink.

Apply a generous 5-7cm mulch of well-rotted garden compost or manure around the base of the plant in spring.

Divide Tiarella (Foam Flower) [V].

Divide rhizomes in Spring

Protect Pasque Flower [V].

Protect from slug damage (eating spring flowers)

Plant Tiger Flower.

(re)plant in Spring

Weed, feed & moss kill Lawn [S+V].

See previous notes

Plant Potato second early 'Nadine'.

Plant three potatoes to a 25cm(10") pot filled with potting compost in .... mid March in a cold greenhouse. the young potatoes should be ready for eating - during June for those in an unheated greenhouse.

Check roses for disease, spray if necessary.

Plant up hanging baskets [v+s]. .

See Majeekahead's blog for advice

Sow outdoors Veg: Cauliflower 'All Year Round' [B+V].

6th sowing, outside thinly fortnightly 4 – 6 weeks before transplanting (3 -4 plants per consumer)

Mulch Checkerbloom 'Party Girl' [V].

Apply mulch of well rotted manure around the crown of each plant in spring.

Train Tomato - beefsteak.

Begin to snap out shoots that grow in leaf joints as soon as they appear.

Feed Tomato - beefsteak.

Water plants daily and once flowers have started to appear, feed with tomato fertiliser every week to ensure the best fruit.

Propagate Cordyline.

Propagate cordyline from seed, cuttings or suckers, ideally from April to June. Pot up individually using well-drained cuttings compost. If possible, provide bottom heat.
Take terminal (shoot tip) cuttings 10-15cm (4-6in) long. Remove all the leaves apart from the terminal tuft
Prepare 5-7.5cm (1-2in) stem-section cuttings from thicker stems that include a bud. Insert the stem cutting horizontally in the compost with the growth bud just visible at the surface
Sever rooted suckers that arise from the base in spring and pot up individually. If the suckers have only a few roots treat as terminal cuttings (see above)
Sow seeds at 16°C (61°F) in spring

Feed African Corn Lily [V].

Top dress in the spring and throughout the growing season, simply scatter a handful of fertilizer around the stem of the plant and cover over with half a layer of the appropriate compost for that plant.
Slow release fertilizers will feed plants for a whole season.
Liquid fertilizers are faster releasing but washed away easily, so they need to be applied every 4-5 watering’s throughout the growing season, i.e April to September.

Take cuttings Hseplant: Crown of Thorns [V].

Take 3 in (7.5 cm) stem cuttings in spring or summer.

Prune Hseplant: Crown of Thorns [V].

Cut off growing tips to contain height & encourage bushy growth

Feed Hseplant: Crown of Thorns [V].

Feed every 2 weeks Spring - Autumn with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half.

Prune Phlox.

Thin out the weaker growth on established plants.
Thinning out also helps to keep mildew at bay as it allows more air to circulate around the plant/s

Take cuttings Phlox.

Take 75mm (3") basal cuttings from the base of the plants and insert into pots/tray of equal parts (by volume) peat and sharp sand, and place in a cold frame to root.
Alternatively; take root cuttings ( if not done in November) by scraping away the soil to expose suitable
lengths of main roots and cut off pencil-thick pieces with either a sharp knife or secateurs.

Divide Winter Anconite.

Time to divide plants: April to May

Trim Lavender French ... 'Fathead' [V].

Carefully trim back in April, taking care not to cut into old wood.

Trim Lavender ...' Arctic Snow'.

Carefully trim back in April, taking care not to cut into old wood.

Prune Firethorn [V].

Spring pruning concentrates on cutting back outward growing shoots and shortening other growth. This will remove some of the flowering wood, but this can be limited by waiting until the flower buds appear.

Prune Firethorn [V].

Prune in MID SPRING or late summer. For specimens and wall shrubs, aim to establish a permanent network of branches and cut back any wayward growths that come out. More flexible young shoots can be tied back against a support while they are still pliable, as they age and become more woody, they will "set" into the desired shape.

Take dianthus cuttings .

Easily increased by way of cuttings taken in the spring and summer months. Plants are best replaced regularly, every three years or so, as they have a tendency to become woody and leggy.

Take cuttings Arabis - Alpine Rock-cress ... variegated [S].

Take soft-wood cuttings Spring to early Summer

Trim Lavender ... white [V].

Carefully trim back in April, taking care not to cut into old wood.

Trim Lavender ...' Blue Cushion'.

see previous reminders

Take lavender softwood cuttings.

take cuttings April - May, see previous reminders.

Take hardwood cu.

take cuttings Aug - Sept, see previous reminders.

Take hardwood cu.

take cuttings Aug - Sept, see previous reminders.

Divide Blanketflower [V].

see previous notes

Take cuttings Mophead Hydrangea [S].

Take softwood cuttings mid-spring. see previous reminders.

Protect Gayfeather [B,S,V].

Protect the young shoots from slug-damage using beer traps or environmentally-friendly slug pellets

Prune Damson.

Only prune Damsons trees between April and September to avoid disease infections. See previous notes.

Take cuttings Japanese Privet [S].

April - June

Plant Peacock orchid (Acidanthera) [S,V].

Plant April - May, either in deep pots or in good soil in the sun, 3" apart and 5" deep. A 12" pot will need about 7-10 bulbs.

Feed/fertilize Verbascum (Greek Mullien) [V].

Apply a balanced fertiliser every two weeks while in growth.

Fertilize Hawaiian Heather ... pink [V].

Fertilize in SPRING, see previous notes

Prune Hawaiian Heather ... pink [V].

Prune lightly in spring if the plant becomes scraggly.

Fertilize Hawaiian Heather ... white [S].

Fertilize in Spring see previous notes.

Prune Hawaiian Heather ... white [S].

Prune lightly in spring, see previous notes.

Check Hollyhocks [B,V,S].

the crowns should be examined, and any plant making a good show of green leaves at the base may be left to flower the second summer.

Fertilise Mock Orange [V].

During the growing season apply a balanced liquid fertiliser each month.

Tidy Batchelor's Buttons [V].

See previous notes

Deadhead Narcissus (Daffodil).

See previous notes

Divide Curly Water Thyme [V].

Divide plants April to June

Take cuttings Curly Water Thyme [V].

Time to take cuttings: April to August

Dead head.

tulips [V+S]

Make liquid feed:.

Start next batch Comfrey+Nettle Feed

3 parts comfrey + 1 part nettles
in standard bucket of water
(tear leaves to roughly size of own palm)
put lid on to contain smell (strong)
leave for 1 week stirring occasionally

dilute 50/50 before using to feed.
Effects can be seen within fortnight.

Rake Lawn [S+V].

rake up the dead moss ( fortnight after treatment)

Prune Euonymus 'Silver Queen'[V].

Tip prune young plants in mid to late-spring to encourage bushy growth Remove any plain green-leaved shoots as soon as they appear, cutting back to the origin.

Mulch Euonymus 'Silver Queen'[V].

See previous notes

Harvest Potato Early 'Pentland Javelin.

First batch planted [Feb] should be ready for lifting.

Plant Potato second early 'Nadine'.

Plant remaining potatoes in plot. the young potatoes should be ready for eating - during June

Take cutttings Geranium 'Westray'? [V+S] .

Strong basal shoots about 4in long are ideal.
Always avoid stems that have become hollow; they are almost impossible to root. Strong, new shoots will have solid stems that will root readily.
1 Cut with a sharp knife under the lowest leaf node at the base of a new stem.
2 Remove the lower leaves cleanly from the severed shoot with a sharp knife.
3 Take out the growing tip of the cutting, either by pinching it out or using a knife.
4 Immediately insert the cuttings around the edge of a pot. Clay pots are best. Make sure they are clean.
You should get between five and eight cuttings in a 5in pot. Allow adequate space for individual cuttings to spread their roots. They should be easy to separate when potting on. Use any open, free-draining compost.
Top the surface with coarse grit. This will hold the cuttings in place, prevent them rotting and retain moisture. Water well. Cuttings that are very soft and sappy may keel over soon after you have taken them. They will soon pick up. Plunging the pot in damp sand and spraying with a fine mist will counteract transpiration.
Keep your cuttings out of direct sunlight. Preferably put the pot on a heated bench or propagator, or in a light, warm spot in a greenhouse or cold frame.
Rooting will take a month or more. When you are certain that good roots have formed, gently ease out the new plants and pot individually. Allow plants to become well established before moving them outside.

Plant out Veg: Tomato [Beefsteak].

Water thoroughly before planting in grow bags when they are about 8" tall and the flowers of the first truss are beginning to open

Take cuttings Pink 'Doris' [V].

Easily increased by way of cuttings taken in the spring and summer months, but BEST IN JULY. See previous notes

Feed Pink 'Doris' [V].

Feed with a balanced fertiliser in SPRING and again after flowering to encourage further blooms.

Check roses for disease, spray if necessary.

Take cuttings Pink 'Haytor' [V].

See previous notes

Feed Pink 'Haytor' [V].

See previous notes

Take cuttings Pink 'Widecombe Fair' [V].

See previous notes

Feed Pink 'Widecombe Fair' [V].

See previous notes

Take cuttings Pink Unidentified 1[V].

See previous notes

Feed Pink Unidentified 1[V].

See previous notes

Take cuttings Pink Unidentified 2[V].

See previous notes

Feed Pink Unidentified 2[V].

See previous notes

Trim English Lavender ... 'Hidcote Pink' [V].

Carefully trim back in April, taking care not to cut into old wood.

Plant Cape Tulip [S].

See previous notes

Dead head Ox-eye Daisy 'May Queen' [S].

Deadhead regularly

Prune Lavender Cotton [V+B].

Cut back hard every 2 or 3 years (done '10)

Trim Heather Darley Dale Heath 'White Perfection' [S].

Trim to base of flower spikes after flowering.

Prune + fertilise Cordyline.

See previous notes

Acclimatise Swan River Daisy [V].

Gradually acclimatise to outdoor conditions for 10-15 days before planting out after all risk of frost 23cm (9in) apart in full sun in ordinary well drained soil. For summer flowering pot plants ... see previous notes

Prune Escallonia 'Apple Blossom' [VS].

In mid or late-spring lightly restore the symmetry of the plant.

Mulch Escallonia 'Apple Blossom' [VS].

After pruning apply garden compost or manure ...see previous notes

Top up trench Vegetable Asparagus [V].

See new main notes

Divide Garden Thyme [V].

Roots should be divided using plants three or four years old. See previous notes

Pinch out Pink 'Doris' [V].

When the plant has eight or nine pairs of leaves, it is time for the first pinching. This encourages the growth of side shoots and therefore more flowering stems. Snap off the growing tip, leaving five or six pairs of leaves. See plant notes.

Repot Houseplant Jerusalem (Christmas) Cherry [V].

repot and water and feed normally

Mulch Rhubarb 'Timperley Early' [V].

a mulch of compost, leaf mould or farm yard manure applied in April will keep moisture in the soil during the summer. See previous notes

Sow indoors Nasturtium-dwarf 'Tom Thumb'.

Grows readily from seed, which should be started indoors about 4 weeks before your last spring frost date. See previous notes.

Harden off Veg: Cauliflower 'All Year Round' [B+V].

Avoiding frosts, stand outside for a few days.

Prune Skimmia.

Prune to shape after flowering.

Prune Silk Tassel Bush.

See previous reminders

Prune Leyland Cypress [V].

Reduce size by pruning in early April

Pinch out strawberry buds.

Summer fruiting strawberries planted in spring and perpetual strawberries should have their first blooms pinched off to enable a good root system to establish.

Limit watering Easter Cactus.

When it has flowers it mustn’t be over watered. This affects the flowering. It flowers normally form April through May.

Divide Gardener's Gaiters / Reed canary grass / Ribbon grass.

divide plants: April to July .... grow in pots sunk into ground to contain spread

Sow Garlic Chives.

plant seeds: April to May

Take cuttings Geranium Scented ... Richard Gibbs [V].

Propagate from herbaceous stem cuttings (allow cut area to harden before planting )

Feed Houseplant: Zebra Haworthia [V].

Feed only twice a year, once in April (and once in July) with a water soluble fertilizer.

Propagate London Pride / Pyrennean Saxifrage.

(Propagate by division in spring or) detach rosettes and root in late spring to early summer

Prune Pelargonium - zonal [V].

pinch back in spring or early summer to encourage further branching.

Repot Pelargonium - zonal [V].

Re-pot overwintered plants into John Innes No 2 potting compost in mid-spring
Harden off and place outside once the risk of frost has passed

Feed & mulch loganberry.

Loganberries love rich soil and respond to generous manuring. Nitrogen is the most important plant food requirement.

Feed Rubber Plant ... variegated [V].

Fertilise when actively producing new growth in the spring and summer months when days are longer. Mix a balanced liquid houseplant fertiliser to half strength with water once a month. Stop fertilising as the days shorten in fall and winter.

Repot Rubber Plant ... variegated [V].

Repot every two to three years [Check roots '13].

Prune Rubber Plant ... variegated [V].

Prune Spring/Summer as starts to get too tall to form bushy plant. Cut just above a leaf or where a leaf used to be for new growth to form from node.

Transplant Veg: Cauliflower 'All Year Round' [B+V].

Start to plant out successive sowings in final position 18-24" between plants & rows.

Harvest Potato Early 'Pentland Javelin.

2nd batch planted [mid-Feb] should be ready for lifting.

Plant Potato maincrop [V].


Plant out Veg: Tomato [Plum] .

Water thoroughly before planting in grow bags when they are about 8" tall and the flowers of the first truss are beginning to open

Check roses for disease, spray if necessary.

Prune Penstemon 'Garnet' [V].

See previous notes

Feed Penstemon 'Garnet' [V].

See previous notes

Prune Beard Tongue 'Sour Grapes' [V].

trim in late April or early May. see previous notes

Fertilise Beard Tongue 'Sour Grapes' [V].

Apply a general fertiliser (eg.Growmore) to encourage strong growth .... see previous notes

Plant Potato maincrop [V].


Prune Tomato - beefsteak.

when your plant has produced four sets of flowering trusses, pinch out the growing tip.

De-leaf Tomato - beefsteak.

Remove lower leaves that are diseased or no longer of benefit to the well-being of a plant. Traditionally, it is common to remove leaves up to the truss that has ripened.

Take cuttings Herb .... Purple Sage [V].

take cuttings in Spring (5cm or 2in long) to replace the plant the next year.

Take cuttings Senecio [S+ V].

take cuttings: May to July

Prune Cranesbill G.'Wargrave Pink' [V].

Needs minimal pruning. Remove misplaced or frost damaged branches in late-spring.

Mark Spanish Bluebell [S].

Label pink & white clumps

Dead head Azalea 'Blue Moon' [V].

See plant notes

Dead head Azalea deciduous.

Remove dead flower heads after flowering. This improves the appearance of the plant and directs energy towards producing new growth and flower buds for the following season. Hold the old flower firmly in your hand with your fingers and thumb on the lower part of the main stalk above the developing growth and the old flower should ‘snap’ off easily without damaging the new growth.

Dead head Azalea deciduous [V].

Remove dead flower heads after flowering. This improves the appearance of the plant and directs energy towards producing new growth and flower buds for the following season. Hold the old flower firmly in your hand with your fingers and thumb on the lower part of the main stalk above the developing growth and the old flower should ‘snap’ off easily without damaging the new growth.

Tidy Rhubarb 'Timperley Early' [V].

remove flower spikes as they appear and clear away dead leaves throughout summer and autumn.

Harvest Rhubarb 'Timperley Early' [V].

Harvest May - July/Aug

Tidy/deadhead New Zealand Satin Flower [S.V.].

Cut back stems which have flowered [May - June/July]

Fertiise Mock Orange [V].

During the growing season apply a balanced liquid fertiliser each month.

Take cuttings Rosemary [V].

Take cuttings from a healthy plant in May or June. Using a sharp knife, take cuttings roughly 7.5cm from young shoots torn off at the stem. Strip the leaves from the lower 4cm of the cutting. Fill a 7.5cm pot with a mixture of sharp sand and standard potting compost and insert up to four cuttings around the edge of the pot. Water the compost from below and place in a propagator or cover it with a plastic bag. Place the pot on a windowsill out of direct sunlight. The cuttings should have grown roots within about 8-10 weeks. Transplant them into individual pots and transplant into the ground when they have developed a healthy root ball.

Prune Batchelor's Buttons [V].

See previous notes

Mulch Batchelor's Buttons [V].

See previous notes

Prune Cotoneaster [S].

In late-spring or early summer after flowering lightly cut back any branches that spoil the symmetry of the plant

Mulch Cotoneaster [S].

Apply a generous 5cm - 7cm (2in - 3in) mulch of well-rotted garden compost or manure after pruning.

Prune Cotoneaster atropurpureus / horizontalis 'Variegatus' .

See previous notes

Mulch Cotoneaster atropurpureus / horizontalis 'Variegatus' .

See previous notes

Prune Aubretia 'Dr. Mules Variegata' [V].

to keep aubrietas going year after year shear them hard as they finish their display, so that they develop a new cushion of tight foliage.

Top dress Saxifrage 'Mossy Pink' [V].

A light top-dressing of sand right after flowering will help to keep the clumps tight and free from root-rot.

Trim Saxifrage 'Mossy Pink' [V].

Trim lightly after blooming to remove the flower stems.

Prune Winter Heath Springwood White'[S].

Time to prune May - Aug
Care must be taken when pruning as E. carnea buds as early as July. It is safer to prune immediately after the flowers have faded. Prune around the edges and very lightly over the top of the plant.

Take cuttings Winter Heath Springwood White'[S].

take cuttings May - June

Prune Veronica 'Champagne' [S].

See previous notes

Dead head & feed Elephant's Ears [S.V.B.].

After flowering remove faded flowerheads and apply a slow-release fertiliser around plants.

Prune Myrtle ... variegated [V].

Remove any unwanted growth in late spring

Plant Begonia - fibrous rooted [S & V].

Plant out when all risk of frost has gone

Harvest Potato Early 'Pentland Javelin.

3rd batch planted [beg Mar] should be ready for lifting.

Feed Veg: Tomato [Beefsteak].

When the first truss has set it’s time to start feeding.
Feed weekly at least to keep the plant going.... see previous notes.

Harden off Busy Lizzie 'Rainbow mixed'.

Stand outside when fear of frost has passed.

Check roses for disease, spray if necessary.

Prune Holly (Common) [S].

See previous notes

Take cuttings Azalea deciduous.

See plant notes

Take cuttings Azalea deciduous [V].

See plant notes

Take cuttings Azalea [V].

See plant notes

Take cuttings Climbing Hydrangea.

Take cuttings May - Aug

Stake Double Peony [V].

Some staking may be needed to support the flowering stems.

Stake Double Peony [V].

Some staking may be needed to support the flowering stems.

Treat Chinese Peony [S].

Fungal diseases may occur in cool, wet springs so prune out any affected parts and spray the remaining sections with fungicide.

Take cuttings Honeysuckle [SV].

take softwood or semi-ripe cuttings 5-7.5cm (2-3in) long from late spring to summer.

Water Gladioli.

Gladioli need a regular supply of water when the buds begin to appear.

Water Gladiolus - dwarf - 'Atom' [S].

see previous notes

Prune Lily of the Valley Bush 'Forest Flame' [V].

See previous notes

Plant Nasturtium-dwarf 'Tom Thumb'.

Transplant young plants [with Brassicas to divert caterpillars] in the garden 15 to 30 cm (6 to 12 inches) apart, depending on the variety. See previous notes.

Replace in pond Water Lettuce.

Return to pond when all threat of frost has gone.

Divide Dog's Tooth Violet 'White Beauty'.

May - June

Divide Primula.

See previous reminders

Feed strawberries.

If required, feed the plants in the spring, use a weak solution of tomato feed which is high in potassium. Feeding with a nitrogen rich feed will only encourage leaf growth at the expense of fruit growth. The best time to feed the plants is when you see the fruits forming in late spring.

Trim strawberries.

Remove surplus runners, they will sap the plants thus reducing fruiting

Spray Rose... Climber 'Handel' [V].

May – July: Spray fortnightly against greenfly and blackspot. etc.

Spray Rose ... Hybrid tea yellow [V].

May - Aug spray against greenfly and blackspot. etc.

Spray Rose .... Hybrid tea 'Whisky Mac' [V].

Spray fortnightly against greenfly and blackspot. etc.

Spray Rose ... Hybrid Tea 'Peace' (V).

Spray fortnightly against greenfly and blackspot. etc.

Spray Rose ... Patio pink 'The Fairy'? [V].

Spray fortnightly against greenfly and blackspot. Etc.

Spray Rose climber 'Leaping Salmon' [V].

May – Aug: Spray fortnightly against greenfly and blackspot. etc.

Prune Japonica / Flowering Quince [SV].

remove excess growth May -Aug and cut back all side-shoots to two or three leaves.

Replace in pond Water Hyacinth.

See previous reminder

Pinch out Cineraria.

To encourage new basal growth, flowering should be prevented by regularly removing lengthening stems May - July.

Take cuttings Easter Cactus.

Take cuttings in late spring and early summer, after the Easter cactus has finished flowering for the season. They root in 6-8 wks.

Prune Flamingo Tree [Salix integra Hakuro Nishiki ].

Cut branches back to within 3-4cm of stem after pink flush fades to maintain plant shape.

Feed Peace Lily / Closet Plant.

A liquid feed every month over the growing season

Plant Peruvian Daffodil (Spider Lily) [V+S].

Plant the Ismeme fall bulbs in the spring after the last frost.

Divide Rock Cress - white [S].

Divide after flowering. Very easy, the divisions can be planted out straight into their permanent positions if required.

Dead head Sweet Pea [V].

May/June: Keep the blooms cut – if they set seed flowering will be curtailed.

Plant Sweet Potato Vine Blacky [S].

Plant overwintered plants, cuttings or tubers the following spring when all danger of frost has passed, which is usually in May or later in most locations.

Plant out Dahlia [V].

in fertile, well-drained soil in full sun when danger of frost is over, usually May to early June.

Plant Potato maincrop [V].


Feed Veg: Tomato [Plum] .

When the first truss has set it’s time to start feeding.
Feed weekly at least to keep the plant going.... see previous notes

Plant out Busy Lizzie 'Rainbow mixed'.

After hardening off plant in flowering position.

Check roses for disease, spray if necessary.

Prune Clematis montana pink [V].

Only prune if it has outgrown its growing space. Prune immediately after flowering, reducing gradually over two or three years (if it is cut back too hard there is a danger of losing the entire plant).

Water strawberries.

Begin watering when fruits start to swell

Plant out Hawaiian Heather ... white [S].

Set out in the garden when all threat of frost has gone.

Plant out Hawaiian Heather ... pink [V].

Set out in the garden when all threat of frost has gone.

Replace in pond Water Hyacinth.

Return to pond when all threat of frost has gone.

Harvest Worcesterberry 'Hinnonmaki Rod'[V].

Start thinning gooseberries during late May or early June removing about half the crop. See previous notes

Due over 11 years ago:

Harvest Potato second early 'Nadine'.

First batch [planted beg March] may be ready for lifting

Plant Potato maincrop [V].


Harvest Tomato - beefsteak.

Pick fruit as they ripen.

Harvest Herb .... Purple Sage [V].

Harvest June & July

Take cuttings Hebe.

Take cuttings June - August, from the current season’s growth. For method see previous notes

Deadhead Geum 'Lady Stratheden'.

Cut back the old stems after flowering.

Divide Aloe [V].

divide June - August.

Divide Anemone Blanda /Windflower [S+V].

Time to divide plants: June to July

Divide Grape Hyacinth [V].

Time to divide plants: June to August

Sow Hollyhocks [B,V,S].

sow seed in June to produce plants that will flower in the following year.

Take cuttings Weigela [V].

June - Aug: See previous notes

Prune Weigela [V].

Immediately after flowering cut back shoots which bear faded blooms.

Trim Japanese Privet [S].

Cut privet hedging

Net Worcesterberry 'Hinnonmaki Rod'[V].

If not grown in fruit cage, cover bushes with netting during June and July to keep off birds. See previous notes.

Prune Worcesterberry 'Hinnonmaki Rod'[V].

Summer pruning is not essential, but pruning sideshoots back to five leaves in June allows the sun to reach into bush centre and help ripen the fruit.

Divide Spanish Bluebell [S].

June - August lift in the green & form blue, pink & white clumps .

Water Azalea deciduous.

Keep well watered through the summer - if possible use rain water.

Water Azalea deciduous [V].

Keep well watered through the summer - if possible use rain water.

Water Azalea evergreen ?[V].

Keep well watered through the summer - if possible use rain water.

Water Azalea [V].

Keep well watered through the summer - if possible use rain water.

Fertilize Hawaiian Heather ... pink [V].

Fertilize in SUMMER, see previous notes

Fertilize Hawaiian Heather ... white [S].

Fertilize in Summer, see previous notes.

Fertilise Mock Orange [V].

During the growing season apply a balanced liquid fertiliser each month.

Spray Rose... Rambler.

Spray against greenfly and blackspot. etc.

Thin out Curly Water Thyme [V].

Thin out excess growth regularly in the summer to prevent it swamping the pond.

Thin out Water Soldier.

Thin out excess growth to prevent it swamping the pond.

Take cuttings Bugle variegated [S+V].

Bugleweed is easily propagated by separating the little plants that arise from the spreading stolons. This can be done any time of year. Bugleweed also can be started from cuttings in summer.

Take cuttings Bugle 'Rainbow' (Shenstone).

Bugleweed is easily propagated by separating the little plants that arise from the spreading stolons. This can be done any time of year. Bugleweed also can be started from cuttings in summer.

Prune Young's Weeping Birch.

Remove dead wood in Summer or Autumn

Trim Mexican Orange Blossom [V].

shorten stems by 25-30cm (10-12in) after flower to encourage a second flush in autumn

Prune Mexican Orange Blossom [V].

Remove any frost-damaged stems to the base.

Take cuttings Viburnum ... Bodnant 'Dawn' [V].

Take soft-wood cuttings June - August

Divide/plant Iris (dwarf) danfordiae.

plant (or divide June to August) Sept -Dec

Check roses for disease, spray if necessary.

Check moisture Azalea 'Blue Moon' [V].

Keep well watered through the summer - if possible use rain water.

Take cuttings Azalea 'Blue Moon' [V].

See plant notes

Summer holiday Christmas Cactus [V].

See previous notes

Take cuttings Sun Rose / Cistus 'Betty Taudevin?'.

In summer, see previous notes

Prune Red Currant.

Prune new growth back to two buds in early summer to keep plants compact. Leaders should be pruned to outward facing buds unless the branches are bending, in which case they then should be cut to upward facing buds.

Harvest Red Currant.

June - July

Net Red Currant.

Birds love especially red currants, and they must be netted from the time the berries start to ripen to the last picking - about mid-June till mid-August - or entire crop can be stripped overnight.

Dead head Chinese Peony [S].

Deadhead after flowering.

Prune Clematis 'Elsa Spath' (V).

Lightly prune back flowered shoots after first flush .... to encourage second display.

Take cuttings Lily of the Valley Bush [S].

see previous notes

Stake Sea Holly [V+S].

Stake with twiggy pea-sticks well before the plant starts to flower.

Take cuttings Lily of the Valley Bush 'Forest Flame' [V].

Propagate by softwood cuttings in early summer (or semi-hardwood cuttings in late summer). Some bottom heat may be required

Divide Lungwort [V].

Lift and divide large clumps every three to five years after flowering or in autumn.

Water Azalea 'Blue Moon' [V].

Keep well watered through the summer - if possible use rain water.

Stand outside Houseplant Jerusalem (Christmas) Cherry [V].

You’ll get better plants and berries if plants are stood outside for the summer

Take cuttings Clematis montana pink [V].

See plant notes for method

Trim Hawthorn [S+V].

hedge cut

Trim Leyland Cypress [V].

mid growing season trim

Net strawberries.

to protect from birds

Spray Rose ... Hybrid tea yellow [V].

spray fortnightly against greenfly and blackspot. etc.

Spray Rose .... Hybrid tea 'Whisky Mac' [V].

Spray fortnightly against greenfly and blackspot. etc.

Spray Rose ... Hybrid Tea 'Peace' (V).

Spray fortnightly against greenfly and blackspot. etc.

Spray Rose ... Patio pink 'The Fairy'? [V].

See previous reminders

Spray Rose climber 'Leaping Salmon' [V].

May – Aug: See previous reminder

Take cuttings Japonica / Flowering Quince [SV].

June - Aug take semi-hardwood cuttings

Divide Anemone De Caen / Poppy Anemone / Windflower [V+S].

Time to divide plants: June to August

Sow English Daisy .... 'Pomponette'.

Sow from June to July at a temperature of 20°C (68°F).

Prick out English Daisy .... 'Pomponette'.

... when large enough (pricked-out seedlings have a better root system).

Tidy Peruvian Lily.

After flowering [June-Aug] cut back the faded flower-stems, but make sure you always wear gloves when working with Peruvian lilies, as contact with the foliage may cause skin irritation.

Trim Catmint.

cut back hard after flowering (in summer) to produce a second flush of flowers,.

Take cuttings Cineraria.

propagate by cuttings from semi-hard stem tips in summer,

Divide Daffodil / Narcissus.

every 5 to 10 years, divide the clumps of bulbs in early summer.

Place outside Easter Cactus.

it can be put outdoor for the summer. It likes shade and normally is hang in a tree.

Repot Easter Cactus.

Repot in well draining soil after flowering & while not actively growing, as necessary if potbound and no frequently than every 2 -3 yrs.

Dead head Petunia .

Dead head during summer to prolong flowering

Trim Sweet Potato Vine Blacky [S].

snip back vines that have grown too far, as necessary. Sweet potato vines can grow up to 6 feet in width in a single season and may need to be controlled to keep them within bounds

Take cuttings Tamarisk.

Propagate by semi-hardwood cuttings in summer (or hardwood cuttings in winter).

Increase watering Wandering Jew.

Keep well watered in summer, mist leaves occasionally

Dead head & prune Verbena trailing Cascade Blue[V].

If the flowering begins to stall, deadhead and prune the plant back to encourage reblooming.

Take cuttings Verbena trailing Cascade Blue[V].

take summer cuttings and overwinter the stems indoors

Feed Olive [V].

During the growing season keep the compost moist and feed with a balanced liquid fertiliser every month.

Propagate Olive [V].

semi-ripe cuttings in summer.

Harvest Worcesterberry 'Hinnonmaki Rod'[V].

This SECOND HARVEST will be packed full of natural sugar and taste delicious.

Harvest Potato second early 'Nadine'.

2nd batch [planted mid March] may be ready for lifting

Remove leaves Narcissus (Daffodil).

Leave the leaves for at least six weeks after flowering - longer if possible - before removing them.

Harvest Potato second early 'Nadine'.

3rd batch [planted beg April] may be ready for lifting

Check roses for disease, spray if necessary.

Prune Apple Family Tree [V].

pruning the soft, current season's growth late June - mid-Aug, before it has chance to become woody. See notes for method.

Prune Fruit: Apple -Cooker Bramley [V].

late-June - mid-August prune the soft, current season's growth before it has chance to become woody.
see previous reminder for method

Prune Herb - Bay tree [V].

Prune lightly into shape June - Aug (any necessary hard pruning in spring and). Well suited to be clipped into topiary shapes such as Bay standards or Bay cones.

Stop watering Baboon Flower [V].

Dry off as the leaves die down in summer.

Tidy Cranesbill G.'Wargrave Pink' [V].

In mid-summer rejuvenate plants that are beginning to look jaded, by removing old flowered stems and leaves.

Prune Jasmine pink.

After flowering remove old and over-crowded shoots.

Trim Senecio [S+ V].

Control its easy going ways by trimming it, especially after it has flowered.

Dead head Verbascum (Greek Mullien) [V].

Dead head regularly to prolong flowering.

Prune Californian Lilac [V].

Use secateurs to shorten over-long branches by up to a half in midsummer after flowering. Do not cut into older wood as the stumps may not regrow.

Take cuttings Common Jasmine [V].

Cuttings of half-ripe wood, July/August in a frame. Very easy.

Divide Iris (dwarf) reticulata.

Time to divide plants: July to September

Divide Intermediate Iris.

After four years, divide the congested clump ... see previous notes

Take cuttings Lavender Cotton [V+B].

Cuttings of half-ripe side shoots ...see previous notes

Sow outdoors Canterbury Bells [biennial].

To grow as a biennial, sow seeds outdoors in July or August. see previous notes

Fertilise Mock Orange [V].

During the growing season apply a balanced liquid fertiliser each month.

Spray Rose... Rambler.

Spray against greenfly and blackspot. etc.

Take cuttings Cotoneaster [S].

Cuttings of half-ripe wood with a heel, July/August in a frame

Harvest Potato maincrop [V].

First batch [planted beg Apr] may be ready for lifting

Prune Chinese Wisteria [S].

Prune July - August ... see previous notes

Prune Boston (Virginia) Creeper [V].

(Prune in early winter, but) will also tolerate summer pruning if needed. Pay particular attention to stems that are encroaching on windows, guttering or roofs.

Take cuttings St John's Wort / Androsemo [V].

Cuttings of half-ripe wood 10 - 12 cm with a heel, July/August in a frame. Plant out in the following spring

Check roses for disease, spray if necessary.

Feed Pink 'Haytor' [V].

See previous notes

Feed Pink 'Widecombe Fair' [V].

See previous notes

Feed Pink Unidentified 1[V].

See previous notes

Feed Pink Unidentified 2[V].

See previous notes

Trim Viola 'Molly Sanderson'.

Give it a trim after the first flush of flowers to encourage further blooming.

Take cuttings Viola 'Molly Sanderson'.

See previous notes

Prune Ivy - English [V+S+B].

Keep in check by pruning.

Prune Ornamental Grape Vine.

Cut back to fit the available space again in mid-summer if necessary.

Dead head Gladioli.

Remove the lower flowers as they fade and trim the stems regularly.

Take cuttings Escallonia 'Apple Blossom' [VS].

Cuttings of half-ripe wood, July/August in a frame. Either put the cuttings in individual pots or pot them up as soon as they start to root. Easy[K]. Keep them moist in a dry spring.

Deadhead Gladiolus - dwarf - 'Atom' [S].

see previous notes

Clip Garden Thyme [V].

will keep its satisfying density if clipped annually after flowering.

Feed Pink 'Doris' [V].

Feed with a balanced fertiliser in spring and AGAIN AFTER FLOWERING to encourage further blooms.

Dead head Penstemon 'Garnet' [V].

See previous notes

Fertilise Pinks .... 'Claret Joy'.

Feed with a balanced fertiliser [in Spring and again] AFTER FLOWERING to encourage further blooms.

Ferrtilise Pinks .... Baby Doll 'parfait Raspberry'.

See previous notes

Propagate strawberries.

from established runners to maintain stock

Spray Rose ... Hybrid tea yellow [V].

spray fortnightly against greenfly and blackspot. etc.

Spray Rose .... Hybrid tea 'Whisky Mac' [V].

Spray fortnightly against greenfly and blackspot. etc.

Spray Rose ... Hybrid Tea 'Peace' (V).

Spray fortnightly against greenfly and blackspot. etc.

Spray Rose ... Patio pink 'The Fairy'? [V].

See previous reminders

Spray Rose climber 'Leaping Salmon' [V].

May – Aug: See previous reminder

Prune Broom 'Windlesham Ruby' [V].

See previous reminders

Prune Broom 'Warminster' [V].

See previous reminders

Harvest Blackcurrant [V].

July – Aug: Harvest

Take cuttings Blackcurrant [V].

July – Aug: Take cuttings

Prune Blackcurrant [V].

July – Aug: Prune ... Blackcurrant bushes need constant renewal to ensure heavy crops. Older branches will bear fruit, but quantity and quality decline with age. For this reason new bushes are planted deeply so that the plant produces vigorous young branches annually from below ground. These are then used to replace older ones cut out after harvest.
Each year remove about one third of the oldest stems - the bark is very dark to the point of being black - and any that are weak or very low. Always cut back to ground level or to a strong new shoot. Combine pruning with picking the fruit, [or wait until winter].

Divide runners Alpine Strawberry [V].

See previous reminder

Prune Rock Rose - white.

After flowering cut out all dead, diseased and unwanted growth. Pinch back growth after flowering to encourage the plant to bush out more.

Take cuttings Daphne.

semi-ripe heel cuttings in mid- to late summer.

Prune Flamingo Tree [Salix integra Hakuro Nishiki ].

Shear in midsummer to encourage a bushy habit, a second flush of pink growth and red stems in winter. Mature plant size is dependent upon frequency of pruning..

Dead head Geranium .... ivy-leaf .... 'Atlantic Burgundy'.

to maintain good show of flowers July-Sept

Feed Houseplant: Zebra Haworthia [V].

Feed only twice a year, (once in April) and once in July with a water soluble fertilizer.

Harvest loganberry.

mid-summer to mid-autumn

Feed Sweet Pea [V].

Water if the weather is dry but make sure you do this early on in the day to minimise bud drop and to prevent scorching. Feed with a weak solution of your favourite plant food (formulated for flowers) if your plants are starting to look weaker

Feed Dahlia [V].

once flowers appear feed with a high potash liquid feed every two weeks from July to early September

Take cuttings Californian Lilac [V].

semi ripe cuttings mid July ... see previous notes

Harvest Potato maincrop [V].

2nd batch [planted mid Apr] may be ready for lifting

Check roses for disease, spray if necessary.

Deadhead Coreopsis 'Early Sunrise' (Tickseed) [V].

See previous notes.

Deadhead Lavender ... white [V].

Cut back the stalks after the flowers have faded.

Deadhead Lavender ...' Arctic Snow'.

Cut back the stalks after the flowers have faded.

Deadhead Lavender ...' Blue Cushion'.

see previous reminders

Take hardwood lavender cuttings.

take cuttings Aug - Sept, see previous reminders.

Prune Common Jasmine [V].

Prune out thin, old shoots.

Take cuttings Beard Tongue 'Sour Grapes' [V].

Take cuttings from non-flowering stem tips in late summer and over winter for planting out the following year

Deadhead Beard Tongue 'Sour Grapes' [V].

Remove the faded blooms regularly to prolong flowering.

Fertilise Mock Orange [V].

During the growing season apply a balanced liquid fertiliser each month.

Prune Mock Orange [V].

Prune in late-summer immediately after flowering, removing one in four of the older stems to ground level.

Take cuttings Rock Rose ...Helianthemum 'Ben Hope'.

See previous notes

Prune Rock Rose ...Helianthemum 'Ben Hope'.

Cut to within an inch of old growth after flowering to keep them from getting horribly straggly

Trim Box common [S + B].

Trim August or September.

Take root cuttins Batchelor's Buttons [V].

See previous notes

Prune Raspberry .... Summer fruiting [Vistabile].

See previous notes

Prune Rose... Rambler.

Se previous notes

Spray Rose... Rambler.

Spray roses against greenfly and blackspot. etc.

Divide Narcissus (Daffodil).

See previous notes

Propagate by division Kingcup / Marsh Marigold 'Flore pleno'[V].

Lift and divide large clumps in late-summer.

Prune Samantha's Ornamental Cherry [S].

Cut out damaged and unwanted shoots, allowing time for wounds to heal before leaf fall

Harvest Potato maincrop [V].

3rdbatch [planted beg May] may be ready for lifting

Trim St John's Wort / Androsemo [V].

After flowering lightly trim back shoots that spoil the symmetry of the plant.

Check roses for disease, spray if necessary.

Check roses for disease, spray if necessary.

Take cuttings Lavender French ... 'Fathead' [V].

Take hardwood cuttings Aug - Sept

Take cuttings Lavender ... white [V].

Take hardwood cuttings Aug - Sept

Take cuttings English Lavender ... 'Hidcote Pink' [V].

Take hardwood cuttings Aug - Sept

Take cuttings Lavender ...' Arctic Snow'.

Take hardwood cuttings Aug - Sept

Take cuttings Lavender ...' Blue Cushion'.

Take hardwood cuttings Aug - Sept

Dead head Stonecrop Crimson / Dragon's Blood / Red Carpet (V).

Remove dead flowering stems.

Plant Crocus mixed.

Aug - Oct plant autumn flowering corms, under chickenwire to prevent squirrels digging them up.

Prune Honeysuckle [SV].

Prune ... honeysuckles that flower early in the season, on short side shoots on the previous year's growth should be pruned back by about one-third in late summer immediately after flowering.

Take cuttings Lily of the Valley Bush 'Forest Flame' [V].

Propagate by (softwood cuttings in early summer or) semi-hardwood cuttings in late summer. Some bottom heat may be required

Take cuttings Penstemon 'Garnet' [V].

See previous notes

Trim Leyland Cypress [V].

end of growing season trim

Trim Phlox.

See previous reminder

Spray Rose ... Hybrid tea yellow [V].

spray fortnightly against greenfly and blackspot. etc.

Spray Rose .... Hybrid tea 'Whisky Mac' [V].

Spray fortnightly against greenfly and blackspot. etc.

Spray Rose ... Hybrid Tea 'Peace' (V).

Spray fortnightly against greenfly and blackspot. etc.

Spray Rose ... Patio pink 'The Fairy'? [V].

See previous reminders

Spray Rose climber 'Leaping Salmon' [V].

May – Aug: See previous reminder

Rest Amaryllis [V].

See previous reminder

Prune Wild Cherry [S].

See previous reminder

Trim Lady's Mantle [S &V].

See previous reminder

Trim Rock Rose.

See previous reminders

Tidy Forget-me-not [V+B].

Remove dead heads. [Pull up and discard plants in late summer once plants have begun to whither.]

Tidy Forget-me-not [V+B].

remove dead heads. [Pull up and discard plants in late summer once plants have begun to whither.]

Divide Bearded Iris [V].

Late summer is the best time to move or divide most forms. When dividing the rhizome, keep the young, vigorous parts and discard the old. Water the newly planted sections in dry weather in their first season after transplanting, to help them establish new root systems.

Divide Chamois Cress [S].

Clumps may be easily divided in late summer.

Divide Garden Auricula [V].

auriculas produce plantlets from the side of their tap roots, which should be detached and potted after flowering. August is a good month to do this.

Prune Rose ... 'Rambling Rector' [S].

When supports have been covered, thin and shorten excessive growth by removing one in three of the oldest stems entirely
If space is restricted, prune out all stems that have flowered and tie new ones in to take their place
Finish by shortening side shoots by about two-thirds

Prune Serbian Bellflower [campanula].

Cut back after flowering to maintain compact shape

Take cuttings Sweet Potato Vine Blacky [S].

take cuttings in late summer and root them indoors in vermiculite or perlite.

Take cuttings Yew [V].

Aug - Sept

Mulch Cyclamen coum [V].

mulch well when leaves wither

Take cuttings Mexican Orange Blossom [V].

Propagate from semi-ripe cuttings taken in mid August.

Harvest Apple Family Tree [V].

Harvest 'Discovery' apples

Harvest Potato maincrop [V].

4th batch [planted mid May] may be ready for lifting

Check roses for disease, spray if necessary.

Prune Firethorn [V].

Prune in mid spring or LATE SUMMER .... see previous notes.

Take cuttings Aubretia 'Dr. Mules Variegata' [V].

Cuttings can be taken, and ideally these need to have three inches of brown stem below the rosette of foliage. The technique is to tug them away with a heel rather than cut them. This can be done in September and October (when the cushion of foliage is dense), or in late summer. A cold frame is ideal as it keeps the root cool.

Harvest Tomato - beefsteak.

When cropping slows in early autumn, gather green fruits and kept in a warm, dark place to ripen.
Dispose of plants.

Harvest Apple Family Tree [V].

Harvest mid season apples

Divide Knotweed [V+S].

Divide clumps in AUTUMN or spring

Tidy Hollyhocks [B,V,S].

When the flower spikes are past, the stems may be cut down to within a few inches of the ground.

Harvest Damson.

Fruit for eating are best left to completely ripen on the tree. Harvesting takes place between September and October depending on the cultivar.
Fruit for preserving are best harvested slightly early.

Divide New Zealand Satin Flower [S.V.].

Divide congested plants in (spring or) Autumn.

Plant Glory of the Snow.

Plant more to top up stock.

Prune Rosemary [V].

Prune the plant every autumn to keep the plant to the ideal size for your garden.

Trim Cotoneaster [S].

In autumn trim back lightly any branches that obscure the display of fruit.

Divide Corydalis Purple Leaf.

divide plants: September to November

Increase length of Lawn [S+V].

Autumn is here so decrease the frequency of mowing and gradually increase the height of the cut.

Scarify & aerate Lawn [S+V].

See previous notes

Feed Lawn [S+V].

Feed the lawn with an application of autumn lawn feed.
Feeding Your Lawn Naturally:
PHOSPHATE ...Sprinkle a handful of bone meal per square meter (yard) over the lawn in autumn. See previous notes.

Re-seeding or re-turfing is best done early in the autumn - see previous notes.

Brush up autumn leaves.

Divide Sweet Violet [V].

Divide clumps in autumn

Mulch St John's Wort / Androsemo [V].

After trimming apply a generous 5cm - 7cm mulch of well-rotted garden compost or manure around the base of the plant.

Take cuttings Holly (Common) [S].

See previous notes

Tidy English Lavender ... 'Hidcote Pink' [V].

Cut back the stalks after the flowers have faded.

Dead head Lavender French ... 'Fathead' [V].

Cut back the stalks after the flowers have faded.

Prune Hazel (hedge) [S + B].

Make it more compact, take out about a third of old wood

Plant Cape Tulip [S].

See previous notes

Mulch Cape Tulip [S].

See previous notes

Divide Ice Plant.

Time to divide plants: September to November

Divide Primrose - native.

divide plants: September to April

Trim Lavender Cotton [V+B].

Trim after flowering.

Tidy Checkerbloom 'Party Girl' [V].

Cut back old stems and foliage in autumn.

Fertilise Rhubarb 'Timperley Early' [V].

dig in a good amount of well-rotted garden compost or manure every autumn.

Repot Colorado Blue Spruce [V Christmas tree].

... into a slightly larger pot with J.I. no.2 if showing signs of being pot-bound.

Divide Coral Flower [Heuchera][V].

See previous notes

Take cuttings Potentilla [Cinquefoil] 'Abbotswood' [V].

Take semi-ripe cuttings.

Dead head Coneflower (Echinacea)[S,V].

In autumn cut back all dead flower stems to the ground.

Prune Red Currant.

Sept - Nov .... see previous notes

Tidy Cranesbill G.'Johnson's Blue' [B,S,V].

Cut back when foliage dies back in autumn to encourage new growth in spring.

Take cuttings Honeysuckle [SV].

Evergreens take well from hardwood cuttings, about 20-30cm (8-12in) long, from autumn to mid-winter.

Mulch Bleeding Heart [V & S].

Apply a mulch in autumn

Leave flower heads Sea Holly [V+S].

Do not cut back the flowerheads in autumn, they provide interest in the winter garden.

Tidy Vegetable Asparagus [V].

See previous notes

Mulch Bleeding Heart - white [S].

See previous notes

Mulch + protect Herb - Bay tree [V].

See previous notes

Divide Lungwort [V].

Lift and divide large clumps every three to five years after flowering or in autumn.

Tidy & mulch Penstemon 'Garnet' [V].

See previous notes

Tidy & mulch Penstamon 'Sour Grapes' [V].

See notes for Penstamon 'Garnet'

Divide African Lily [V].

They may be propagated from offsets or by dividing the rootstock in (early spring or) Autumn

Trim Hawthorn [S+V].

Sept - Nov ... tidy hedge sides when they become ragged & level top.

Replenish strawberries.

to maintain stock

Prune Rose... Climber 'Handel' [V].

Sept – Nov: Prune after the flowers start to fade. First remove dead, diseased or dying branches.
Tie in any new shoots and remove any really old branches if the plant is heavily congested - this will stimulate new growth.
Prune side branches growing from the main framework, cutting them back to leave two to three leaf buds.

Prune Rose climber 'Leaping Salmon' [V].

Sept – Nov: Prune after the flowers start to fade. First remove dead, diseased or dying branches.
Tie in any new shoots and remove any really old branches if the plant is heavily congested - this will stimulate new growth.
Prune side branches growing from the main framework, cutting them back to leave two to three leaf buds.

Feed Worcesterberry 'Hinnonmaki Rod'[V].

Sept: Feed ... a couple of handfuls of bonemeal should be all that is needed.

Harvest Fruit: Apple -Cooker Bramley [V].

Early Sept to late October

Remove Veg: Tomato [Cherry].

When cropping slows in early autumn, gather green fruits and kept in a warm, dark place to ripen.
Dispose of plants.

Remove Veg: Tomato [Plum] .

When cropping slows in early autumn, gather green fruits and kept in a warm, dark place to ripen.
Dispose of plants.

Divide Geum 'Lady Stratheden'.

dig up in (spring or) autumn and break up into separate plants each with roots. Plant out straight away. Discard old weak parts.

Divide & mulch Lily of the Valley [V+S].

Divide and replant congested colonies in September, applying a generous mulch of composted leaf mould around the base of the plant.

Lift & repot/plant African Corn Lily [V].

For late spring or early-summer flowering, plant ixias between September and November, five to seven corms to a 6-in. pot 3 in. deep and 3 in. apart in a mixture of sand, leafmould and good garden soil and in a sunny position . The pots should then be buried to their rims in peat or ashes protected from frost by glass or straw in a frame or in the shelter of a wall where they can be left undisturbed. Ixia need a covering of leaf mould or compost during the winter which should be removed when new shoots appear in the Spring.

Lift & plant/repot Baboon Flower [V].

They will need lifting in autumn for storing in a frost free position. Plant corms in autumn, about 8-15cm (3-6 in) deep and 3-5 cm (1-2 in) apart. Plant into John Innes No 2 compost and grow on under glass in full light and allowed to winter grow. PLANT IN BAY POT?

Divide Ornamental Onion.

divide Sept - Oct

Tidy, divide & mulch Astilbe / False Goatsbeard [V+S].

Cut back in Autumn and mulch / divide if congested.

Tidy & divide Coneflower (Echinacea)[S,V].

Sept – Nov: Cut back all dead flower stems to the ground.
Lift and divide congested colonies in autumn (or spring).

Mulch Peruvian Lily.

In autumn provide a dry mulch of bracken or bark chippings to help protect the crowns.

Pot up Water Hyacinth.

See previous reminder

Divide Black-eyed Susan.


Return indoors Easter Cactus.

In autumn it must be brought indoors

Trim Geranium 'Memories' .

Clip plants lightly after flowering is over, to promote bushy growth from the middle.

Sow Greater Knapweed.

September - November or March - May

Sow Incarvillea 'Snow White' [S].

plant seeds: September to May

Divide Incarvillea 'Snow White' [S].

divide plants: September to October

Sow Laurentia 'Stargazer' mixed [Shooting Star].

For earliest flowers from early June onwards sow September/October and over winter under glass

Divide Male Fern.

Time to divide plants: September to May

Divide Mint variegated apple.

See previous reminder

Sow Monkey Flower 'Highland Red' [Vistabile].

Propagate annuals and all species by seed in autumn (or early spring).

Lift Pelargonium - zonal [V].

Lift and pot those growing in the soil before the first autumn frosts. See plant notes

Prune loganberry.

To reduce disease infection from the older canes, the young canes are trained fan-wise on the opposite side from the old canes. The two ages of cane occupy alternate sides annually. Ten to 12 fruiting canes are retained per plant. Fruiting is on one-year-old canes, which are cut down to ground level in October after fruit harvest.

Propagate Serbian Bellflower [campanula].

divide in (spring or) autumn

Sow indoors Sweet Pea [V].

In the Midlands and the South of the UK consider planting seeds now.

Sow Sweet Pea Everlasting [V].

Plant seeds Sept-Oct about 1/2 inch deep and 4 to 6 inches apart. Thin them so that the remaining plants are about 8 inches apart when they germinate, which takes 14 to 21 days.

Tidy Veronica / Speedwell .... pink.

Remove faded flower-stems in autumn.

Divide Veronica / Speedwell .... pink.

divide tired clumps in autumn to propagate.

Divide Periwinkle [S+winter baskets].

Sept - May propagate by division

Lift Tiger Flower.

dig up again in autumn for storing in a dry frost-free place.

Deadhead Coreopsis 'Early Sunrise' (Tickseed) [V].

In late September, cut them right back again.

Plant Crocus mixed.

Late Sept - Nov plant spring flowering corms.

Return indoors Houseplant Jerusalem (Christmas) Cherry [V].

bring them back indoors in autumn before the first frosts

Lift Peacock orchid (Acidanthera) [S,V].

lift once the first frosts have browned the foliage and, kept dry, through the winter

Prune Worcesterberry 'Hinnonmaki Rod'[V].

prune back the previous years growth to two buds. Prune out any shoots that are growing into the centre of the bush, and cut back leaders by one-third.

Bring indoors before the first frost Hawaiian Heather ... pink [V].

Bring indoors before the first frost

Lift Hawaiian Heather ... white [S].

Bring indoors before the first frost

Harvest Apple Family Tree [V].

Harvest 'Cox' apples

Mulch Rhubarb 'Timperley Early' [V].

A covering of leaves from Oct. to Feb. will help in winter

Lift Begonia - tuberous Pastel Cascade Mixed [V].

see previous notes

Mulch New Zealand Satin Flower [S.V.].

Protect using a thick, dry mulch, eg. shredded bark.

Divide Coreopsis 'Early Sunrise' (Tickseed) [V].

Divide C. grandiflora and its cultivars every two or three years, otherwise risk losing them in winter. [ due 2013 but overwinter portion in greenhouse]

Mulch Lobelia 'Queen Victoria' [V].

Most of perennial Lobelias are not 100% frost hardy and will need protection during the winter months by covering the soil with leaf mould or peat.

Divide Lavender Cotton [V+B].

Divide in [spring or] autumn. See previous reminders

Mulch Red Hot Poker [S+V].

See previous notes

Protect Edelweiss (S).

See previous notes

Protect Cordyline.

See previous notes

Overwinter Helichrysum silver [baskets].

pot up in autumn.

Plant up Winter Hanging/Wall Baskets [S+V].

Overwinter Water Lettuce.

Over winter indoors

Tidy Phlox.

See previous reminder

Divide Phlox.

See previous reminder

Sow Veg: Broad Bean.

Oct-Nov ... see plant notes

Protect Foxglove ....Common [V].

When the leaves die down in fall, cover the base of the plants with fallen leaves or hay.

Rest Easter Cactus.

The plant has period of rest from October to Feb. During this period it prefers a cool place and the soil should be allowed to dry between watering.

Protect Incarvillea 'Snow White' [S].

Cover them with mulch or compost. (Alternatively, dig up the bulbs and store them in a cool, dry place during the cold season.)

Protect Japanese Holly Fern .

Protect over winter

Protect Nerine.

bring them indoors when the first frost is forecast.

Lift Peruvian Daffodil (Spider Lily) [V+S].

Remove the Ismene bulbs from the soil after the last foliage turns yellow and before the first frost.
Remove the yellow foliage from the Ismene bulbs.
Allow the bulbs to air dry for several days so the bulbs do not rot during storage.
Store the Ismene bulbs in a cool, dry place until the next planting season.

Move indoors Primula Orchid Primrose.

overwinter in a cold greenhouse with no water given.

Lift Sweet Potato Vine Blacky [S].

Dig up tubers, and clean and store them in dry peat moss for planting the following year Move container-grown sweet potato vines indoors during the winter, or allow them to die back outdoors with the first frosts of winter.

Clip Yew [Vistabile].

gently clipping in April, July and October

Overwinter Dahlia [V].

Cut plants to the ground after the first frosts have blackened the foliage. carefully prise plants out of the soil
Dry off naturally and then clean away any soil clinging to the tubers. Trim stems to 15-20cm (6-8in). Trim off any fine roots.
Place tubers in shallow wooden boxes or open trays and pack with a peat-free compost or dry sand, just covering the tubers but leaving the crown exposed
Store in a dry, cool, frost-free place.

Net Worcesterberry 'Hinnonmaki Rod'[V].

Hungry bullfinches feed on the gooseberry buds in winter, so use netting to keep them at bay.

Take cuttings Cotoneaster [S].

Cuttings of mature wood of the current year's growth, preferably with a heel, November in a frame.

Tidy Siberian [water] Iris [V].

In late Autumn, removing old leaves is all it needs.

Prune Rose... Climber 'Handel' [V].

See previous notes

Prune Ivy - English [V+S+B].

Keep in check by pruning.

Divide Shasta Daisy 'Snow Lady'.

Divide in early Spring or late AUTUMN, recommended every 3 to 4 years.

Tidy Michaelmas Daisy.

cut back old flowering stems to ground level.

Mulch Michaelmas Daisy.

...... and apply a generous mulch of well-rotted garden compost or horse manure around the base of the plant.

Plant Tulip dwarf Red Riding Hood [V].

Plant bulbs to increase/maintain stock

Plant Tulips 'Shirley' Feathered Edged + simple [V].

Plant bulbs to increase/maintain stock

Feed Hseplant: Crown of Thorns [V].

In winter, feed monthly balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half.

Tidy Double Peony [V].

Cut back old stems in late autumn with a pair of secateurs, as pulling the stems can damage the buds underground.

Lift Gladioli.

In late autumn, lift the corms and dry them off.
see previous notes.

Divide Bugle [S+V].

To rejuvenate and minimise congestion lift and divide clumps in late-autumn (or early spring) every two years.

Take cuttings Phlox.

See previous reminder

Prune Blackcurrant [V].

Nov – Feb: Prune ... Blackcurrant bushes need constant renewal to ensure heavy crops. Older branches will bear fruit, but quantity and quality decline with age. For this reason new bushes are planted deeply so that the plant produces vigorous young branches annually from below ground. These are then used to replace older ones cut out after harvest.
Each year remove about one third of the oldest stems - the bark is very dark to the point of being black - and any that are weak or very low. Always cut back to ground level or to a strong new shoot. [Combine pruning with picking the fruit, or] wait until winter.

Revive Amaryllis [V].

See previous reminder

Winter dress African Corn Lily [V].

Add protection ... Ixia need a covering of leaf mould or compost during the winter

Mulch Rhododendron 'Molten Gold'.

Mulch with an acid organic material in winter.

Take hardwood cuttings Weigela [V].

See previous reminder

Mist Houseplant Dragon Tree [V].

avoid dry atmosphere in winter by misting

Prune Rose ... 'Rambling Rector' [S].

Renovate late Autumn to late Winter

Sow indoors Snapdragon (Vistabile).

Sow Nov-May, January to March is the main sowing season.

Water sparingly Streptocarpus 'Caitlin'.

Winter watering: they only need to be kept JUST MOIST

Propagate Summer Snowflake / Loddon Lily.

Propagate by offsets after the leaves have died down

Sow in lobby Sweet Pea [V].

Plant seeds Nov-Feb in temps about 60'F. Aim for strong compact plants so bring them up 'hard.' Keep them in a coldframe (or a cold greenhouse if you do not have access to a coldframe). Don't coddle them and keep the lights open as much as possible. Close and lag if bad weather is forecast.

Take cuttings Tamarisk.

Propagate by (semi-hardwood cuttings in summer or) hardwood cuttings in winter.

Prune WhiteBeam / Chess Apple tree.

Requires minimal pruning. Remove any broken, diseased or crossing branches in late autumn or winter.

Reduce watering Wandering Jew.

water infrequently in winter.

Overwinter Olive [V].

move into a cold conservatory, porch or greenhouse over winter.

Reduce watering Olive [V].

but don’t let the compost from dry out completely.

Due about 11 years ago:

Take cuttings Escallonia 'Apple Blossom' [VS].

Cuttings of mature wood in winter. Very easy, just plant the cuttings direct into their final positions, about 95% usually take. Keep them moist in a dry spring.

Divide Astilbe / False Goatsbeard [V.S.B.].

In Winter or early Spring lift and divide large clumps every three or four years, discarding old, woody rhizomes

Prune Boston (Virginia) Creeper [V].

rune in early winter. Pay particular attention to stems that are encroaching on windows, guttering or roofs.

Prune Ox-eye Daisy 'May Queen' [S].

Cut stems down to the ground in winter.

Prune Red Currant.

Prune bushes by removing diseased or very old branches in winter, see plant notes

Feed Houseplant Paintbrush [V].

Apply liquid fertiliser monthly

Prune Fruit: Apple -Cooker Bramley [V].

Dec – Feb: Remove damaged or crossing branches during the dormant season

Feed Amaryllis [V].

See previous reminder

Feed Hawaiian Heather ... white [S].

... with liquid fertiliser during winter months,

Acclimatise Colorado Blue Spruce [V Christmas tree].

Remove pot to sheltered spot & water well.

Prepare for christmas Colorado Blue Spruce [V Christmas tree].

Display and decorate for Christmas

Prune Climbing Hydrangea.

Remove unwanted stems.

Feed Houseplant Paintbrush [V].

Apply liquid fertiliser monthly

Prune Ornamental Grape Vine.

Prune in mid-winter, cutting back to fit the available space,

Prune Apple Family Tree [V].

Remove damaged or crossing branches ... see notes

Chit Potato Early 'Pentland Javelin.

See previous notes

Chit Potato maincrop [V].

See previou notes

Feed Baboon Flower [V].

Apply a weak, balanced liquid fertiliser every 3 weeks before flowering.

Rest Christmas Cactus [V].

Give a cool, fairly dry rest period after flowering.

Acclimatise Colorado Blue Spruce [V Christmas tree].

After Christmas keep in a sheltered spot in the garden (maybe porch?) for at least a month to acclimatise to being outside again.

Plant Potato Early 'Pentland Javelin' [V].

Plant three potatoes to a 25cm(10") pot filled with potting compost in late January or early February if there is some heat in the greenhouse[ or maybe lobby/PORCH], or late February in a cold greenhouse. By the middle of April the young potatoes should be ready for eating - during May for those in an unheated greenhouse.

Sink pot Colorado Blue Spruce [V Christmas tree].

... in suitable position in the garden.

Feed Rose... Climber 'Handel' [V].

See previous reminder

Feed Rose... Climber 'Handel' [V].

Feb -Mar apply top - dressing of granular rose food each year.

Feed Rose... Rambler [V].

Apply top - dressing of granular rose food in late winter / early spring each year.

Feed Rose ... Hybrid tea yellow [V].

See previous notes

Top dress Rose .... Hybrid tea 'Whisky Mac' [V].

apply granular rose food in late winter / early spring each year.

Feed Rose ... Hybrid Tea 'Peace' (V).

apply granular rose food in late winter / early spring each year.

Feed Rose ... Patio pink 'The Fairy'? [V].

See previous reminders

Feed Rose climber 'Leaping Salmon' [V].

Feb – Mar: Top dress ... apply granular rose food in late winter / early spring each year.

Feed Rose ... Patio Climber 'Love Knot' (?) [V].

See previous reminders

Mulch Clematis [V].

See previous reminders

Plant Potato Early 'Pentland Javelin' [V].

Plant three potatoes to a 25cm(10") pot filled with potting compost in late January or early February if there is some heat in the greenhouse[ or maybe lobby/PORCH], or late February in a cold greenhouse. By the middle of April the young potatoes should be ready for eating - during May for those in an unheated greenhouse.

Sow Lobelia.

Sow seeds Feb - Apr

Feed Houseplant Paintbrush [V].

Apply liquid fertiliser monthly

Take cuttings Christmas Cactus [V+S].

See previous notes

Plant Potato Early 'Pentland Javelin' [V].

Plant three potatoes to a 25cm(10") pot filled with potting compost in late January or early February if there is some heat in the greenhouse[ or maybe lobby/PORCH], or late February in a cold greenhouse. By the middle of April the young potatoes should be ready for eating - during May for those in an unheated greenhouse.

Due almost 11 years ago:

Prune Rose ... Hybrid Tea 'Peace' (V).

See previous reminders

Feed Fruit: Apple -Cooker Bramley [V].

See previous reminder

Feed Apple Family Tree [V].

See previous reminder

Prune Rose ... Hybrid tea yellow [V].

See previous notes

Prune Rose .... Hybrid tea 'Whisky Mac' [V].

See previous reminders

Prune Rose ... Hybrid Tea 'Peace' (V).

See previous reminders

Plan summer hanging baskets.

Choice of Plants
Decide if you want a colour theme; multi coloured baskets tend to be most colourful, with a good contrast between splashes of blues against yellows and reds, or whites in amongst purples and oranges standing out well. It is very important to understand the growing habits of the different plants; you need truly hanging plants for the very base of the basket, eg. surfinia petunias, verbena, nepeta, covolvulus, lysimachia nummularia aurea goldilocks - better known as creeping jenny, or for lovely silver foliage try Dichondra Silver Falls. Above these, a mix of two different growth habits, the plants that grow out horizontally and produce the width of the basket, eg.scaevola, bidens (although you would do well to get the shorter varieties), any of the helichrysiums for foliage colour or trailing ivy leaved geraniums - the continental varieties are great for this as they produce a true mass of flowers; don't overdo these "horizontal growers", 2 or3 at the most, otherwise they can look a mess! Among these use shorter and more compact basket plants such as million bells, diascia, bacopa, the lovely orange anagalis sunrise and for a splash of vibrant colour some busy lizzies. Finally for the top of the basket some of the best plants to use are trailing fiberouse rooted begonias, or their upright cousins - the Non Stop begonias, alternatively upright or semi trailing fuchsia can make a good centerpiece. The remainder of the top is a good place to plant either more busy lizzy, or trailing lobelia around the edge.

Prune Rose ... Patio Climber 'Love Knot' (?) [V].

Prune lightly in Spring

Prune Clematis [V].

See previous reminders

Prune & train Passion Flower [V].

See previous reminder

Divide New Zealand Satin Flower [S.V.].

Divide congested plants in Spring (or autumn).

Divide Houseplant Paintbrush [V].

Separate offset bulbs each with a good supply of roots. See plant notes.

Take cuttings Pelargonium - zonal [V].

take softwood cuttings from spring to autumn.

Prune Houseplant Jerusalem (Christmas) Cherry [V].

See previous notes

Divide Bulrush.

Lift and divide congested clumps in spring

Divide Water Lily.

dividing every five years or so, in the spring

Feed Olive [V].

feed each spring with a fertiliser, such as Vitax Q4.

Prune Olive [V].

If needed, in spring, remove dead, diseased or dying branches. At the same time, thin out branches to allow light into the centre of the tree and remove any branches that spoil the shape

1st cut Lawn [S+V].

See previous reminders

Pot on young plants Hebe.

Young plants should be potted up in the spring. Remove the growing tip to induce a more bushy plant.

Due over 10 years ago:

Divide Rhubarb 'Victoria'.

thin, weak stems may also indicate that the crowns have become overcrowded and need dividing. Divide crowns every five or six years. Lift them when dormant, usually by November, using a fork to avoid damaging the thick roots.

Then, using a spade, split the crown into sections with a healthy portion of thick root and at least one strong bud; discard old or decayed material. Replant or wrap in damp sacking until ready to plant.

You can divide rhubarb anytime from November until early March. Cultivate the soil deeply, adding plenty of well-rotted farmyard manure. Drainage is important and as the crop will be there for a number of years, eradicate all perennial weeds prior to planting. Plant the crown with the growing point at, or just below, the soil surface. On wetter soils plant the bud just above the soil to prevent rotting. Space plants 1m (3ft) apart, with 1-1.8m (3-6ft) between rows.

Due almost 10 years ago:

Repot Herb - Bay tree [V].

Repot every two to three years in well-drained andfertile soil.

Due almost 9 years ago:

Harvest Vegetable Asparagus [V].

See new main notes

Due over 5 years ago:

Worm casts may become a problem at this time of year. if the problem is bad, treat with derris - this is a great month to scarify the lawn and follow it up with spiking to aerate the soil below the lawn. Lawn [S+V].

increase length of grass autumn is here so decrease the frequency of mowing and gradually increase the height of the cut. Lawn [S+V].

feed the lawn with an application of autumn lawn feed. re-seeding or re-turfing is best done early in the autumn - the ground is still warm from the summer but is also moist. brush up autumn leaves. Lawn [S+V].

Divide primrose - native. divide plants: september to april Primrose - native.

They also need a dry, dormant season, so once the leaves begin to die back in late summer, stop watering and allow the foliage to shrivel. keep the bulb (still in its pot) completely dry in the garden shed or under a greenhouse bench until early winter. Amaryllis [V].

Cut back growth to ground in autumn and mulch with 2 - 3 inches of compost every few years. Cranesbill .

When it begins to die back in the fall, reduce watering until it's died completely, then suspend watering and keep the rhizome in a cool, dry place. Achimenes.

Plant forcing bulbs in bowls for post christmas display indoors. keep in cool, dark place for about 10 weeks. Hyacinth.

Withhold watering and let the plants gradually dry out. they may die back as a result keeping them in their pots, place the plants in a cool place, such as a greenhouse or garage (light is not necessary), for one to two months Amaryllis [V].

Gently clipping in april, july and october Yew [V].

Hardwood cuttings mid autumn - late winter Jasmine pink.

Start them back into growth by bringing them indoors into the light and resuming watering and feeding Amaryllis [V].

Due about 5 years ago:

When pruning this tree, focus on thinning the crown to allow more air and light to penetrate the upper branches, and removing any dead or diseased branches. see plant notes Norway Maple ...variegated [V].

Re-pot every two or three years in january to march after flowering Amaryllis [V].

To ensure your amaryllis bulbs flower next year, you need to encourage the foliage to photosynthesise as long as possible. these plants are not hardy so don't plant them out in the garden. cut the old flower spikes down but leave the foliage. keep them s Amaryllis [V].

Due almost 5 years ago:

1st cut mid month, rake up all the rubbish on the surface of the lawn. make the first cut of the season when the weather conditions are dry. the first of the new season should just 'top' the grass - cutting off too much of the grass could damage it this Lawn [S+V].

feed the lawn with an application of spring lawn feed. the best feeds contain some long-lasting nitrogen fertiliser. mid spring is the best time for applying a weed killer or weed and feed. if moss is a problem, use a good brand of lawn sand and rake u Lawn [S+V].

Divide Blanketflower [V].

increased by division in spring, replanting pieces into a new position.

Divide Stork/ Heron's Bill.

Divide congested colonies in spring

Rake lawn .... rake up the dead moss ( fortnight after treatment) Lawn [S+V].

divide dogs' tooth violet [erythronium] Dog's Tooth Violet 'White Beauty'.

Divide May - June immediately after flowering & before foliage dies backbut only if absolutely necessary.

Due over 4 years ago:

After flowering remove old and over-crowded shoots. Jasmine pink.

buy bulbs for forcing hyacinth. Hyacinth.